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Don Juan
Jan 21, 2005
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I thought you guys might find it interesting. I don't come to this board very often anymore, but i'll try to stay on top of this thread if it becomes meaningfull. Feel free to contribute to my lists, I am sure that I have left some things out.

I will probably post more as I think about it. For now, as posted earlier in my blog, and edited for your viewing pleasure:

Monday, March 26, 2007
Title: So..

It seems like I am finally figuring out what I want in a girl, every relationship I get in brings me a little closer. I was thinking about it this morning while I was laying in bed trying to find the energy to get up, yeah strange huh? Anyway, I was kinda laughing to myself when I realized that all those billions of girls that I dated in my early 20s could be compaired to christmas presents, I didn't give a crap what was inside, I just wanted to tear the wrapping paper off. Thats literally how it ****ing was, as soon as I had torn the paper off ide toss em, women were cheap if they lasted 3 dates and near worthless if they only lasted one... Cheap if they had 3 layers of wrapping paper, worthless and lame if they only had the standard one layer =P The funny thing was that I never cared to play with any of my presents, I just literally wanted to tear the paper off and toss em for the next present.

Anyway so here is where I am at...

Loyal: Never had a problem with a girl running around on me, in my opinion, if your girl is running around on you then you are prolly a piece of crap. Women are generally dependent, if you don't give them a reason to leave, they probably won't. You should always make sure that the grass is never greener on the other side, but you also shouldn't mow the other side down either because it only makes them look better, if you are always talkin about em then they must have something going right? However it is nice to know that even if you do screw something up that your girl isn't going to go **** the town as soon as you turn around.

Supportive: You don't even have to be interested in what someone is doing to be supportive, few people make that connection, but that is key. Once you have been with a girl that only lives to tear your ass down to the ground and run your name through the mud, you truly appreciate someone who is behind you 100%. Now that I have had this problem, I know for a fact that the only thing that is worse than someone who nags you to death to your face is someone who *****es about you behind your back, telling the world what an ugly piece of **** you are. The funny part is that girls who do this wonder why their man is worthless and doesn't amount to anything, maybe if they would quit tearing him down he actually might amount to something.

Patient: Oh man, if you want to shorten your life by a few decades, find a girl that has no patience. Smoking, fried food, drugs, and anything else you can think of don't hold a candle to the destructive power of an impatient woman. Nuff said. I now have found this to be very true, you can't even imagine how bad impatience is until you have been there.

Sensible: Street smart or common sence, this is waaaay different than intelligent. Some of the most intelligent people out there are also some of the worlds greatest ****ups. To prove this you only have to look as far as our president who is actually smarter than 99.99% of the people who hate him. (This is apparently not true, according to a newer study, our president has an estimated IQ of 91 [5 point margin], which if I am not mistaken, is 11 points above legal retardation, which explains alot. The remaining portion of this is still very true.) Why street smart you ask? Well i'll tell ya why, there is no one in the world that can more totally, completely, irreversibly screw something up than a intelligent person. Dumb people do dumb things that don't amount to much, smart people do dumb things with fantastic precision. If you don't know how that spill ties into being sensible, think about it some more.

Intelligent: Ok I am not going to sit here and dog people for something they can't honestly help, but man there is almost nothing more aggrivating than a stupid person when you are trying to do something. Intelligence is in alot of ways built and maintained, but there is also alot of genetics involved here. Oh God what a cluster this can be, if a girl is too dumb they just end up being aggrivating because they can't understand things, or if they can, it takes them forever. If a girl is too smart they ****ing overthink everything which leads them into a circular reasoning trap of reading things that simply aren't there into everything you do (See the section on "Why"). This trap of intelligent people only gets worse with time.

Calm: You wanna know what comes in right behind a impatient girl in destructive power? The drama queen. It's a girl who flips out over everything. When the **** hits the fan, who do you really want at your side? A girl who is going into uncontrollable spasms, or a girl who is calm and collected? Yeah, easy choice, I don't even have to explain this one.

Why: Another circular trap of intelligent people is to ask "Why?" about everything, women are especially succeptable to falling into this trap because they seem to actually care. Real men don't give a flying ****, James Bond wouldn't be caught dead asking a woman why she did something, he only cares that she did it, and even that only gets a passing acknowledgement. Asking why by itself is only bad if it wasn't preceeded by a question that began with "What...?" In short, the world would be a much better place if people simply framed and asked the proper questions. Here is an example:

Wrong frame:

Q: Why did he not kiss me? A: Because he doesn't like me. Then: Q: Why does he not like me? A: Because I am ugly and fat. Then: Q: Why am I so ugly and fat? A: Because I suck at life. Solution: Now that I am off my meds, I strangly feel the need to jump off a bridge, but i'll probably fail at that too.

