new to forum....introduce question...:)


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys! I have to say, this is a damn cool site. Man, my buddy showed it to me and i have just been soaking up all the info for the past few weeks. The advice is excellent (in general), and it is great to find a place where us guys can talk about stuff that is important (seems to be women) to us. Anyway, this might be a bit of a long post, but here goes...ill give some info about myself first.

First off, im 29 years old, and most of my life i would like to think i have been pretty successful with women. I have had many steady girlfriends and have had sex with more than i can count on two hands. Not that that is something to totally brag about, but i digress. As you can see from my nick, I am ****y. I have been called an a**hole (almost always in a funny, endearing way) by most people i know. I wont brag, but i have the gift of gab and i am not ashamed to use it. All of my friends, and most people i know, are jealous of my conversational ability and wicked, sharp humor. Women usually do 2 things with me, laugh (a lot, as i said, i am very funny...again, not to brag) and secretly 'hate' my 'attitude'. Which, from what i have read in the 'Bible' and Pook's posts, is a 'good thing'.

I also would like to think (and, again, i have been told) that i am good looking ( i would rate myself about a 8.5) and well dressed. I am tall, blonde, blue eyed, with a thinner build (6'2" 165).Again, just a reminder, im not bragging at all.....i am not a huge self promoter, and im sure there are people on this forum who are worse ;) Anyway......i guess i should ask my question then huh? goes.....back in April i met a chick (formally for the first time, but we have seen each other and talked many times before), and we exchanged phone numbers (the hook being that she had 'computer problems' and i was knowledgeable) and we started 'hanging out' within a week or so. The first 'date' we had, we went out for dinner, then went for a drive. We clicked INSTANTLY. My sense of humor kept her in stitches, and our conversation flowed like water. We drove down to a river area around my city, away from things, and sat and chatted for a while. She told me she was just getting divorce papers because her and her husband didnt work out after 3 years ( hopefully im not rambling, i know most of the posts on here are long ;) Anyway, since we hit it off so well, she jumped on me and we started making out big time........

.......This continued to her place, where we sat and stared into each other's eyes and caressed and kissed until like 5 in the morning. It was like nothing i have ever experienced, and again, i HAVE plenty of experience ( i might also add, that she mentioned to me later on that she was at work one day and swooned so bad when she thought about kissing me that she almost collapsed:). So, this happened 2 nights in a row. And then she started telling me how she wasnt sure, yada yada (FYI: her divorce STILL isnt final...although she assures me 'it is SO over')......and i was thinking......****ydude.....WTF......did you just get used? fast forward over the last few months. We chat on MSN, talk on the phone occasionally, we went out to a play a couple weeks ago. We also watched a movie at her place a couple weeks ago (here is the meat of the post), and all night, she was dropping signals like no tomorrow....putting her hand near mine on the couch......joking about kissing and making out.....and i KNEW what was going, im not going to say i pulled an AFC, because i wasnt focusing on the movie, i was sitting there thinking what the possible outcomes could be if i jumped her (besides the sex part), and not that it scared me, but......her qualities make her real relationship material for me......and that is what i am looking for (and apparently, she is as well), these type of things happen somewhat regularly with us, in all is like an exciting game of chess.

I have confessed to her a little while back that i am crazy about her.....and she says she feels the same things, but then says she isnt sure about what she feels in 'her heart'.... but she is obviously in a position (divorce and all)....and how that can make her life situation more difficult is up for debate. So (finally, you all say!!), my question is........and dont AFC flame me for this..... :) but, it would seem to me that she has bigtime feelings for me (she has very obviously stated it in a few ways, but then again, like a woman, changes them here and there)

QUESTION!! IS IT POSSIBLE to salvage a killer relationship out of this 'friendship' we are having......because the tension is there......i know we both want it.....but she (obviously) makes it a little less clear. WHEW!!!!! Okay, thanks guys for reading my little story :) I now open up the floor for the debate :) And ill try to make future posts a little less lengthy ;)
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Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Miami, FL
a few things

1) on the right hand side of your pinky, there is a big L-shaped button that has the word "enter" or "return" on it. please use it.

2) i'm jealous, and I hate you. bytch.

3) make her your great friend with benefits or just consider a STR (short term relationship)

4) no seriously, i hate you


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
great that you found this site

a few tips about this forum

1.) use the search button
2.) read the bible (you say that you are already doing that so excellent)
3.) use paragraphs


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2004
Reaction score
49 edited. Sometimes i tend to ramble, and yes, forget where the enter key is ;) So, any more opinions?

