New member w/ old situation to recover a friend/former interest.


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
So, let me say, I am new to this forum. I found it about a week ago. I'm 27. Single since Feb.

Now, the situation I'm gonna briefly describe happened several months ago. At this point, I wouldn't mind regaining a friend.

Thanks in advance.

So, me and my ex broke up in Feb.

This other girl, used to date a friend/roommate of mine probably 6 years ago and that was for less than a year. She broke up w/ him.

Me and her had fairly limited contact, and were never friends, but I think she knew me better than I knew her cause my friend prob talked about me, talked me up at times.

Anyway, so I randomly IMed this chick prob back in March just to say hello.

We got to chatting a lot online during the day. She always seemed flirty and we went for a walk in the park about a week later, which lead to dinner, and a hug goodnight.

Over the course of the next month to month and a half, we would talk online almost every day, a LOT. She'd jump on at work in the AM and immediately IM me.

During these weeks, she invited me to her house for lunch one day (I accepted), we went for a walk another time, had early dinner in the park one day after a walk around downtown, and then went for a longer walk at the park that same night, and once, it was late, she calls me and asks me to join her for ice cream downtown (which led to a late night walk around the capitol. She was always so flirty, but yet, she was always busy on the weekends it seemed, and a couple times, we'd sort of have plans to go for a walk, and I got to her work to meet her, and she'd sort of "feel bad" or have forgotten she had something to do, and end up "blowing me off". The first time I let it go, the second time was "enough". In general, this whole early hanging out time felt like we'd known each other for YEARS, just so comfortable, and of course, i liked her.

So, again, during this month or so, I had reached a point of being fed up. Couldn't tell what she wanted from me, if she liked me or what. So, one day, I just called her up and toldher I liked her, and wanted to take her out on a date. She gives me this, "I don't think we have that chemistry, yada yada, but I want us to still be friends.

However, after I "talked" to her, she soon after told me that she would be online less, cause she wasn't getting work done.

Well, that lasted a week, and she was back at the daily chatting.

So, we had plans already made "pretalk" for an event we were attending together, and we kept those plans and it was like nothing had been said. Nothing weird at all.

Well, yada yada, after that event, we didn't talk as much, and I didn't push it, cause I was having trouble hanging around her without liking her anyway.

So, we kinda slowed our talking a bit for like a week. Then she was back at her normal pace and wanted to get lunch together.

By this time, a bit sooner, I realized I had been at her becking call, and I being stupid, and was getting nothing in return, so I had stopped.

So, I made no effort for lunch, I had plans, and didn't mention it, and she'd bring it back up, and after 3 weeks, I finally agreed to go to lunch w/ her on a friday. Well, all that morning she was chatting like normal, and about where we were gonna eat and finally she suggested this place. (It is like a sandwich shop, but known for their very romantic desserts. its like THE nice place to go for after dinner dessert.) (as opposed to a regular lunch place). Then while discussing their super desserts, she suggests that we share one. (as in one plate, 2 spoons, not something I just do with friends, but maybe thats just me) Then she asks if Ill come by and pick her up from work. I ended up going to her work, and we walked from there.

At the lunch, we're at a small 4 chair table, and she sits adjacent, and is all turned toward me, and we're talking and we order our lunch. Then, at her gesture, we end up walking up and checking out and selecting a dessert from the vast choices, which we proceed to share.

Then, as we're just sitting and talking, the check comes. We keep talking, she never gestures to offer anything. We kept talking, and probbaly 15 minutes or more passed, and we were talking away, and she made no effort at all to acknowledge to bill. So, finally, I just got out my wallet and paid and we left. I walked her back to her work, and we said goodbye, had a quick hug, and that was it.

After that, I didn't talk to her. I felt very used, like she really didn't want me as a friend, just her "b^$#h". I thought it was very wrong of her to invite me to lunch, and just leave the bill on my plate so to speak.

After that lunch, a couple days later, she said hello on IM, and I didn't respond. Then a week later, I said hey on Im and she didn't respond and that was it. Didn't hear from her again till she said hello on IM about 2 months later, and I didn't respond. That was about2 months ago, and I just said hello today and she briefly responded.

I think she's a super nice girl, but I dunno what her motives are. As a friend of mine says, it never hurts to have attractive girls as friends, because they have friends, but I dunno.

In summary, I never figured out what all the hanging out, and the walking, and talking was about, nor why she invited me to lunch and then acted like she did, when she is the kind of girl who would give u the shirt off her back if you were cold. She's very religious.

So, should I even attempt communication, and see if I just pick up a friend, now that a lot of time has passed?
Should I tell her why I stopped talking to her if she asks or just tell her, or never say anything?

I dunno.

BTW, like I said, I've recently found this site, and I'm reading now for help, and hoping to learn. I had no clue on a lot of this stuff. I know I did a lot of things wrong w this girl (too much attention) but I never acted like a jackass to her, and just sort of waved her off. I'm here to learn in what ways I can grow and learn, and maybe pick a friend back up since things have settled.



Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Isn't being her girlfriend great :) Chatting, and IM'ing and walking and having lunches together on weekdays. Oh how I miss those days....


ps. You've got one-itis.


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Like I said. I'm new here. I don't know what one-itis means.

I think she's not fully stable. But, like a friend of mine says. Don't throw a girl away for no good reason, because girls have girl(friends). Never know who you'll end up meeting. I'm not interesting in hanging out with her anymore on any sort of regular basis. But, she is a people person and knows seemingly everyone.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Rhizzle said:
So, let me say, I am new to this forum. I found it about a week ago. I'm 27. Single since Feb.

Now, the situation I'm gonna briefly describe happened several months ago. At this point, I wouldn't mind regaining a friend.

Thanks in advance.

So, me and my ex broke up in Feb.

This other girl, used to date a friend/roommate of mine probably 6 years ago and that was for less than a year. She broke up w/ him.

Me and her had fairly limited contact, and were never friends, but I think she knew me better than I knew her cause my friend prob talked about me, talked me up at times.

Anyway, so I randomly IMed this chick prob back in March just to say hello.

We got to chatting a lot online during the day. She always seemed flirty and we went for a walk in the park about a week later, which lead to dinner, and a hug goodnight.

Over the course of the next month to month and a half, we would talk online almost every day, a LOT. She'd jump on at work in the AM and immediately IM me.

During these weeks, she invited me to her house for lunch one day (I accepted), we went for a walk another time, had early dinner in the park one day after a walk around downtown, and then went for a longer walk at the park that same night, and once, it was late, she calls me and asks me to join her for ice cream downtown (which led to a late night walk around the capitol.
So when were you planning on getting romantic with her?

She was always so flirty, but yet, she was always busy on the weekends it seemed, and a couple times, we'd sort of have plans to go for a walk, and I got to her work to meet her, and she'd sort of "feel bad" or have forgotten she had something to do, and end up "blowing me off". The first time I let it go, the second time was "enough". In general, this whole early hanging out time felt like we'd known each other for YEARS, just so comfortable, and of course, i liked her.
You failed to take advantage of her when she GAVE you the opportunity...why is she going to bend her schedule for you on the WEEKENDS?

When she says, "We don't have that kind of chemistry", what she means is that she doesn't look at you in a sexual way. Most likely because you never escalated for fear of "offending" her.

And yes, this IS a deal-breaker.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Rhizzle said:
Like I said. I'm new here. I don't know what one-itis means're going to hear "Read the DJ Bible" and use the "Search Feaure" quite a bit here. Regarding one-its. Put simply, you are neither in a relationship with her nor have you been intimate with her - yet you are still pursuing her across months of time, focusing all of your dating energies on one single target => One-itis!

When you unplug from this feminized socio matrix based thinking [based on years conditioning you were not aware of] and thus become truly aware of your AFC tendencies, mindsets, schemas you will then begin to recognize the onset of One-itis immediately and do what it takes to cure it. One-itis is much akin to a disease (IMHO), unchecked it just gets worse and worse, analyzing and paralyzing yourself over someone who never intends to be intimate with you. Part of your dilema is that you are a man and you are trying to use logic (what you're evolved to do) on a interpersonal problem. It just doesn't work that way. There are other rules. As Rollo says often, learn to play the game better instead of trying to change the rules (which you can not do anyways).

Rhizzle said:
I think she's not fully stable. But, like a friend of mine says. Don't throw a girl away for no good reason, because girls have girl(friends). Never know who you'll end up meeting. I'm not interesting in hanging out with her anymore on any sort of regular basis. But, she is a people person and knows seemingly everyone.
Doesn't matter if she's stable or not - that's a rationalization/justification for the predicament you find yourself in. As for your friend, in certain instances he may be right. However, this girl is tainted. Sorry to say it but she has implicitly LJBF'd you (use the search feature for that acroynm). In her clutch of friends, she'll be sure to tell all of them that she was interested and you never escalated. Basically, she'll tell them (ironically, overtly) that you are a BETA. So why would you want to continue associating with her when she's not interested in intimacy and her perception of you is a guy who's afraid to make a move (and she's tainted her friends too).

It's time to Move Forward with your life (that means fully letting go of this gal). The next woman you meet, spend way less time online or texting or calling and more time together. You'll learn to kino her, use C&F and make intimate moves early. It might seem all wrong, but a woman who is even remotely interested is gonna want you to escalate (ie that first kiss, etc) relatively soon. She'll know you are man enough to risk rejection. She'll feel good about herself. And she'll either push you away (your signal to move on) or she'll pull you in.

Using *friendship* to achieve intimacy is a dead end. Oh yeah, it might work in movies, books and on TV. But that is not real life. Deprogram yourself of these "Buffers to Rejection" (once again, use the search feature on that last phrase).

Welcome to Sosuave. Would you like to take the Red Pill? It won't make your life easier. But you will find the truth (ie awareness) and with that will come a new found responsibility.


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Sinistar, I'm liking U man.

Cool last post.

I think I want the Red Pill.

But in the movie, didn't he take the blue pill? Can't remember.

Anyway, One-itis =Stuck on one girl.

I had one-itis BAD when me and her were talking.

I've not spoken to the girl in 4 months, but she's still a nice person.

Whether she liked me, I dunno.

About half way through all that (which was all of a month and a 3 or so weeks in)....I did initiate.

I initiated some intimate contact, and she drew back. I thougth maybe the timing was bad. But I dunno, maybe this "pill" will someday make all suck situations very clear.

Maybe 3-4 weeks was already too long, maybe she needed somebody after her breakup ( dunno how long before it was...and NOT cool), maybe she liked me and turned it off cause I waited. Who knows. its not my concern at this point.

I was just askin was it worth even communicating w/ her at this point. aka, did my cutting her off for MONTHS possibly change my status and give the hint of being, as you guys put it, Alpha. I can tell you all now, I'm not interested in a "hook-up" w/ her or anyone now. I want more.

Also, in my own defense, this previous situation arose about a month after my breakup (3 yr LTR), so I wasn't all together myself.

Anyway, thanks