Need some advice on 2 girls i'm working on


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score

I work part-time at this tutoring centre helping kids out along with this beautiful japanese girl who usually sits across the room. It's obvious that she's physically attracted to me and the very few times that we've had the chance to talk (with all the kids around) she's always been smiling, very nice to me but also a bit nervous and shy.

Once I dropped a sheet i was marking on the floor and she went out of her way to pick it up for me then gave me a big smile. So i have no doubt that she wants me. The only doubt i have is whether her parents would approve of her dating an aussie like me

We work right near a cinema and i wanna ask her to come see a movie with me but it doesn't look like i'm going to get the opportunity. Also, i think she's looking for a full time job so time isn't on my side.

However, desperate to not let her slip away I "stole" her mobile/cell phone number from the sheet with all employees numbers on them and it seems as though i'm going to have to ask her out via text while we're working.

So, is this a good idea? What should the message say word-for-word?


Me and my friend met this HB9 and her ugly friend at an acoustic gig at uni a few nights ago. We both want her and it seems as though its gonna cause some cracks in our friendship if one of us starts dating her. He obviously thinks she wants him but i'm better looking and i reckon i have a better chance with her.

She's from way out of town studying in sydney but doesn't go to our uni. She doesn't know anyone except from her friend and its her 20th birthday on saturday and she told us to ring her if we wanted to go out with her and the friend

However, it looks as though my mate is gonna have to work on saturday night.

if i do end up going, should i bring another friend along or go alone with the 2 girls?

will she get the impression that i had nothing better to do if i go?

also, she asked us both at the same time if we wanted to go out, but my mate was closer at the time and technically she gave the number to him which i got off him later. Does this matter?

i know, long post, but the details were important...

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
I'll help ya cobber.

Aight, when you do volunteer work or work in some kind of caring proffession the girls there go nuts about you. Everything you said suggests to me she likes you.

Now you are making a mistake thinking you can't put work on her with kids around. Bring em into the game. Have fun with the kids and then drag her into the fun. Put **** on her in a funny way to entertain the kids.

You are really missing a golden opportunity to develop some wicked rapport.

But don't be creepy and get her number by stealth. Ask her for it.


How about just grabbing a bite together after class. You can ask that without it even sounding like a date. "Hey, lets have a bite together after class." See how natural that sounds?

Finally on the asian subject... I am also Aussie and have had problems with the cross cultural thing and discovered if a girl likes you and you are sensitive to the fact their might be cultural issues and don't try to push it she will shag you. Furthermore don't assume that her parents will have a problem with you. We live in a massively multicultural society and everybody is mixing these days.


As for that other chick... don't worry, while she is in Sydney I'll take care of her. Mwahahaha



Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Good to see someone acting on or THINKING of acting on their plate spinnig acts.

Okay first of all, don't over think either one of the situations. If you're spending time with either of these girls, then you've got nothing to loose by putting yourself out there a bit. You're going to have to do that from time to time if you're going to make it anywhere anyway so what's one or two attempts whle you're young anyway.

Number 1 girl. Just ask her out man. You've got a movie theater across the street and you haven't suggested the two of you go there after work one way or the other? Why?! If you play it cool and just suggest it to her, what's the worst that could happen? Your intel should let you know if she has a b/f or is otherwise involved at this point so just ask her to go with you to dinner and a movie. Really basic and worring about her family shouldn't be that hard. If they were too against austrailians then they wouldn't have moved to austrailia.

Number 2 girl. Go to the party alone. Who cares about "if you dont' have anything better to do" I let girls know I didn't have anything better to do all the time and it really doesn't matter. Just because you're an aspiring DJ does not mean you have to be international playboy spy who's got dates every night of the week. If you're calm and you show up just to have a good time, you should do fine and she'll enjoy your comapny. Most girls are after that with guys they aren't yet involved with anyway so don't press the issue. If you feel more comfortable talking to someone you know then bring a "mate" with you as a security blanket but it's not really necesary.

Okay that's my POV post of the day and now I'm out.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
You are going to "text" her and you see her everyday??? HUH???????????????? Don't be a wimp!!!!!

If I was a girl I would punch you in the stomach for such avoidance of your manhood!! Just just say, "Thanks for picking up my dropped papers, would you be so kind to confirm my interest in you by coalescing and affirming my wooing advances?"


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
nah its not that i don't have the balls to ask her i just haven't had the opportunity. I only work at this specific place 8 hours a week, 4 hours 2x a week. When i show up for work she's already there helping set up downstairs and our boss and other markers/teachers are around.

I go upstairs and start marking the kids' work and lately she's been staying downstairs marking english (i do the math), but in the past she's also come upstairs to help out. But the times that she did, we were on opposite sides of the room and only had very short convos when she got up to go get something.

Then when i've marked the work and am leaving, she's always still working so all i can do is give her a smile and say bye. Honestly, there hasn't been a single opening where i could ask her out without it being extremely awkward for me, her and the other kids/workers around at the time. it just wouldn't be right.

If she really wanted me to ask her out but also realised that i haven't had a chance to and likely wont ever, would she really look at the text as creepy?

for the record, i'm not bragging just giving more context, i'm 6'1" a solid 95kg (210lbs) and good looking.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
DXX said:
nah its not that i don't have the balls to ask her i just haven't had the opportunity... and only had very short convos when she got up to go get something...Honestly, there hasn't been a single opening where i could ask her out without it being extremely awkward for me...

Okay here's the score son. You're a walking controdiction. It takes SECONDS to ask a girl out. If you have time to have a short or breif conversation, you have more then enough time to ask a girl on a date. Do not text some one a message with a stolen phone number unles your game is super tight, which in this case i have to put into question because you used the pharas "awkward FOR ME" and that's something people with good game just don't say. You have to be confident that your appearance and the way you carry yourself has created all the ammunition you need to execute a three second "Hey, would you be interested in seeing a movie with me sometime after work?" and wait for a yes or no response. It's not that hard and is not a world ending proposition that needs large amounts of isolation to pull off.

Act like a tennis shoe and just do it.