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Yes there are other options.

read how to escape the friend zone by a DJ name Mr. Fingers

ok now to help you :D

stop telling her how much you like her etc.

start touching her in a playful / sexual way ... KINO look it up in the DJ Bible

stop spending time talking to her for hours and hours about her divorce / ex bf / abused whatever....

limit phone calls to very short ie. 5 mins max


where we sat and stared into each other's eyes and caressed and kissed until like 5 in the morning

no sex ? wtf ? she thinking you gay ?

And then she started telling me how she wasnt sure, yada yada (FYI: her divorce STILL isnt final...although she assures me 'it is SO over')......and i was thinking......****ydude.....WTF......did you just get used?

she just placed you in the friends box cause you didn't act like a man ( who cares about her divorce, she wants you, she kissed you, you took it slower then she apparently is looking for ) so she put you in the friends box.


it is like an exciting game of chess.

bro, she is playing chess YOU ARE PLAYING CHECKERS !

lol read Mr. Fingers thread and start playing chess

Lost In Translation


Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“ the 'pimp' mentality works today because you are living in a time such that there are an overabundance if hors - this is the Pimps playground!! Pimps and hors go together like bread and butter - they are complementary natures!!! Pimps need hors like hors need pimps!! “


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Hi ****ydude,

My tips are the following:

1. Dont misuse ellipses. (Ellipses are the ....... in your post.) They aren't necessary in every paragraph.

2. Try avoiding this chick for the next week or two. While you're doing so, read the DJ Bible, Weapons of Mass Seduction, and the articles found through the "Hall of Fame" link on the main page.

Best of luck.


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure I know who this is, because I believe I am the 'buddy' (roomate actually) who mentioned this site to him. And yes I am friends with the same girl, and yes I came to this site because of said same girl. Though my reasons were to get over her rather than want a relationship with her (I know a failed mission when I see one :p)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
You certainly sound ****y, which is fine, but clearly that does not equate to being good with women.

Once you get them (which probably isn't hard for you), you start acting like a wuss and it drives them away. Try as they might, they cannot stay attracted to your wussy ass. Well that is at least what happened here.

You need to start being a man and actually try to KISS her or *shock* even touch her vagina! :eek:

Stop being Captain Wussfriend.

P.S. I'm not normally this rough on a new poster, but you asked for it :)
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by ****ydude
since we hit it off so well, she jumped on me and we started making out big time........

(FYI: her divorce STILL isnt final...although she assures me 'it is SO over')......
You are playing with a married hor!!!!! Never believe what a woman says, look at what she does!!!!



Don Juan
Sep 29, 2004
Reaction score
Heh.....thanks for the replies guys :) So ok, let me address what yall have brought up. First:

Lost in Translation: Thanks for the links.....dont worry, ive been soakin' up the readin' like no tomorrow :)

where we sat and stared into each other's eyes and caressed and kissed until like 5 in the morning
no sex ? wtf ? she thinking you gay ?
Ok, the reason was.....there was a huge connection between us that went way beyond sex. That wasnt my only thought at that particular moment (although it was there, never fear). I feel that connection every time we lock gazes (which happens EVERY time we are together, repeatedly).

And then she started telling me how she wasnt sure, yada yada (FYI: her divorce STILL isnt final...although she assures me 'it is SO over')......and i was thinking......****ydude.....WTF......did you just get used?
she just placed you in the friends box cause you didn't act like a man ( who cares about her divorce, she wants you, she kissed you, you took it slower then she apparently is looking for ) so she put you in the friends box.
Ok......fair enough....although, again, the evidence points (very often) to the opposite being true. I was being careful coz she was JUST GETTING DIVORCED ;)

As for the chess/checkers comment, i didnt really follow, but hey, its all good!

You certainly sound ****y, which is fine, but clearly that does not equate to being good with women.
Once you get them (which probably isn't hard for you), you start acting like a wuss and it drives them away. Try as they might, they cannot stay attracted to your wussy ass. Well that is at least what happened here.
Point taken. There is a possibility that has happened to a certain degree. Either way, thanks for the reminder :)

Thanks for all the opinions guys, much appreciated. Basically i came here for a couple reasons. One, because the site is a wicked resource for us guys in general, for everything relating to a man's life. And two, i wouldnt consider myself a Master DJ by any stretch, but im definitely not the average AFC who cant score with women regularly. I was looking for info on how to put more suave in my game, and i found it. Funny how you think you know it all sometimes :)