Correct frame:

Q: What was I/he doing that made him not want to kiss me? A: I got spinach in my teeth. Then: Q: Why does spinach having in my teeth mean that I am not getting kissed? A: Because he does not believe in swapping food. Solution: Brush your damn teeth.


Sometimes knowing what not to do, or what you don't want is actually better than knowing what to do, or what you want.

The Party Girl: GGW baby! Yeah! You want fun times? Look no farther than this girl, she has everything you could possibly want, and absolutly nothing you need. I have dated enough of these to know the truth of that. Plus there is nothing worse than having to babysit some drunk ass bimbo... when it is only 7pm.

The Porn Star: To them its all a numbers game. They care nothing for quality, only for quantity. Guys tend to think that a girl that has ****ed the whole town is good at what she does, that isn't the case at all. I haven't met one yet that truly had alot of skill, its the ones that stick with a guy long enough to at least find out what makes them tick and get some feedback that can really rock your world.

The Uber Baggage Handler: The girl who can't let go of anything, she has never once lost a bag... ever, and she even manages JFK airport's baggage handling. Sounds good right? I actually once thought that a girl that can't let go of anything was definitely the way to go because she would never be able to let go of me. Wrong. All they do is rehash their **** ass life over and over, and they are never able to get rid of those craptastic people in their life that give them all their material.

Miss Independent: The polar opposite of the baggage handler is this one, she cant hang onto anything if it isn't glued to her. She doesn't need you at all which in a way can be nice, but after you realise that you amount to nothing more than a date in her Palm Pilot, you will be searching for something a little deeper. This is also the girl that is so busy she doesn't have time for you, whats more important than her anyway. I do have to say this though, this girl can seem nice after meeting...

Miss Dependent: She needs everyone 100% of the time or her entire world gets flushed down the toilet. Her emotional needs are so extremely high that you honestly can't let her out of your sight even to take a **** because she will probably fall apart.

The Gold Digger: Actually a close cousin to Miss Dependent, this one has no obvious emotional needs, only physical ones. They can't do anything for themselves, so they need someone around to do everything for them. They have no discretion at all, they literally need every shiny thing they lay their eyes on. This isn't all bad, especially if you can provide all this. The underlying problem is that they are severely needy and have extremely low self-esteam and they use all these things to make themselves feel better, but once said item no longer gives them that feeling they are off to find another one that is even bigger and better. If said item is you, then you just got replaced.

Little Miss Headache: Not only does she have one, she is passing them out for free. This girl is the ringleader of the Association of Selfish People, but don't take my word for it, I dare you to ask her for anything. This person also can't say no to anything, it isn't in their vocabulary. To make up for this they have a permanent headache. The obvious solution to this is to tell them that they always have a headache and they just need to get on with life and then go about doing what you want anyway.

Miss Migrane: Very different from Little Miss Headache, Miss Migrane has no trouble saying no. As a matter of fact, she probably says it alot. Where does she get these migranes from? From you and every other stupid ****er on this rock. If you want a migrane of your own, just find one of these.


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2005
Reaction score
Miss Can't Break A Nail: Yeah you shouldn't have gotten me started on this one, but you did. Yeah I blamed you, so what are you going to do about it? Nothing, so read on. This girl is a very close cousin to Miss Gold Digger, she can't do anything either, and she even has a reason. Whats even worse is that not only can she not do anything, but she is also too good to do anything. These girls almost remind me of the girls of high society of a bunch of indians in South America, they would actually intentionally cripple themselves so that they would not be able to do any normal work. They would do this by wrapping their foot in cloth and they would slowly bend their foot into a U shape so eventually they would actually walk on the top of their foot.

Miss Better Than You: Oh god help us all, I think we have all met one of these at some point. It doesn't matter what you do, they can do it better. The obvious solution is to tell them to ****ing do it, but the unfortunate thing is that they also do not feel the need to demontrate their supreme ability. That would be showing off.


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2005
Reaction score
By the way, 10000 character limits, waiting 60 seconds between posts, and editing out my creative English blows monkey ass.