My sister posted this to Facebook

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
I was about to post that it sounds too good to be posted by a woman. I thought the "sister" was a pseudonym for the OP. But I thought about it, and realized that my own sister is a genuinely nice person too. She just doesn't have enough experience around slores to be able to make a Don't Slore blog.

Many of us found sosuave because we've had our teeth kicked in by women and learned the hard way that all women aren't nice. Why did we have to go through that? Because many of us had genuinely nice mothers and/or sisters and naively expected all women to be like that. Most of the rest of the members know nothing but slores and it just seems somehow impossible that men could be so naturally bad at dealing with slores if all women were meant to be slores.

BTW, agree completely that Filipinas are the way to go. That culture has been Westernized for a long time, so we share a common outlook and common gestures. It's deeply Roman Catholic, so their women don't ever expect to use contraceptives, get a divorce, or even cheat. In fact, cheating is a felony over there. The difference in their faces/bodies takes a little getting used to, but it's worth it.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
I hate to harp on the foreign women but my wife does all the things in the OP. She has been in this country for over 5 years and she has not assimilated to Americans b!tches.

The only time I ever had a problem was her hating my weed smoking, but she has accepted it because I will do what I want.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
I just checked out some of the comments on that blog and I was a little taken aback, despite knowing how extreme modern women can be when they criticize this type of advice. Most of them were so negative to the point where, as exemplified by one woman's, the blog advice made her sick to her stomach.

We're meant to man up and pick a wife from that lot? lolololololzzzz