Muscles are handy


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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I have a friday night job in a nightclub and the girls who also work there are all under the age of 24.

The girls there are all attractive people who would never be short of options.

As you can probably guess the bouncers are all packed full of muscle to the point thier shirts can hardly hold all the muscle in.

And every single one of my female co workers spend all night openly slobbering all over them. One of them is obessessed with the tallest bouncer more than Ive ever seen any guy obsessed with a girl and is very open about it.

Sounds like we should all be in the gym 5 days a week.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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Eternal_water said:
Sounds like we should all be in the gym 5 days a week.
most of those guys have most likely done a few cycles of steroids, regular people could work out 5 days a week for years and still looking nothing close to a guy who has done a couple cycle of some weak **** he ordered off the internet with no post cycle therapy. thats the sad reality of it for you. you have to be willing to make a deal with the devil.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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foreverAFC said:
most of those guys have most likely done a few cycles of steroids, regular people could work out 5 days a week for years and still looking nothing close to a guy who has done a couple cycle of some weak **** he ordered off the internet with no post cycle therapy. thats the sad reality of it for you. you have to be willing to make a deal with the devil.
True indeed. I'm not risking my health for some club chick. Might as well bang random chicks without condoms. I'll keep lean and fit over using roids anyday.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2007
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I believe it has more to do with being in an authority position at where they work. Sure, muscles help.. but try going to the bodybuilding forums and you'll see a ton of ripped and big dudes complaining about being foreveralone. Some of the posts there are worse than what you see on this site.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Hawaiian Jungles
Falcon said:
I believe it has more to do with being in an authority position at where they work. Sure, muscles help.. but try going to the bodybuilding forums and you'll see a ton of ripped and big dudes complaining about being foreveralone. Some of the posts there are worse than what you see on this site.
authority is where he's getting the poon from. tribe leader ****.

but you know muscles get poon too. but I think its more indirectly. alistair overeem is like 2 meters and build like a tank. you think he walks around with a lack of confidence? head all down and ****. wondering if he should talk to that girl he sees? the asian one with the big fat ass and fake eyelashes? naaaaaaaah

if youre feeling like you need more muscles, just start eating more protein. I did. Feel like a million bucks now.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
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powpow said:
authority is where he's getting the poon from. tribe leader ****.

but you know muscles get poon too. but I think its more indirectly. alistair overeem is like 2 meters and build like a tank. you think he walks around with a lack of confidence? head all down and ****. wondering if he should talk to that girl he sees? the asian one with the big fat ass and fake eyelashes? naaaaaaaah

if youre feeling like you need more muscles, just start eating more protein. I did. Feel like a million bucks now.
Good point. Muscles do tend to give men confidence. It's hard not to be confident when you're the strongest guy around.

I notice it on the football field as well. If my deadlift goes up, so does my performance. And it's because I feel strong. But it's not the strength that makes me better, it's the confidence that comes with it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Muscles can get you women, being lean and fit can get you women, having authority can get you women. It's all in how you sell it.

I think that with bouncers, the fact that they are in a position of dominance over other men is a big turn on for women.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
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The Summerlands
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Yup. I haven't noticed much of a boost except in sex, women have been a lot more "animalistic" with me in bed :)

Weird. I'm not even muscular and I get this.

Maybe I'm just attractive.



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Should be in the gym anyway for your health. Eh the bouncers are all fat slobs that have no idea how to even eat right and lift. Club sluts are gross either way, more quality por favor....


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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I love these epiphanies... I could also say, that I see lots of huge muscular guys in the club staring at every girl and getting none...

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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So the tallest and probably best looking bouncer gets the most attraction. You said all the other bouncers are muscular. Why conclude that muscles are the independent reason for attraction? Being good looking, in a postion of authority, tall, and plus maybe muscles in that order gets you attraction. It's the first factor that gets you attraction. The rest are just bonus factors.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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Go into any club and you'll see the buff guys standing around in a circle jerk while the girls leave with average joes. Develop your game and you won't have to waste your time in a gym or any of that bullocks.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
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Los Angeles
Dust 2 Dust said:
Go into any club and you'll see the buff guys standing around in a circle jerk while the girls leave with average joes. Develop your game and you won't have to waste your time in a gym or any of that bullocks.
Exactly. That's because most of these muscular dudes aren't interesting. Their whole life revolves around hitting the gym and eating 6 meals a day. I'm all for working out every now and then, and staying in shape, but there's so much more to life than constantly focusing on your physique and then heading off to the bars to 'pose' for all the skanks. ****that****


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Social_Leper said:
B] have the body of Greek god. I see where you're coming from though. People kind of make assumptions about you if you're built like a rugby player. I was talking to this one girl about a film coming out based on one of my favourite books (On the Road) and when she heard me describe it her jaw almost dropped. It was almost like she didn't think someone could be into sports, the gym and still be cerebral at the same time.
Very true

and very ironic given that Kerouac himself was a athlete and a good football player at Columbia University...

We are in a weird time in america...everyone is being typecast in one way or another...the facebook culture has turned everyone into a nitpicking hater...or more accurately amplified azzhole tendencies that were already there

the tennis player can't also be into MMA....the nerd programmer can't be a rapper in his spare time...a 50 year old secretary can't write a science fiction novel in her lunch break...the spirit of taking risks and chances is what made america and must be recaptured....but everyone is too scared and stuck in their box worried about public perception..


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
Height and muscular build signify dominance over other men already, being in position of authority is what backs it up. So if you see a muscular guy who is a janitor, it's a no go. A muscular guy, who is shy and withdrawn- no go, a muscular dude who is a's a different story then, you get the idea. Having lotsa muscle is only one of the ways to get to pu$$y.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
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I don't think juiced muscles are really necessary, only a select few women go for that and they are usually those who are involved the niche lifestyle around it. My take on muscles is they look most impressive if you have other things going on in your life besides the gym.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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In the case of the bouncer, it's more than just muscularity. The bouncers and bartenders at a club are basically the alphas within that environment, so their presence is emphasized by their position.

You should be at the gym, but for reasons other than JUST getting pvssy (it does help of course).

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Its not about muscles, its mostly about your body shape.

Usually the benefit you get in the gym is looking more manly and less androgynous, guys get bigger arms and thinner asses while girls get a thinner belly and more curvaceous legs.

So I think what works more is not necessarily the bulk look but the masculine one, where you look attractive to see/touch and your body fat decrease showing many masculine attributes like your jaw line.

Most fitness models sure have muscles but what people like the most is the quality, the strong fat guy in your gym probably has plenty of muscles yet he is not attractive since he looks more like a choccolate egg than a sword.

Sure there are girls who go after size and the bigger the better but most would rather pick a runner type than a judo one.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
I doubt people will be able to accomplish much in the gym if all their after is pvussy but hate lifting. For one thing they'll balk at bulking phases where you gain a lot of fat, nor will they commit to a diet. Personally I've had trouble forcing myself into cutting phases because I just want to keep growing!
I don't know. When I first picked up weights over 10 years ago I did it because I wanted to attract girls, and other (less important) reasons like being tough, not getting picked on anymore, etc. However, as I changed and began attracting said girls, I actually began to like it and it developed into a habit. I now know that I will do it for the rest of my life because of other benefits (besides just looking good naked).

Also, bulking phases where you 'gain a lot of fat' aren't necessary; that just seems to be a path that a lot of people take. I did bulk phases when I first got serious and I regret it. There is a cleaner way of doing it. I now roll with 7-9% bodyfat year round. Diet is another thing. Unless you're going to compete and need to be at unhealthy low levels (4-5%), you don't need a strict diet. