new girl, need advice


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
alright here's the story ..

my friend introduced me to this girl he liked. she's reaaal cute. when they broke up, she really was into me, so we talked for a while online & we got together only a couple times. during those times we did almost everything but have sex.

anyway, she lives a distance away. too far if you ask me...a different town, so sometimes i get a little angry when i can't be with her. i can't control her since she's so far away, & we can't hardly ever see each other unless i pay a taxi to see her. how can you have a relationship when you can hardly see her you know?

anyway, i was wondering what you guys think i should do about this whole thing. should i forget about her & look for other girls?

her comp & cell is broken so i don't know how we're suppose to contact each other. it's kind of ridiculous. do you think i should stop sweating her? all i've been doing is thinking about all the times we've said "i love you" & **** & iono...i just don't know how to handle this situation.

when she does get back to me, should i act like i didn't care that she was gone? or ask her why the hell she didn't call me at all today on a different phone or something or what. it kinda makes me mad when she said she would have today.

thnx for reading & i'd like some solid advice plz

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
in front of my computer
ok, first let me just say that long distance relationships barely ever work. if you can make yours work, good for you.

i don't think you should forget her, especially if she's really babalicious ;) but i wouldn't get to hung up about her if i were you. I'd pursue more "local" prospects and keep her on the back burner

plus man, if both her cell AND computer aren't working, she may be trying to avoid you. could be wrong, but you should probably not call her for a week or so. maybe more if your will is stronger then mine.

when she does get back to you, act like you didn't really notice her not calling you, you were "too busy"

thats the situation as i see it

good luck


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Well... Since you love her, then I guess $$$ isn't the main problem! But usually these relationship doesn't last long...

As far as I can see... Both of u can't be bothered to even contact each other! Busy? That's bull s***... Don't tell me that 24hrs, your so that busy? Ha! Then forget about this relationship and start afresh!


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
Alright, let's use an analogy here.

Let's say you're the manager of your baseball team, and your star player is in a terrible slump. I mean this guy is striking out every time at plate, he's dropping fly balls in the outfield, just a total mess. You can tell from all the little signs that he's not really got his mind in the game, that he's not set on breaking out of his slump.
What do you do?
You bench the guy for a while and bring a new player up from the minors and see how the new player performs, you know?

Put this woman on the back burner and bring in another one you've seen/been working on/are interested in. Keep the cycle going. THe one you got now looks a little disinterested, so bring in one who IS interested. You follow?


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
ok well she contacted me a couple hours after this thread saying she was calling me but my cell was off so ..i guess i was worrying for nothing. anyway, we got back together & had a little fun & it was good, but now im having another problem i guess ill make a new thread for

thnx & check my new thread