My standard opening play on POF


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Somebody awhile ago asked about my standard POF opening routine. Here it is, first straight-up, then again with explanations. This is a by-the-book opening for me. This is about as standard as it gets. This one happened tonight over the span of about an hour.

This is Book Scenario B. Book Scenario A happens when the date is set up before cell numbers are exchanged. Book Scenario B happens when numbers are exchanged before the date is set up.

9 times out of 10 this opening leads to a date-one lay. I don't like to jinx anything so I won't try to predict this one.

Set-up: The girl is a standard POF 6. 5 face, 7 body, 31 years old. Utterly average POF girl in pretty much every sense of the word. But would make a nice notch 48 or wherever my notch count currently stands.


ME: [Canned opening saying her profile looks interesting and asking her what she thinks of the site.]

HER: Hi! Well lets just say I have not been impressed so far. I wish I could say different. Thank you for saying my profile is interesting, I like that :) what is your opinion of this site?

ME: It's not bad. You can meet all types, that's for sure. So, you didn't find my profile too forward?

HER: Very true! No, I did not think your profile was too forward. You know what you want and you shouldn't settle for less! I can respect that.

ME: and how about you, what do you want?

HER: Well I am really independent so want someone who is ok with me living my life separate from them at times. I am involved with my family and have a active social life so I want a guy who is alright with me doing my own thing sometimes. I am also really into my career right now so that is my first priority. I do enjoy going out for a drink and having a good time though :)

ME: that's just like me. I'm very independent and can't stand clingy or possessive people. Any fun places in [her town] you enjoy going to?

HER: There is nothing more unattractive than a clingy or possessive person! I enjoy going out to all kinds of places in [her town] and [nearby town]. I like wine so all wine bars are good =) I can also enjoy a stiff drink that involves vodka as well. I like downtown [her town] and downtown [nearby town]. What about you?

ME: A stiff drink or two sounds like the perfect first date for us. When are you free? :)

HER: Ha! Well, going back to the independent and active social life thing I said above, this weekend is filling up fast..... Where do you live? I might be able to squeeze you in sometime this weekend =) If not, we can figure it out, maybe happy hour next week?

ME: I'm a little busy this weekend but next week sounds great. We'll figure something out, here's my cell number: XXX-XXX-XXXX.


10 minutes later she introduced herself by text.

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing great about my opening. But it's calculated down to the word to get to the point as quickly as possible.

Here it is with explanations.

ME: [Canned opening saying her profile looks interesting and asking her what she thinks of the site.]

I send out 20-40 of these a day when I want new p*ssy. Usually takes 1-2 weeks to get new p*ssy. You do the math. There is nothing clever or interesting about the opening. What's somewhat interesting is my profile.

HER: Hi! Well lets just say I have not been impressed so far. I wish I could say different. Thank you for saying my profile is interesting, I like that :) what is your opinion of this site?

Good response, downplaying the guys and asking a question of her own. I'm suspicious of women who say the men on POF are treating them great. Usually they're attention wh*res trying to make it seem that they're in huge demand.

ME: It's not bad. You can meet all types, that's for sure. So, you didn't find my profile too forward?

Immediately I want to ascertain whether or not she's read my (highly sexual) profile and her reaction to it.

HER: Very true! No, I did not think your profile was too forward. You know what you want and you shouldn't settle for less! I can respect that.

Great answer.

ME: and how about you, what do you want?

Immediately want to ascertain whether or not she wants to f*ck or have "a relationship."

HER: Well I am really independent so want someone who is ok with me living my life separate from them at times. I am involved with my family and have a active social life so I want a guy who is alright with me doing my own thing sometimes. I am also really into my career right now so that is my first priority. I do enjoy going out for a drink and having a good time though :)

Sounds good to me, sounds like a good-time girl who wants to f*ck and not have a boyfriend.

ME: that's just like me. I'm very independent and can't stand clingy or possessive people. Any fun places in [her town] you enjoy going to?

Agree and let her know that we'd be going to a drinking establishment ("fun place") near her home (so afterward we can go back to her place and f*ck). If a girl answers "fun place" with anything other than a drinking establishment, like a park, beach, museum, whatever. that's a yellow flag.

