My emotions are a serious problem for me.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
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This is in regards to the 39 year old MILF I've been fvcking regularly (once a week or so) for the past several months. It's pretty ridiculous when I think about it. I honestly don't want anything to do with this woman (aside from casual sex). She's 39 years old, dumber than you can imagine, boring as all hell to talk to, and to top it all off, she's not even attractive. Actually she's pretty much a total failure.

I've only been fvcking her because I have nothing else available to me and--because I didn't lose my virginity until I was 22 (to her, no less)--I was willing to bite the bullet and embrace any kind of experience I could get under my belt. She is my mother's friend and she would usually spend the night over my house after they went out on the weekends. I would come home after drinking, wake her up (she would sleep on the couch) and bring her into my room for a good pounding.

Ready for the punch line? For the past week she has started hanging out with this new guy her own age and every time I see him my fvcking blood boils. WHY!? It's ridiculous. I try to rationalize it and I understand that it makes no sense. I don't care for this woman and it was just sex. Why am I so angry?

Is it a territorial thing? A pride thing? Maybe both? Who knows, but it's irritating. The funny thing is that, despite the fact that I realize how silly the whole thing is, I still act on my emotion. Last night she got into a fight with her room mate and had to leave the house. She called me up and asked if I would give her a ride back over there so she could get her daughter out of the house for the night. I told her no.

Does that make me an irrational assh*le? Probably, but man did it feel great. The problem is that she's always really nice to me.

Oh well. Fvck her. She's wasted my time anyway. A source of easy puss made me way too complacent. I lost my motivation to meet new women. I need to pick up my balls and find a girl my age now.

Thanks for listening. I had to get this out.
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
Your mother's friend??? Sounds a bit unbelievable!!:rolleyes:

Do you thing she wants a relationship with a 23 year old?? What do you expect!!

I'm sure she is desperate to trap someone her age who has a long term future potential!

Get younger girls!!!

FM 3321

Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2004
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I think it's just your insecurity about NOT being able to find another girl to have sex with. It happened to me over the weekend...not your situation but feelings.

There was this girl I met the weekend before and we've been talking every day during the week multiple times during the day (I knew it was too much) but after we hung out on a long trip, I had a huge crush on her which was quickly swept away when this even hotter girl I met the night earlier at a party called me. I got off the phone and this other girl I had a "crush" on was gone. So anyway if you knew you could get a different girl the next day that you wanted, those feelings would be gone.

I kinda think it's like how devastated a guy would be if his only car was destroyed and he had no money/no insurance. If the same guy had 2 million dollars, he'd be a little crushed but he'd order another car with no big deal.

The Rev

Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Don't blame yourself. No matter what a great DJ you are, you can't escape biology.

Jealousy is often given a bad rap, and in extreme cases (men killing their wives in a fit of jealousy) it is VERY bad. But jealousy has evolved for a very specific purpose: to keep you on guard to prevent other men from inseminating your woman/en. And it works very effectively.

Let's say you're married to a woman. You don't want other guys going around to her and hitting on her. You perceive this as jealousy. What is actually happening is that your genes have hijacked your brain to make you feel this jealousy. This jealousy produces behavior that keeps you watchful of your mate and makes sure that they don't stray.

The question becomes: what is the biological/genetic threat that makes your genes and body mobilize such a powerful emotion? The real fear of being CUCKOLDED.

The worst thing, genetically, would be you raising the offspring of another man. You put in a bunch of resources and time and get no genetic benefit, while the man on the side gets the ultimate benefit: all he donates is his seed and a few minutes, and he transmits his genes to the next generation. This is very profitable from his standpoint and devastating to you.

Even if you have no interest in having a child with her, or any fear about raising her child or anything like that, you are still programmed this way because those who are programmed this way do better genetically, and thus transmit these genes to the next generation, and so on. So don't kick yourself for being jealous. Just accept it as natural, but try to force it out of your mind, because for this instance, it doesnt matter.