My 16 realizations


New Member
Aug 12, 2008
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I've been an active member in the community for over two years now. I've had my ups. I've had my downs. I've altered my course at certain points and I've done and seen things I could have never fathomed. But most of all, I am absolutely 100% grateful to be apart of something so wonderful and progressive.

And so I've sort of compiled a few of my most life changing, game altering realizations that I've had over the last couple of years.

1) game is much more than just meeting, dating and attracting women. It is way of living your life. It is the by product of having all of your other needs met. When everything else in your life is good, the problem with women will handle itself.

2) Sex is over rated and doesn't last nearly as long as the interactions and experiences in between. Unfortunately, we only recognize this during the sex itself.

3) Attraction is an emotional process and 'studying' game is a logical process. Know the difference and recognize that more studying does not necessarily equate to more success with women.

4) Having multiple relationships at any one given time is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT. Having one girlfriend can be time consuming and emotionally taxing, just think what it is like to have three or four, ….seven? Props to Hugh Hefner. You're a better man than I.

5)Never form an identity that requires the participation of other people. Calling yourself a pick up artist, player, or 'expert' on women forces you to constantly reaffirm that identity through others. If you don’t get that validation, the identity crumbles. Avoid doing this at all costs

6)As hard as it is for me to accept, occasionally some women will not find you attractive. It's not their fault. It's not your fault. Forgive them. Get over it. And move onto to the next one.

7) The most attractive guys are ones who give value to everyone who comes into their life. Giving is the antecedent to receiving. And when you bring out the potential in others, you bring out the potential in yourself.

8) What you feel on the inside will generally manifest itself on the outside. Your language always points back to your self concept. In essence, a women will respond to you based on how you feel about yourself.

9) Life is nothing more than series of fleeting moments. Knowing this, you should realize that the only moment that matters is the one you are experiencing now. This is not only the essence to game, it is the essence of life.

10) Live life doing the things you enjoy. There is no sense in adjusting or catering your life around meeting women if you aren't getting to do what you love. Besides, your more likely to find like minded people in the places you want to be.

11) Analysis and reflection is a necessity to understanding 'game' but hindering when actually gaming. Know when your in your head and find a way to get out of it when interacting with women. This alone can skyrocket your game.

12)Physical contact is quite possibly the most effective behavioral tool in creating attraction. It reflects you are comfortable in your own skin. It causes an emotional response. It creates trust and comfort. Touch women as much as possible. In a non creepy, non threatening way of course.

13) There is no such thing as perfection. Putting a women on a pedestal is unnecessary and pointless. Once you've been with a women of great beauty you realize that they are imperfect people like the rest of us.

14) Don't look to others to find out who you are. It can be addicting to see how people respond to you and make a self judgment based on those responses. People are not mirrors and responses involve a great of deal of factors that have nothing to do with you.

15)Your own opinions should always come first to the opinions of others. Don't be afraid to be an individual and stand up for what you believe in.

16) Smile and laugh as much as possible. The most attractive guy is always the one having the most fun. Ideally, that fun is never dependent on how other people are behaving or responding to him.

cheers fellas
-Brid**** aka Dthomas


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
All I can say is WOW! This is a great post,man. I like the fact that you have all these realizations in one place like this. I feel like even though I already knew most of this,it's good to be reminded from time to time. Good job,man.
Don't let this be your last post.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Igetit! said:
All I can say is WOW! This is a great post,man. I like the fact that you have all these realizations in one place like this. I feel like even though I already knew most of this,it's good to be reminded from time to time. Good job,man.
Don't let this be your last post.
i second this.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Killer first post. Like igetit said, we've all read about these things somewhere on the forums or in pick-up books, but its great to see it in one place and be reminded.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
Such simple and common ideas, yet so hard to truly grasp.

Great post.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Great post.
Thanks for putting it all together here. We seem to repeat these things over and over, but never in one thread. Thanks for doing just that.



Don Juan
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
great great post

but on number 7 that says: 7) The most attractive guys are ones who give value to everyone who comes into their life. Giving is the antecedent to receiving. And when you bring out the potential in others, you bring out the potential in yourself.

i'm not getting something... after reading some posts here and on other forums i got the idea that if something can be done by someone instead of you then "let them do it"; and that you shouldn't use the words "can you do this" but just say "do this"...
and in my mind this is kind the opposite to GIVE.

do you understand what i mean? can someone explain it?