My life thus far


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2013
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I generally hate this world we live in these days.

I was of the position that I'd find my way into a better world or one that better suited me - one that was the result of my own creation -- but I completely failed.

I am surrounded by idiocy everywhere.

I am keen on the fact that if you want to live in a good world, you must choose your activities such that this world is the result of what you do.

I guess I chose something that was my downright downfall.

I am surrounded by ineffectivity whereever I go, which is often not all that many places, so to speak. Even the software world (I am a software developer) is full of moronity when you come across the most 'mainstream' elements of it.

In typical, human existence, or human society, is not all that great. Not at all. You have to find and pick your way through and end up in the good places, but it is up to you entirely, it would seem.

It's a bit like the United States of America, there are absolutely horrible places (from what I've heard) but there are also very good places to live (e.g. some of the mountain areas, I guess).

I once heard of the Apalachian State University. It doesn't seem bad at all (hope I'm not offending anyone here).

When you end up in the most readily "visible" or predominant areas of our culture and societies, it is downright hell. It is just hellish.

The ego is this world is so strong and so prevalent and so dominant.... nothing resembles the human, all of it is wanting to be better than what a real human is. All of it is trying to change nature, to change human nature. All of it is divestment of what we normally naturally are, and fake repraisals of substitutions of replacements for that humanity.

All of the structures we have - politics, law, justice, health care, education - they are utterly corrupt and rotten to the core, mostly. Particularly the most fervently defended areas of it.

Just look at the justice system. A case with the police may take 1000 manhours to complete, and then a judge will round it up in 45 minutes and give some badly founded verdict for lack of time, and you are sent off somewhere or anything.

Police (on television) are supposed to think and try to see a case from all perspectives, but in reality they only listen to the victim (or not even that) (they imagine they listen to the victim) or the person they or someone has deemed to be a victim, and the 'perpetrator' is treated like scum from the beginning, shoot first talk later, and don't ask any questions.

Every form of authority in this world serves to destroy. Every authoritative organisation leaves yields and mounds of debris and destruction in the lives of the people they deal with. Name it: psychiatry, child protective services, governmental paid home health care services, police, justice, teachers.

And they do so in the precise amount of authority they exert. The more authoritative: the more they make decisions on behalf of someone else, they more destruction they wreak. In the lives of other people that can't escape from their grasp.

Let's not forget parents and children ;-). Parenting is the whole issue of this. Subjugation, patronization. It is an ideal in this world. Ruling over others is an ideal in this world. Not listening to people but rather making choices for them, is an ideal in this world. Trying to make a person change according to your wishes is an ideal in this world. It is so sick.

I don't know what happened to us, whether it was always like this. I guess it was certainly like this in the 18th 19th century. There are traces of it all the way back to Rome, and even before. I guess it started with 'civilisation'.

The funny thing is that these people who so fervently defend ruling over others are the same people who say that men and women should be equal. What they really mean is that women should rule over men instead of the other way around, or rather, it is not about ruling, but they feel so much that someone should always force another with threats of loss (to do their bidding) that in the end men rule (with force) in the public sphere while women rule (with force) in the private sphere.

And this they call equality.

Just take your typical example of a hot teenager that is with her father or her parents. You come across and you say some funky things to her that makes her feel like you know her. She feels like you have become part of the in-crowd, so she becomes more liberal with her father.

While you are in the out-crowd, she is submissive to him and does what he says (this was an Asian, also) but once she feels you are trusted and you are in the in-crowd, she changes. She starts to humiliate her father in front of you.

Typically this is what happens in regular families also: inside the walls the daughters are in charge. They overrule the father. It is not hard for a girl to make her father feel really uncomfortable. That is, I guess, unless he turns violent against her, but that is also a case of feeling disempowered. In a typical family the girl can get her way. Inside. But not outside.

Outside the house, or in the public sphere, she pretends to be submissive to him. So, she may not do as she pleases. This is because the father has power over her since males dominate the physical, external world. He is by law guaranteed to give her hell if she does not comply with what he wants.

No one will take the girl seriously, but all figures in positions of authority will take the father seriously.

For instance, police and psychiatry and all that (and teachers also, mostly, of course) will always be very happy to talk to a traditional father since he is of their kind. You get your father around and you see them suddenly treat him with respect while they treat you like a cow turd.

Only because of his position in the family, which is also a position of authority, like they have.

So why do I write these things? I am even posting in the mature man.

We all know from experience that it is not a good thing to have your parents around when seducing girls. Parents are invested in you not having sex.

They want to treat you as their sexless baby for ever. Being under the influence of authority is not good for your.. market appraisal. It is not attractive. Even the girls who believe in that crap will not find you attractive, because reality supersedes what false ideas they may have about themselves.

Reality always supersedes illusion. The essense of being a pick up artist is knowing what is true.

I once gained some respect from one of these psychiatry nurses because I dealt with a woman in a way that left the woman attacking me without effect, and caused her to humiliate herself in front of everyone (without her even knowing it, really)... . But when you talk about it or verbalize it they will disagree.

People generally don't know what they feel and what are just false beliefs that turn into false feelings.

But reality always assert itself. Just don't talk about it too often with the wrong people ;-).

Jesus is supposed to have said: "Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing". This is what is being meant by that.

I am left handed, so I won't let my right hand know what I am doing with my left. My right hand is the Woman ;-).

I generally don't want a woman to know (beforehand) what I am doing because she will disagree with it and create a "fvckup" for herself and others. The particularly odd thing about our culture and language is that we say that sex creates havoc (the word f u c k is always used in terms of havoc) but the "f c k n g up " she does ensures that no sex comes about.

Only when the effects are already visible you can point someone's attention to it, and this is true of all life.

If you draw attention to something that is as yet still an idea or an attempt (this is called lack of discretion) you will end up in the biggest nightmare you can imagine and I have done so in my life.

In general the people of this world are so stupid, so turdlike, that anything fancy, new, valuable or worthy is looked at with distrust. So don't tell your left hand what your right hand is doing.

I did just that. In some way I told my wrong hand what my right hand was doing. And I ended up in deep pain and utter nightmare.

I still sleep well ;-).

People are generally invited constantly (e.g. on television) to spill their guts and it never works out for them.

People are generally invited to not have any privacy or private thinking, and it doesn't work out for them.

Once people know who you are and what funky thoughts you have, they will think you are an enemy of good decency, and I believe this would be true of most or any people on this site.

Don't tell the general public and the general person in the general public (or your parents, for that goes) what and who you are.

At least that seems to be the most wise of statements I can make today.

At the same time I am told to "open up" to people.

I am told to "share" myself. I am told to show more of what I am.

And the weird thing is that that has at the same time ended me up in so much nightmare, because people got to know who weren't meant to know (they were not the first persons, or the ones who were meant to know that ****) -- and also, it seems to be my salvation, because once I really stick to what I am and make no apologies, people start to accept it of me.