My parents can't handle my boundaries but i must be around them


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2014
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My parents are divorced since i am 6/7 and i have lived for the most at my father's since i am 9. He left me to nature and basically only used me for drama. My mother, too, when i was at hers. When i started to more and more say what i want 3 years ago they would still run their patterns of laughing/ignoring/mocking it or w/e. They are both Cluster B ****s but seem to be able to control theirselves infront of other people. Child Abuse on the highest level.

Well. About half a year ago i started to swallow the pill. And exercise my boundaries with consequences and i am not accepting their bull****. I feel a lot better since then. My interactions with people in general are better and females in general like me more. Bad thing is when i have to talk to my parents i have to walk on Egg Shells. All while my mother has this gravitational sucking in like a Black Hole in which negative emotions are awaiting me and my father is always making subtle fun of my decisions and my interests while on the contrary he is not interested in me at all, even forgetting crucial things like allergies and putting me in situations where i am basically hurting myself by eating something i react to. He even repeatedly forced me when i say i cant, then accused me of acting out of place when i wanted to drop the topic or even raised my voice when he was trying to persuade me for minutes. At least my father is not threatening violence anymore and showing his physical dominance ever since i workout and put on 8 kg from underweight. He stepped up his workout when he saw my new body grow and grow; Narcissistic ****head. I refuse any invitations of him. Accepting both my parents "help" or "assistance" has cost me so much mental health and even my tonsils.

I am 21 and still in learning. I waited tables for a year while in school so when i decide to take on college the following or later semesters there is something i can look out to finance a little room/flat. If it wasn't for waiting tables between hot girls it would've taken years to overcome my anxiety of personal touch.


Have any of you overcome situations with CLUSTER B PARENTS(Narcissitic, Borderline, Impulsive, Antisocial, Histrionic) or a mom that likes to manipulate into melancholia and a dad who tries to connect with gossip? Both have different types of guilt manipulation. I can't fight them with logic and their frames are over 40 years old and so manifested. I don't want to end like them.


There are eggshells everywhere and censoring yourself to the point where you basically game yourself into bad situations is not healthy. Whenever i come out of a conversation with them i have those fights in my head where i yell and yell "no" and sometimes cuss around to get out of this self censorship and those conversation frames that always drift the ship into the cliffs.

The patterns i acquired from them are ****ing with my life in every aspect big time.
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Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Your 21 years old and know nothing about life you are a baby to the world. What you think is annoyance by your parents, will be truth to you as you get older.

You should move out, and see how the world treats you then you will have a deeper respect for your parents for realizing you have been the a$$hole the whole time to them because you think you know it all, when you don't know anything.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2014
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My mothers boyfriend hitting the 7 year old for ego reasons. My mother later dragging me into all her problems and manipulating me into crying feeling sad and sitting there crying. My Father continually crushing my confidence and mulitple times threatening violence and actually pushing me around when i was already terrified by him lying in the corner of the room. Also leaving me all alone at his place the rest of the time with no food nor teaching about how i can stand up to the bullies, who would also target my lack of clothes, even though my father always has had good money. There were times i had nothing more than a pizza a day or even worse a bag of nuts&berries.

I was diagnosed with depression at 15 but had learned to keep up a guard around people, noone ever knew from my problems and why would they? to make me a target of the bully dynamic again? Avoid me? It was better to keep it out and so for a short time had some friends to party with.

I am sorry for you missing out information but i would be wary of throwing out accusation. The world up to my 20th treated me not so elgantly because of my low confidence with people and easily manipulated by others. When i worked in the gastronomy during school my boss was a choleric and would insult everyone but he actually had some serious business running, unlike my father who's only interaction with his son was shouting at him. The staff was apt at keeping me low but i prevailed and eventually bettered my self from it; could deal with it better and grew from it. The girls went from demanding to submissive. I also think about working in the gastronomy again the next months when nothing else comes to my mind.

Thats why i summarized everything in the head post but it seems people's general ignorance, as i just described above, is the reason to pop a guard up. With serious psychological warfare at home this is not a good idea.


Has Anyone with similar experience any tips?


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
**** sucks. Get out of there, get money, get your own apartment. Feel happy, with no negativity around you. Then call them maybe once a week, and just for 10min on the telephone, you can be happy. No drama, everybody tries their best and you can feel like a real family.

I don't get along with my parents either. Although they did nothing wrong, tried really hard to raise me well... today I am strong and they are weak. They are old and think they failed in life because I don't want to be around them. I'm sorry because they don't deserve this... I'm trying to man up and take charge, but they are also pround and me dominating them just feels not right.