Nei Strauss - sellout or not?


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by FRëSHURE
While on the topic. I'd love to see a picture of the girl which he settled down with. The gutarist from Courtney Loves band.

Anyone got a link?

There you go. While we're on the subject of pics, anyone have a before shot of Neil? I saw it on the Richard and Judy clip, but I'm looking for an actual photo.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2005
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Ok, so lets assume for a moment that you actually have a point and that your panic attack and fantasies of being shot down by anything with tits actually comes true...

Then what? Women shoot down everything smooth that runs game. Then stop running game and stop being smooth? Or maybe you are thinking that they won't settle for that either...

Well i guess we are all ****ed then. Women won't let any guy into their beds anymore and the human race will be extinct.

Oh well... we had a good run and in the end who gives a rats ass right? ;)

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
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In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
I recently posted on this before...

The lines DO NOT MATTER!!!

The words that you use are essentially just filler... the context, nothing more.

Voice tone and body language are what makes the difference.


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
**** she's hot, niel isn't that bad lookin btw, there's somethin about him that i see would make women think he's harmless, yet get them into bed an hour later, i want it!

Boner da Stoner

Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
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Iqaluit Nunavut
HB9 but look at her swoon.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by JC Jerkson
She actually looks better in person. Real down to earth girl.

I'm glad Style is enjoying is fame. He worked very hard to get where he is. Besides, who's gonna watch Richard and Judy lol.

JC Jerkson
The whole of the british Isles do:down:

Richard and Judy are like oprah over here . You lucky bastards have escaped so far cos strauss hasnt appeared on oprah yet.

Try to imagine what would happen if Strauss went on oprah and explained over some PUA techniques like he did on Richard and Judy. You bet your life that ALOT of women will pick up on this. Well Richard and Judy has a large female audience too and hella popular too.

Any way its 7am... cant wait to sarge later today :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Haha, I had the day off of work the other day and was flipping channels and happened to catch Oprah at the beginning of a show about "exposing male secrets." They had Leno, Brian McKnight, and Rick Reilly (a writer for Sports Illustrated) as the guests. I kept thinking that would've been a perfect show to have Style on . . .


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
The other day I was out and I used the "I wanted to ask for your opinion on something" with a time constraint etc. the girl replied "hey I saw that guy on the view! you're one of those guys"

she then went to her friends and they were laughing and ****. i quickily got out of there. I did'nt know he was on the View? was he?


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2004
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Making the most of MY life
Originally posted by Riddler
The other day I was out and I used the "I wanted to ask for your opinion on something" with a time constraint etc. the girl replied "hey I saw that guy on the view! you're one of those guys"

she then went to her friends and they were laughing and ****. i quickily got out of there. I did'nt know he was on the View? was he?
Yes he was ROFL :crackup: The girls played you man :D


New Member
Nov 7, 2005
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Just stopping by on a break from a new book I'm writing based on the "postgame." Have to laugh at the men who say we all have to come up with new ideas now that the "canned" stuff is known, but where are these new ideas?

I have to get back to my writing so I can only stay a few minutes (false time constraint), but I'll answer the most common questions I see here and elsewhere about The Game and its publicity:

1. "Chicks will still like ****. What's the problem?"

She may love ****, but that doesn't mean she has to have YOUR ****. If before, you were getting laid by running some simple game, now you're going to have to work much harder. This happens in chess all the time: even Bobby Fischer's games are weak by today's standards, because the overall theory has advanced. That makes it much harder to become a chess champion now because even the average player has a good grasp of basic chess theory and can beat a strong player who makes a mistake. If you had a method for making money in the stock market and published it, people would still make money in the markets, but not with your method.

2. "If you're smart, cool, creative, and have your life together, you have nothing to worry about."

This one's a laugher: the whole idea of this "community" was to help the guys who DIDN'T have all this stuff. If the future gurus are going to tell guys something every AFC has said for the last century, they aren't going to be teaching much. The only reason anyone turns to a seduction guru is to get women they wouldn't get without the method. That goes back to 1) above: where are all these "new ideas?" (I have tons of them because I saw this coming several years ago and have already developed new routines that work well).

3. "The Rules didn't ruin the game for men, did it?"

