nervous to talk to girl i like


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
I have a strange problem that I could use some help with. I have no problem talking to any girls, hot or not, except for the one girl that I really like. I talk to girls all the time with no problem but when the girl I like is alone or I have a chance to talk to her I just freeze up and get nervous and don't talk to her. I don't know why this happens because I am not a normally nervous person. I am very outgoing and I like meeting new people and especially new girls. I have talked to the girl I like on occasion but I never really had a good conversation with her. So I would really like some help and tips to get over my nervousness with this one girl. Thanks in advance:)


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
Remember that she is just one girl out of billions. You're better than her. You're a Don Juan, you're in an elite class of men. You're the prize; make a list of all your good qualities and soon you'll see why. The only thing I think could really help you is you need to change your general mindset. What makes her so special? Nothing. She is average. Be in the moment, and don't think too much of the outcome.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
you could try using small amounts of some kind of drug or alcohol to get over your nervousness temporarily

you could be like me and not outwardly show things like nervousness when you feel them(as far as you know)

or you could just get over it by realizing she's just a girl of many who happens to be particularly attractive/nice not Aphrodite in human form.

or you could like her and only go after other chicks which will allow you to be more alpha with them because your heart/oneitis will be someone else and you'll care far less, be less invested and not be a try hard