HER: There is nothing more unattractive than a clingy or possessive person! I enjoy going out to all kinds of places in [her town] and [nearby town]. I like wine so all wine bars are good =) I can also enjoy a stiff drink that involves vodka as well. I like downtown [her town] and downtown [nearby town]. What about you?

The "stiff drink" comment seems to indicate that she's not averse to getting sh*tfaced. A good sign.

ME: A stiff drink or two sounds like the perfect first date for us. When are you free? :)

Let's not beat around the bush. She's passed my tests and I'm good to go. The smiley was there so I didn't come off as too intense.

HER: Ha! Well, going back to the independent and active social life thing I said above, this weekend is filling up fast..... Where do you live? I might be able to squeeze you in sometime this weekend =) If not, we can figure it out, maybe happy hour next week?

Beta bait to see if I'm loser enough not to already have Labor Day plans. Had I taken that bait, she would have cancelled, at the last minute, any plans we would have made and it would have been game-over. In any event, I'm actually booked solid through Monday.

ME: I'm a little busy this weekend but next week sounds great. We'll figure something out, here's my cell number: XXX-XXX-XXXX.

Let her know I've got options and give her my number. I'm the prize, she can be the aggressor.


So, that's another reason I don't understand why guys go to these sites and think it's an accomplishment to get "digits." Digits are so 1996.

Also note that this is Book Scenario B. This is actually slow-play. Scenario A, which happens about 40% of the time, involves the setup of a date before "digits" are ever even exchanged! The only reason it didn't happen here is because of timing -- we're both booked for the holiday weekend.

I'm not saying this is a great way of doing things, the best way of doing things, or even the way anybody here should be doing things. But it's how I do things online and I've been doing them for almost 11 years now.
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Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Interesting. Can you post more breakdowns like these for the online dating crowd?

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Dude, this post is EXCELLENT. And rarely do I comment on posts where I'm not giving advice, but this one is a perfect example to other guys of how easy it is to get women to go out with you when doing online dating. I got to the point where I could send out 4 messages to a girl and get the date before I got her number OR her name - so how guys can't seem to get these chicks to meet up with them is beyond me...


Anyone notice the length of her response? It's quite obvious she is an HB4 at best. For you to even give an analysis is well beyond my unicorn lollipop fantasy.

Harry Wilmington - you are beginning to look a bit suspicious =]


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
lol, no legitimate hot chick above a 7/10 will ever text you after you give her your number on POF. rarely.... two weeks later? **** no. POF isn't you gotta be a bit quicker, if a girl gives you her digits do NOT wait a day to contact her, you text her within an hour of getting her number. And you text her the next day as well.....they just have short attention spans.

Do you know how many times, I've emailed a chick and didn't get a response...only to email her three days later and have her interested in me, go out with her and **** her? quite a bit....she never even realized I messaged her twice. these broads have short attention spans...

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
@BeginningDJ I'm not quite sure what the suspicion is, or what you are talking about...

@captain55 To be fair, the guy should be the one doing the first phone contacting in the first place. As for me, I'll usually get their numbers but won't contact them via call or text until I've at least gone on a date with them first. In fact, the way I phrase it is that I need their number in case I get lost going to whatever place we're meeting at; once I get it, I don't use it. Ironically, they are usually the first ones to contact ME to let me know they're on their way to the date (sidebar - isn't it amazing to know that if you're not calling/texting her up to make sure she'll be there that they'll end up showing up and/or hitting YOU up first to confirm?).

Then, when I'm on the date, I let them know in advance that I'm not much of a phone person. This way, they know in advance that when I'm not calling or texting them day after day, it doesn't mean I'm not interested. If you guys would set this kind of thing up from day one, you wouldn't have to worry about doing it so much either.

