My FR, what happened


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
I think I ran into a case of ASD (Anti-Slut defense). I'm interested to see what do you guys think. This transpired on Wednesday of last week, but this is the earliest I could post here. Note that I haven't had sex with this girl yet. But my plan was to close her that night.

Our final exams were last week and I asked the girl at the end of the weekend if she'd like to come over and hang out after our final physics exam on Wednesday night (we have the same class). She agreed and so it was all set up.

Wednesday night after the exam she comes on AIM and says, "If you don't have anything special in mind, I really want to see my friend xxx (her best girl friend) before we leave for the holidays." So she's flaking on me, it seems. I said, "Listen, you already made these plans with me and you've had time this week to see your friend. So it boils down to you either wanting to see me or not."

I reasoned out that she wasn't actually flaking on me, but that it was a shyt test or she was just forgetful or something. If it was a test then I must have passed it because she came back with "Oh no, I simply meant that maybe the three of us could hang out together." I told her that she should hang out with her friend and say goodbye or whatever for an hour or so and that I'd give her a call a little later.

I take care of some business and then call her back after an hour and a half and arrange a meeting. Told her to bring something to drink for us.

She comes over with the drink, we share a bit of cheesecake I had in the fridge, and then talk for a bit. Eventually I get bored of the convo (though it was going well and we were laughing and carrying on), and pull her close. She starts giggling, and then we start making out (as planned).

Flash forward 20 minutes later, she has been enjoying herself apparantly and went so far as to turn out the lights and turn off the television, take off her shoes, and close my shade (why would she do this if she weren't planning on hanging around for something good ;P ). By this time I've been kissing all over her body and have caressed her arms, back, stomach, neck, outer legs, and ass. I have not yet touched/kissed the Twin Towers, and I haven't gone near the Promised Land. Her shirt is like halfway off.

Her arms are crossed over the upper part of her stomach while she is laying on the bed. So while we're still kissing, I'm caressing the stomach and start to move upwards and encounter her arms.
I tease her that her arms are blocking progress. She says "Maybe I don't want you to touch me there, maybe I'm trying to be subtle". I come back with a C+F joke about our Physics teacher saying the same first! (This gets her laughing; We've got an ongoing joke about me sleeping with the teacher for an A.)

Anyway, I took it all to mean that I wasn't quite doing...enough for her to want me to touch her there. I figured I'd spend a little more time and get her heated up some.

Right after that she started whispering "It was my plan to be in bed by 11, I didn't expect it to be yours!". Which was funny, but then she started whispering between kisses that she needed to get home to bed so she could get some sleep for her drive home in the morning (she was going to get up at 8, I mean come on, why wouldn't she want some hot sex to end the semester and still get like 6-7 hours?).

She wasn't really making a move to leave at all though and we kept making out for another 10-15 minutes, though I didn't try to push any limits. Eventually I ended it myself (not her) and told her it really was time to get home. I turned lights on, she put shoes on, and I helped her get her coat on. Then I walked her almost back to her dorm (I had to stop at the store.) And that was it.

I wanted sex, got none. What happened here?!

Grey Fox

Master Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Could be a bunch of things: She could be a prude, a tease, maybe she has an STD and in good conscience didn't want to pass it on to you. Though many would consider the line "I knew I'd be in bed by 11, just not in yours." a prompt to have sex, the fact that you had her steaming for another 15 minutes after that makes me wonder if she really wanted it. She may have just wanted some over the top action, which is probably why you didn't have sex. If she didn't put out then she will probably not put out at all.

-Grey Fox


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
She's not a prude and not really a tease..

So what your saying is, I'm unlikely to ever get any action from this chick? Darn..


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
"I'm caressing the stomach and start to move upwards and encounter her arms.
I tease her that her arms are blocking progress. She says "Maybe I don't want you to touch me there, maybe I'm trying to be subtle"."

When she did the arm thing you should have known it was over. No "heating her up" was going to get you to bang her. She wasn't down for it that night for whatever reason. Maybe she "isn't like that" and would have felt like a wh0re to give it up to you that quick. That's the most common case. It's not that she's prude but that she wouldn't respect herself (or was afraid that you wouldn't respect her) if she would have let you go further. It happens man, to everybody.

When she flaked on you about her friend (and yes, she did flake), you should have known that you were going to be in for it. I would have put the ball in her court instead of making her feel obligated to come over. That way if she really didn't want to come over then she could have taken that easy way out and you wouldn't have been left frustrated and feeling "led on".

Try to see her again, but don't expect to get laid. Expect to take it a step further though, maybe groping her chest or maybe going down on her with your hand. But from the looks of the situation I would doubt it would go much quicker than that.

Also, try to throw booze into the mix. That always helps to dissolve her inhibitions.



Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I'm going to touch on something that will help you next round...

Our final exams were last week and I asked the girl at the end of the weekend if she'd like to come over and hang out after our final physics exam on Wednesday night (we have the same class). She agreed and so it was all set up.

Wednesday night after the exam she comes on AIM and says, "If you don't have anything special in mind, I really want to see my friend xxx (her best girl friend) before we leave for the holidays."
You didn't display any value for a date that night. All you said was "hang out". Hanging out sounds boring. She can "hang out" with her friend. She didn't see any difference between being with you and being with her friend. You should have given her a set of plans such as, "Why don't you come over Wednesday night? I've got pizza/lasagna/perogies/cheesecake sitting in the fridge/freezer just waiting to be eaten, and I can't eat it all by myself." Even if it's a frozen dinner, how many times do you think her friend cooks for her? You have to give her something that will be more exciting than gossiping with her friend all night.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Desdinova
I'm going to touch on something that will help you next round...

You didn't display any value for a date that night. All you said was "hang out". Hanging out sounds boring. She can "hang out" with her friend. She didn't see any difference between being with you and being with her friend. You should have given her a set of plans such as, "Why don't you come over Wednesday night? I've got pizza/lasagna/perogies/cheesecake sitting in the fridge/freezer just waiting to be eaten, and I can't eat it all by myself." Even if it's a frozen dinner, how many times do you think her friend cooks for her? You have to give her something that will be more exciting than gossiping with her friend all night.
Hey Dest, I disagree on that one. I think that if she likes you enough to want to get romantically involved with you, that "hanging out" is just fine. It's just another way to word it. I use it all the time and have found no problems with it personally.

If a girl is hanging out with you for any other reason than to BE with you (ex: going to dinner or going to a movie) then it's the wrong reason.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
It's entirely possible that she had her period. It might be that she just isn't ready to go there yet and she might have just been a bit tired and knew she needed sleep. I think you're reading far too much into this.