
Don Juan
Oct 30, 2002
Reaction score
New York/Pennslyvania
i check in here from time 2 time. I read alot of peoples problems but never give advice or barely do. I rarely post but when i do its cuz of something big.


I have a friend and he just got this girl he's been dating for almost a month. She likes and sh*t but they are always fighting over the most stupidest sh*t. She lives only a few blocks from my house so she is always comin over to just hangout. My friend(we'll call him CG for cool guy) has a crummy job and doesnt do much but smoke weed and drink all the time cuz he hates his life. I dont mind doing it with him now and then on weekends but he does it all the time everyday. Its his way of relieving stress.

Anyway his girl is always comin to me in my house for advice about him, does he really like her, why is he always pissed at her ect. Him and her EVERYTIME they got problems they come to me, i'm like the middle man for them. Its wierd because i'm always a jerk to her not cuz i'm an azzhole but just i just have azzhole tendencies toward her. I dont know why. She is pretty but once u get2 know her, shes aaaaag. meaning someone u wouldnt mind doin but wouldnt get with. My friend doesnt plan on doing much with his life. I'm in college tho and my house is real close to the school and her house is in between so this explains her comin over all the time.

Anyway even tho i'm a jerk to her,( ina a civil jerk way, kinda playful, kinda mean ,and puttin her down almost all the time), she still sticks to comin to me. I dont overboard disrespect her but being on this site for almost 2yrs has taught me to look beyond the physical and see underneath. Beyond her looks personlity-wise she aint much, which is probably why i diss her so much everytime shes at my crib. I always thought she was just overly friendly with me but i'm now seeing signs she wants to be with me.

SIGN1: she keeps flirting with me but acts like nothinn happened when people are alone

SIGN2: one night we were all drunk (me, her, my friend/her man)and after i went home she came to my house after he dropped her home and left. She tries to kiss me and me being drunk as hell, it took every ounce of control not to cuz i kinda wanted to.

SIGN3: she tell me YESTERDAY at my house she always liked me and wants to FVCK me but keep it D/L (downlow). Then she actually kisses me. I dont stop it. (Yes I know i'm wrong in this part, no need to flame me, i'm kicking my self)

I'm not gonna front, i do want to fvck her but i dont want to cuz morally its wrong since shes datin my friend plus what goes around comes around and all so i'm holding back but what now. My friend doesnt really like her, he's just banging her till he finds someone better because he cant stand her personality. Keep in mind as i said earlier, the girl looks great physically, its her mentality thats f*cked. I'm relieved tho i dont have 2go thru the crap she puts him thru thats why i dont want to fvck her tho. cuz the after drama with her and with him.

Background info:
The girl cant really be trusted. her sister told me somethings about her thats really messed up (taking other girls men ect) from what i've seen she does alot of dumb sh*t and doesnt realize it and wonders why my friend is always pissed at her. (talking to other guys on the phone) She knows my views on guy/girl friends. I've basically explained to her she is off limits to me since shes my friends girl so therefore no reason 4me 2act nice to her. I cant have her so theres need for us to be real friends. I dont believe in being real friends wit girs i wanna bang. Just associates. This shocks her but she keeps pursuing me on the low. I wanna tell my friend about his shady girl but this exposes me on the kissing thing and not telling him part. OUCH

My friend is really an assoicate actually. Began chillin with him almost a month ago but seems like an ok fellow. Has a bad background with friends and girls since his old best frined of 12yrs stole his wife. he's 23 and divorced(got married at 18). his girl is 20, i'm 22. He doesnt wanna do much with his life and smokes weed all the time and does try to fvck other girls on the side which is cool since he doesnt really like this one chick anyway. hes just with her till he gets one he really like. Like a car u keep driving till u get a better car then trade up. I just want to be left alone by both of them. Shes messing with my head and he's being a bad influence on me. i need 2concentrate on my school work not liquor and weed all the time. maybe once/twice a month.

With his history, i dont want to repeat another (friend of his messing behind his back with his girls back on the low thing). I'm stuck in this bad situation. HELP PLEASE

Anyone with useful advice PLEASE PLEASE GIVE IT AND DONT FLAME ME. .
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Don Juan
Oct 30, 2002
Reaction score
New York/Pennslyvania
any advice would be much appreciated


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
Come on dude, you know what to do, this isn't rocket science.

Just tell the ho that you don't want to see her anymore, not to call you or come to your house either. Of course this will make her want you more, but you've just got to nip it in the bud. Finding other chics to keep you occupied will make this one much less tempting.

If the dude is also a bad influence, drop him out of your life too. No one says you have to keep being friends with people forever. Plus you just met him.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2002
Reaction score
New York/Pennslyvania
yeah.. i guess you're right.. damn i did wanna fvck her tho....
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
This dude married at 18 and then divorced - no mystery why he is distraught and always present in a cloud of smoke!

Don't be a part of this hor's plot to avenge her beau and your bud. Tell your friend about it and ask him what he thinks about it -he may slap and give a good tongue lashing to his hor but it'll make for nice drama! Which is what you want!!:rolleyes: