My first really direct approach - completely crashed & burned....

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Wolf said:
I wouldn't be lieing b saying I felt uncomfortable just READING it... Especially seeing as you carried it on after they were like ignoring you...

I NEVER direct approach, it may show confidence, but if she IS cute, and is used to hearing it, what sets you apart from the stacks of other blokes who say the same to her every day of her life.
Because 99% of the guys who do so don't do so in a strong, confident manner.

Even Guitar Whizz, who thought he was opening directly wasn't.

Read my post above how I approach directly and tell my how many other guys do the same.

This is why direct method works and works well, because it sets you apart from the stack of other blokes who say the same to her every day of her life.

If you think Direct Method is just telling a hot girl that she is hot, then you don't know anything about Direct Method.

Again, read my post above in this thread how I approach, then tell me how many other "stacks of blokes" approach in that manner, with that kind of power and confidence.

Not bragging, but I've had HB9's and 10's actually shake and tremble and stutter before from my opener. All of a sudden, It was like I was the HB and she was the nervous AFC

Talk about flippin' the script!

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Obsidian said:
wow, interesting strategy, Derek. How long did it take you to master?
Not very long.

Probably about a dozen approaches. And lot's of reading and listening to CD's that are "Direct Method" orientated.

As for the person who asked where I do this type of approach, it is a night approach, outside of an area that has several upscale lounge type bars, or in the lounge itself.

Day game I am a little less bold, but you'd be surprised at what you can do when you are bold, confident and lead.

I would recommend "Mode One" by Roger Allen Currie to see just how bold you can be and what is possible.

It is a $20.00 ebook that has more value than 99% of the ebooks I've bought and/or read.

Someone mentioned a "cult" - Direct isn't a cult. You want a cult?

Go see Mystery when he gives a lecture and check out all the mini Mystery's all dressed like him and talking about how "you're saying you went from A2 to A3 and you're trying to get to C1 but you're getting IODs instead of IOIs and you haven't given SOIs so you want to DHV to blast through LMR or DLV to get past through her ASD?"

That is a cult.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Agent Zero said:
If anyone thinks he would have gotten a different result on this approach just by leaving out a few words in his approach and being 100% direct in all he did, well, you've just substituted the indirect cult for a direct one. She was in a bad mood, bad day, whatever! Keep approaching!
Go out and approach 20 women, not any women but HB 8's and higher.

Approach 10 HB8's and higher using this approach:

"Excuse me, but I was just walking by and I noticed you and I think that you are exceptionally beautiful and I thought it might be cool if we could maybe get to know each other"

Do it with average body language and tonality.

Then go approach another 10 HB 8's or higher with this approach:

"You are exceptionally beautiful and it would be really cool for us to get to know each other"

Do it with good, strong confident body language and with good tonality, speaking confidently and sincerely.

Then report back here with your results.

And read my post above if you want to see what a pickup cult looks like.

Agent Zero

Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
I understand the difference between the 2 approaches. My point is nothing works 100% of the time. It seems clear that the 2-set he approached was in a bad mood and the girl was intent on showing off to her friend. I encourage guys to approach and learn for themselves rather than make 1 approach, bomb, and then post a thread like this trying to find the perfect approach. There is no perfect approach, even direct.

Jerry Maguire

Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Where as I'm not disagreeing with Derek in that his approach will probably work on American HB8+ who just happen to be walking around by herself, opening a girl in Britain who is part of a set is a lot different.

Jerry Maguire

Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Agent Zero said:
I understand the difference between the 2 approaches. My point is nothing works 100% of the time. It seems clear that the 2-set he approached was in a bad mood and the girl was intent on showing off to her friend. I encourage guys to approach and learn for themselves rather than make 1 approach, bomb, and then post a thread like this trying to find the perfect approach. There is no perfect approach, even direct.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
"Excuse me, but I was just walking by and I noticed you and I think that you are exceptionally beautiful and I thought it might be cool if we could maybe get to know each other"
I dont really see the point in opening like that. To much flattery in my opinion. I beleave that if you can approach with pure confidence and project a sexual vibe SHE WILL KNOW EXACTLY WHY YOU HAVE APPROACHED HER.

Im direct myself, but opening like that doesnt sit well with me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
sexybeast said:
I dont really see the point in opening like that. To much flattery in my opinion. I beleave that if you can approach with pure confidence and project a sexual vibe SHE WILL KNOW EXACTLY WHY YOU HAVE APPROACHED HER.

