My friend in college goes after every single girl I go after and takes them all....


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2005
Reaction score
I'm a good looking guy and I do have a game but my friend is pretty good-looking too and is tall (I'm 5'6 and he's 6'1) and has slightly better game. Every damn girl I'm interested in he goes after too and he gets them.

I don't know how to compete. I mean, in just a metter of minutes he's playing with a new girl and touching her and stuff and at the time it's like if I go over there and try it would just look like I'm ****blocking.


Postmodern Sleaze

New Member
Oct 14, 2005
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Try to learn his techniques. He'd make an excellent teacher. Remember: it's not about beating your friend, it's about achieving your own goals.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
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Paradise (with rain)
Originally posted by Balla_Baby_69
we both are
lol tall dark and handsom... how can anyone compete with that?

learn from him. u might get as good or better than him. always stive for better


May 6, 2003
Reaction score
You call that a friend?

He obviously has never heard of the concept "bros before hoes"

If he were a decent friend he wouldn't be competing with you like that, and would let you get your own too.

Or you can just try meeting b!tches when you're not with him.

Boner da Stoner

Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
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Iqaluit Nunavut
I hate when I do this to my friends, I am a horrible wingman.

Don't mack on the girl in a way that would turn her on but not towards you!

my friend says he thinks the girl is hot, than I bring her in for him to make an easy kill, I throw in a few different facts about her whether I know her or not and they stare at eachother with puppy eyes.

My problem is I don't let them isolate.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
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Red Sox Nation
Originally posted by Postmodern Sleaze
Try to learn his techniques. He'd make an excellent teacher. Remember: it's not about beating your friend, it's about achieving your own goals.
I don't think he'll "teach" you anything. Guys do not understand the concept of cooperation unless it's a special team thing. Most of the time, guys just want to one up each other, which is why he is going after every girl that you are after. Isn't there a way to separate your game from him?

The only thing I can think of is to get one of them chicks who give you a headache and get your friend hooked with her indirectly and then watch her give him major headaches while you run your own game. But maybe this is s stupid idea.

Or go after a girl and tell her a "secret" that your roomate has herepes or some other sh1t like that and tell her to keep it a secret :D Should be fun when he tries to game her.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Approach a 2set...he can only have one at a time right? Unless he has some real skills and gets them both :p

Do as he does. Learn from him. If you are both good-looking and both got game, he must be doing something right that you aren't. Pinpoint that, perfect it and you'll find yourself having first pick in no time :D Also try new stuff. Experiment and find out what works..If you lose girls to him when you sarge together, then sarge on your own or find a new (better) wingman.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Your 5'6, it is going to be hard for you to make it in this game. I suggest you borrow neal strauss's platform shoes; he's retired from the game.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
He's your "friend" ok, but do you need to always sarge/deal with chicks as a UNIT? Do your own thing as well on your side, he obviously doesn't care about yo ugetting laid.



Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Sounds like you're competing with him. If that's the case, and he has a tighter game and better height, i'd advise you to seek another friend cause it doesnt sound like he treats you like one. I'd also advise you that since he IS your competition afterall, go elsewhere where he cant ruin your game. you dont have to dj the same place he does find other sources.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by SELF-MASTERY
Your 5'6, it is going to be hard for you to make it in this game.
That's some really de-motivating **** man..I'm just a little bit taller than that, and it sucks to hear that you can't master the game unless you have the proper height. For most short people their height is THE number one destroyer of confidence.
I hope (and think) that you can have success with girls without being 6'. If that isn't the case, why bother learning all these techniques, approaches, rules etc??


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
Here is what you must accept:

1. Comparatively speaking your friend has better game than you
2. Your friend is like most people - doesn't view friendship in the "how can we help each other" sense, but in the "me me me" sense. This is why true friends/allies are so rare.

Here is what you can DO about it:

1. Improve your inner game. From your posts here it sounds like you have confidence issues.
2. Stop spending so much of your valuable time with your "friend." Be busy with your own goals and people who's company you enjoy. Ask yourself why you hang out with this person.
3. Have your life on track. When you have your shvt together it shines through in your interactions with others. Women can be temporarily taken with your short-term game, but they will be addicted to you if you have long-term game.
4. Think of pick-up artistry, which your friend appears to possess, like any other skill in your life. If you want to get better, learn and practice.

Take action!


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by \O/
That's some really de-motivating **** man..I'm just a little bit taller than that, and it sucks to hear that you can't master the game unless you have the proper height. For most short people their height is THE number one destroyer of confidence.
I hope (and think) that you can have success with girls without being 6'. If that isn't the case, why bother learning all these techniques, approaches, rules etc??
We all need to know what will limit us in this game. Some 300lb guy will have a hardtime DJing quality women. We wouldn't tell him, all you need is a strong inner-game and some technique. Be realistic, but play the game anyway. Once you realize your limitations, but play the game anyway your confidence will soar.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
ok just throwing my 2 cents in here.

just because someone has a bf/gf doesnt mean they arent available. LOTS of people are in relationships that suck. why do they stay? because they are afraid of being alone. they become coodependent on the other person, even when that other person isn't good for them.

so follow a simple rule in life... try honesty!
instead of all the games and over analyzing, just tell people how you feel.

this guy WAS flirting with you, and the reason he was was because his gf isn't the one he wants to settle down with.

now here is the tricky part. people are cowards. so what they do is they flirt while telling themselves 'oh this is harmless. im just being friendly. nothing more' all the whil subconsciously hoping the other person forces their hand.

had you said to this guy. "Frank, i don't know how you feel, but I find myself attracted to you. i know you have a relationship, so i think we should probably cut back on how much we pal around."

now i can tell you right away he would have said 'ummm ok". and he probably would have pulled back from you. BUT what you've done with your actions is taken whats going on subconsciously in him and brought it to the surface.

now he starts to question himself about why he was flirting with you, why he's with a gf that isn't satisfying, etc.

now that he knows he has another option to explore, it would only have been a matter of time until he dumped the gf.

REMEMBER all relationships go through fights. and the next fight he and his gf had he'd be thinking to himself 'why the hell am i putting up with her crap when a hot little number appreciates what i have to offer!" at which point he dumps her and shortly there after asks you out.

anyway. you can never go wrong in life by being honest about the way you feel.

you do however have to have the strength to do it. it will kill the flirtation game going on right now. but thats because its a GAME and once you are honest you're upping the ante and making it REAL.

you could have easily had this guy. all you had to do was let him know you liked him and then waited. him and his gf eventually would have had a fight and he would have dumped her ass.

still not to late i suppose. if you have his email address you should email him and tell him that you miss his presence in the office and that if he's ever single you'd like to have dinner.

then forget about him and let nature take its course.

just my 2 cents.