Bad analogy, since a woman's "game" is based almost entirely on her looks rather than her behavior. Exposure of the rules didn't change the fact that if she's ugly, no one's going to care if she's playing hard to get, while if she's hot, she's doing that anyway.

4. "Chicks won't care if they know you're using routines on them."

Maybe not, but if she's "in love" with the last guy to game her and off the market, you won't get very far. Having 1,000 times as many guys hitting on her with game isn't going to be good for anyone, and if the AFCs now have game, you'll have to deal with guys who have all the other stuff going for them AND who don't make mistakes. Then it comes down to who is taller, better looking, richer, and cooler because you no longer have a case where the "inferior" guy can equalize his disadvantages with "game." I bet the guys who say The Game is no problem are the more desirable of the lot.

5. "PUAs will just evolve and adapt."

Yes, 5-10 percent of them will. Now what do the other 90 percent do? They were drawn to this "community" because they were able to find EASY ways to equalize the game, not to hear that they need to devote their lives to "getting their **** together" so that women will find them desirable, and then having to run game on top of that. Where is all this evolution that I'm hearing about? Where is the new material?

6. "Seduction isn't about routines, but LIFESTYLE!"

Really? Is becoming a chess champion about lifestyle or about studying chess? The difference here is that lifestyle won't defeat your opponents at chess, but it will attract women. That's all well and good, but it's also not game. Seduction gurus are not fitness gurus, fashion gurus, or career coaches, yet they are basically functioning as this if they preach "lifestyle."

What's really going on here is that

1. The public is pissed that it ignored this material when it was on the net and far more effective. They are brainwashed by big media and don't hear the message until someone like Style is the messenger. Nothing was stopping them from searching the web for years before, but they just don't respect internet writers with e-books, treating us like we're in the Negro Leagues.

2. The gurus have been copying each other for years (I'm the guy who coined the term "pivot" and who debuted the reverse timetable, returning fox, CUPID ratings ("inner game" now), and a bunch of other stuff, with registered copyrights to prove it), and now that their "secrets" are out in the open and they have to adapt, they've been caught with their pants down because they don't have a ****ing clue what comes next, but their livings are now tied to their ability to keep their students ahead of the curve, which most cannot do.

3. The public wants a new EASY method for getting laid, one that hasn't hit the mainstream radar. Do these methods exist? Certainly. Unfortunately, the creators of the NEW methods are colliding with the old guard that doesn't want to let go of its customer base, and the customers don't want to admit that what they spent all that money on is becoming worthless.

4. The "postgame" theory is going to cover places that most PUA won't want to go. It won't be possible to claim to be a nice guy and a PUA anymore, since "The Game" has asked one very nasty question: "who is lying?" Are women really these skanks who **** guys in club bathrooms like the men say they are, or were they really innocent victims of these evil players? Something has to give now, since the women can't claim ignorance anymore. They either have to start ****ing the AFC men and "prove" that they were being conned by the players, OR they have to admit that they were lying all along and that they really do want these jerks, in which case their AFC harems will disappear, since no AFC is going to put a skank on a pedestal.

Got news for you folks: most of you aren't as intelligent as you think, aren't that creative, and are still relying on the old game to get ahead. That may have worked yesterday, and it might still work today, but the stuff that's working the best today and will continue to work the best tomorrow is stuff you haven't even heard yet, the stuff that will have you whining like the AFCs did when you stole their women from them. It just doesn't feel as nice to be on the losing side of the coin, now does it?


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Foxxhunter
4. "Chicks won't care if they know you're using routines on them."

Maybe not, but if she's "in love" with the last guy to game her and off the market, you won't get very far. Having 1,000 times as many guys hitting on her with game isn't going to be good for anyone, and if the AFCs now have game, you'll have to deal with guys who have all the other stuff going for them AND who don't make mistakes. Then it comes down to who is taller, better looking, richer, and cooler because you no longer have a case where the "inferior" guy can equalize his disadvantages with "game." I bet the guys who say The Game is no problem are the more desirable of the lot.

Remind me not to buy your book.

sosuave is different to ASF. We do concentrate on lines and routines. We concentrate on becoming better looking, richer and cooler AKA inner game.

Oh by the way

thats the results from a search run on the health and fitness forum using the word taller in the titles.

Not only are guys here finding ways to become better looking, richer and cooler, SOME are looking into ways to become taller.

Seducing gilrs is not at all like winning A game of chess. Its like winning A game from an infinfinite number of games of chess.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2004
Reaction score
Come on - lets put things in perspective.

Most of the guys who read this site don't even approach. You really think they're going to sarge after watching Richard and Judy? No straight male with a life would watch that show anyway.

Women will forget about it all after a while.

Besides, they aren't going to suddenly find us unattractive because they discover why they find us so great! People don't stop watching movies because they know the ending. Look at Titanic. We all knew the fvcking thing was going to sink, yet it broke box office records everywhere.


New Member
Nov 7, 2005
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Originally posted by aftershock
Come on - lets put things in perspective.

Most of the guys who read this site don't even approach. You really think they're going to sarge after watching Richard and Judy? No straight male with a life would watch that show anyway.

Women will forget about it all after a while.

Besides, they aren't going to suddenly find us unattractive because they discover why they find us so great! People don't stop watching movies because they know the ending. Look at Titanic. We all knew the fvcking thing was going to sink, yet it broke box office records everywhere.
What women will "discover" is that what makes these men "great" is an ILLUSION.

Try this on a woman sometime: "Your boyfriend got his game from my website." Then link her to these sites.

To the other guy who said "inner game" is about looks, wealth, etc., that's not seduction. To improve your looks, we have nutritionists (who must be degreed and licensed), exercise physiologists (who must be degreed and licensed), and fashion consultants for that. To call it "seduction" would be akin to calling faith-healing "medicine."

For financial improvement, we have financial planners, who also must be degreed and licensed.


Dec 15, 2004
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My new goal is to hand this book out to every hot girl I see in the book store.

My new line: Hey check this book out. It is about this guy who learns how to pick up beautiful women like you. He learned his technique off the internet. Checkout this line right here: " style line or technique," would that work on you? I'm going to make this the most popular book in my region. I've been tempted to set the school computers home page to I practice natural game, so, who cares if they learn about C/F and negs....My game flows from my brain, to my mouth, and to their ears.

I'M GOING TO make a flyer with all the ss, masf, fs, pua websites and techniques. Maybe this will destroy all the canned game users.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
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Sofia, Bulgaria
Hm, earlier "The rules" was mentioned in this topic. Now, after this book went on sale and exposed women's manipulative behaviours, did guys take note and stop accepting these behaviours?

I'd personally be thrilled to meet an intelligent woman who knows I'm playing a game on her. Why? Because it gives us a common interest and establishes a connection. It actually makes your job easier! You don't have to memorize routines and discuss crappy topics. You can just discuss the book and then sleep with her. :)

"hey I saw that guy on the view! you're one of those guys"
"You did? That rocks! What do you think about the routines he's using?"
:D :D :D


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sofia, Bulgaria
Didn't see you wrote the same thing. Tell us how it turns out. It will be more of a problem for me, since I'm not in an English-speaking country, but I'll find a way to get aruond this.

Dr Box

Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
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Brisbane Australia
WOW another thread about how bad style is.........PLEASE if his book has you worried then you have bigger issues then people knowing what you are doing.......... I have said this before I will say it again (and again and again)

"your job is not to hide the fact you are hitting on a girl, your job is to be that interesting that she actually wants to be around you"

Think about have been hitting on women for years, considering you did walk up to that fat ugly mole and ask her opinion on something then the HB that you did ask is going to assume you are hitting on her. A HB once asked me if I was hitting on her, I said I was and kept going by the end of the interaction I had her number anywayz.

Also if your worried about your canned openers getting out then here is an idea.......get new lines....... I asked a girl today if she thought 5 cent coins cost more then 5 cents to make. It doesnt matter what you say just be interesting and entertaining.

Also if you have read all of his book it says the same thing all other fairytales the end of the day the nice guy gets the girl. He actually makes the world of pickup sound quite negative.

Stop worrying about stupid little things like this book and get out there and meet women. Oh and one other thing like most guys on this forum about 90% of the guys who read the book will still be to scared to apporach women anywayz.