Im direct myself, but opening like that doesnt sit well with me.
I think what Derek actually mean was that that opener is bad because it's full of 'excuses' and 'justifications', whereas the other opener he suggests is more to the point: "You are exceptionally beautiful and it would be really cool for us to get to know each other".

See the difference?

I would personally change the second opener to: "'re incredibly cute and I wanted to meet you".


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
Jerry Maguire said:
Where as I'm not disagreeing with Derek in that his approach will probably work on American HB8+ who just happen to be walking around by herself, opening a girl in Britain who is part of a set is a lot different.
A lot of people have been saying this - that American girls are easier to pickup than British girls. Americans are generally much more socially outgoing and willing to talk to strangers than British people.

But I bet even if I'd approached a 2 set in the USA it would've been pretty hard too.

Cold approaches are much harder over here in England - almost no guy is doing them, especially in the daytime, and especially not direct, so I guess for a girl she will be completely caught 'off guard'.

I think, though, I would be better approaching lone wolves than sets as there's no chance of being ****blocked etc.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2006
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Derek Flint I would love to be your teammate in the field for a night.....your comments are fascinating.

Guitar- Congrats on the effort, keep trying and you'll find your style


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Guitar_Whizz said:
A lot of people have been saying this - that American girls are easier to pickup than British girls. Americans are generally much more socially outgoing and willing to talk to strangers than British people.

But I bet even if I'd approached a 2 set in the USA it would've been pretty hard too.

Cold approaches are much harder over here in England - almost no guy is doing them, especially in the daytime, and especially not direct, so I guess for a girl she will be completely caught 'off guard'.

I think, though, I would be better approaching lone wolves than sets as there's no chance of being ****blocked etc.
Not too many guys approach girls here in the US during the day either, especially hot ones. And of those that do not too many get much success. In clubs, guys approach but then it's just serious competition over the girls. I can't speak for girls in the UK but girls here in the US can be stuck up, b*tchy and cold, as any American guy can tell you. Why do you think there's so many American guys on this site looking for advice to get laid lol?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Hey, well done Guitar Whizz. 95% of guys on this site would not have the guts do what you did (most of them probably cringed just reading it).

Sure, you crashed and burned, but so what? "Direct" is the big leagues. You can't expect to do it well right off the bat.

That aside, people need to keep in mind that Guitar could be a past master of "direct" and still get the same kind of response. That's just then nature of PU: no matter how "good" you are, at the end of the day, some girls just won't be into you for any number of reasons, not the least of which is you are simply not at all their type.

So what the hell is with all the careful dissections of "what went wrong"? As if anything definite could be pinpointed after one fkking approach! How about Guitar does 30 or so such approaches, by which time a general pattern might emerge, and then people begin analysing his peformance?

Nevertheless, if I could add my opinion, I'd just say that you'd minimize the number of "freakout" responses if you screened for slight indications that she might interested first (like a glance your way, or even better, intent staring). Screening the targets is a sound approach even for indirect, but since freaking them out is a lot less common with indirect it doesn't matter as much. Then again, maybe you'd just as soon prefer to get comfortable with handling freaked-out girls, so feel free to ignore this.

Derek Flint: since you are such a busy guy, you could well do with learning to be more succinct. Your entire point could have been made (and understood better) in three sentences.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Hey, well done Guitar Whizz. 95% of guys on this site would not have the guts do what you did (most of them probably cringed just reading it).

Sure, you crashed and burned, but so what? "Direct" is the big leagues. You can't expect to do it well right off the bat.

That aside, people need to keep in mind that Guitar could be a past master of "direct" and still get the same kind of response. That's just then nature of PU: no matter how "good" you are, at the end of the day, some girls just won't be into you for any number of reasons, not the least of which is you are simply not at all their type.

So what the hell is with all the careful dissections of "what went wrong"? As if anything definite could be pinpointed after one fkking approach! How about Guitar does 30 or so such approaches, by which time a general pattern might emerge, and then people begin analysing his peformance?

Nevertheless, if I could add my opinion, I'd just say that you'd minimize the number of "freakout" responses if you screened for slight indications that she might interested first (like a glance your way, or even better, intent staring). Screening the targets is a sound approach even for indirect, but since freaking them out is a lot less common with indirect it doesn't matter as much. Then again, maybe you'd just as soon prefer to get comfortable with handling freaked-out girls, so feel free to ignore this.

Derek Flint: since you are such a busy guy, you could well do with learning to be more succinct. Your entire point could have been made (and understood better) in three sentences.