Oh, and your whole "call within an hour of getting her number then text her the next day" comment is B.S. I've dated 7's or higher off P.O.F. that (a) I waited 3 to 4 days to hit up, and (b) I didn't contact for 3 to 4 weeks at a time (usually when on vacation - again, I tell girls in advance that they won't hear from me when I'm out of town) that I was still able to bang - and can you believe they didn't have Alzheimer's and actually REMEMBERED me despite not calling them everyday? Or that they still remembered how much of a good time they had with me to where I could pick up with them where we last left off sexually?

Amazing what results you can get when you're more confident about your game...


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
This is a very desperate and I would imagine not a very good looking chick here.

Sorry Captain55, this is B.S. and you don't know what you are talking about!!

Your first original message would still show up to these chicks....even 3 days doesn't go away until after it expires 30 days is an ongoing email, they would know that you sent a message to them before....that is how chicks know losers keep sending them messages over and over and over again.

Texting them an hour later is lame...why the hell would you do that? You are just about as desperate as the chick who texted Zarky!!

All you have to do is stand out on that site and have your sh!t together (or appear to have your sh!t together)

These chicks will not forget who you are...chicks forget about the clowns on there...not guys who they actually want to go out could wait a week later (or more) to write back to them....they will still remember you...the same thing goes for texting!!

Remember, chicks don't forget about a quality guys that they like no matter what anybody tries to tell you!!

Also, there are no chicks higher than a 7 that go on pof....If anybody says they are dating or banging chicks higher than a 7 on pof, they are either lying, can't see that well, or are totally overrating these chicks.

Chicks who are 8's, 9's, and 10's like these guys claim they date, are not on pof....they are already dating/banging dudes that are of importance in real life...why would they go on pof to get messages from AFC's, fat slobs with no jobs, and wannabe DJ's who have nothing to offer them? that is a waste of their time because they are already getting the sh!t they need offline with real men!!

Chicks who are interested in going out with you always tell you their name....that is one of the first things they add in their message...they wouldn't agree to "date" and not even mention their name or give you their number....they do that don't have to ask for it....they want you to have it...more B.S. from Harry.

Harry Wilmington said:
won't contact them via call or text
Harry Wilmington is saying that he was texting chicks?....Wow!! And after reading all of those threads where he tells you not to text women?

Here he is doing what he tells you not to do!! LOL...Who would of thought that? LOL :crackup:

What about your eBooks? LOL

BeDJ said:
Harry Wilmington - you are beginning to look a bit suspicious =]
He might be a bit suspicious, but he makes up most of the sh!t he says....the only time posts on threads is when he's peddling his eBooks or now plugging his podcasts.....they all co inside with what he is trying to plug...isn't that a coincidence?
Apr 12, 2012
Reaction score
POF is a wasteland. Full of old gross middle aged divorcees and bores. Anytime I need motivation and an example of what NOT to be, I log onto POF.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
OP..too many back and forth messages for my liking in the beginning...i send out a message randomly commenting or joking abut something they wrote in their profile and like to set up the date after 3 messages max and then get the number in case one of us is late.....i am laying almost 100 percent of these dats thus far...but whatever works...


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind

buzzin_frog said:
This is a very desperate and I would imagine not a very good looking chick here.

Sorry Captain55, this is B.S. and you don't know what you are talking about!!

Your first original message would still show up to these chicks....even 3 days doesn't go away until after it expires 30 days is an ongoing email, they would know that you sent a message to them before....that is how chicks know losers keep sending them messages over and over and over again.

Texting them an hour later is lame...why the hell would you do that? You are just about as desperate as the chick who texted Zarky!!

All you have to do is stand out on that site and have your sh!t together (or appear to have your sh!t together)

These chicks will not forget who you are...chicks forget about the clowns on there...not guys who they actually want to go out could wait a week later (or more) to write back to them....they will still remember you...the same thing goes for texting!!

Remember, chicks don't forget about a quality guys that they like no matter what anybody tries to tell you!!

Also, there are no chicks higher than a 7 that go on pof....If anybody says they are dating or banging chicks higher than a 7 on pof, they are either lying, can't see that well, or are totally overrating these chicks.

Chicks who are 8's, 9's, and 10's like these guys claim they date, are not on pof....they are already dating/banging dudes that are of importance in real life...why would they go on pof to get messages from AFC's, fat slobs with no jobs, and wannabe DJ's who have nothing to offer them? that is a waste of their time because they are already getting the sh!t they need offline with real men!!
I'm not hating on Zarky and he is dong his thing. I would be curious to see pictures of the types of chicks he bangs, but I know that will never happen which confirms what I already know of the quality. POF is great if you're in a slump. But the Bar by far is the best place to meet women. The type of women who I like would not give me the time of day on POF but at bars they are very receptive. This is where real wordly game comes in handy

POF is great for a nut but that's as far as it goes

This is POF and this is the real world

Well in the venues that I go to anyway, the chick on POF would not even be let in the door while the chicks on the right are common

Which would you pick? or rather have?

Nouf said

OptimumIndividual said:
POF is a wasteland. Full of old gross middle aged divorcees and bores. Anytime I need motivation and an example of what NOT to be, I log onto POF.
Ha ha ha

agreed POF is great for slumpbusting chicks that are 3's-7's at best.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Solomon said:
Well in the venues that I go to anyway, the chick on POF would not even be let in the door while the chicks on the right are common
The venue that I go to is my computer chair. It has no cover and the drinks are far less expensive ;) If you can regularly pull tail in a place where the 8s-10s go, then you're on top. Congratulations.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind

Zarky said:
The venue that I go to is my computer chair. It has no cover and the drinks are far less expensive ;) If you can regularly pull tail in a place where the 8s-10s go, then you're on top. Congratulations.
Never said I pull 8's-10's regualrly if I did trust me I wouldn't be on Sosuave.

People Wait in line Zarky I walk right by with my lady friend or by myself. How do I do this? Simple I use the tips here on networking with the bouncers and now while people have to wait an hour I just skip by them. Another club in the city, I'm friends with the owner, I get VIP. Not bragging Just telling you how it is if you got game, there is ways to come around crap like that.

I'm curious how many hours do you put to get in a lay through online dating? My time is important to me so I'm all about opitmizing. If you putting in 40 hours just to get one Lay you're doing it wrong. I rather approach a 100 womean for one lay in a 2-3 hour span. Then message a 100 women in 25 mintues, and even (then after the first 50 women you are proably messaging whales, unless you live in a huge city which I don't) THEN just to go back and forth for a week texting then JUST to go on a date. On top of that for every 8+ you see IRL you probaly only see 1/9 of that online.

To some that may be silly but there is a lot more satisifcation in plowing some girl you meet at a bar 2 hours ago then some chick you where talking too online THEN had to take on a date for a week.

I got a new wing, who pulls chicks 1 out of 3 times we go out. It usually takes him 2 hours or less to bang. The guy speaks poor english but his laycount is 200+ and I've seen him pull tons of times. This alone has inspired me to get off the computer and get in shape again. If it can take him 2 hours or less to bang, then any guy can do this with dedication and effort!


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
All right, I'll do the calculations to answer you.

I put in about 15 minutes of total time per girl before meeting up. That consists maybe half a dozen emails and half a dozen texts.

On my first dates, which are always the same (drinks), I may drop $30-40 on drinks. If we "bounce" to a different venue I usually expect the chick to start getting drinks at the next place.

First date will usually last a few hours. More if I spend the night :D

Now, that doesn't include all the spammy first-contact emails I send to chicks who never respond. But since I have automated a browser macro to mine their username and spit out an automated message with the click of one button, it takes me literally a second or two to send out an intro email.

So even if I spam out 500 messages for every lay, that only adds, say, 2 seconds for the macro to run, plus 5 seconds to peruse a profile. 7 seconds total per girl. That's about an hour of spam work for each new lay. Not bad as far as I'm concerned. And free, so....

That's a few hours of work and $50 or so for each new lay of a 5-6 rated girl. Good enough for me.

You could spend way more than that for one night in a club where you pull nothing. And the beauty of mine is that if no girl wants to go out, then my cash outlay is zero. I'm only paying money when I'm actually out with a new prospect. I'm not paying just to be in the venue. And that to me is huge.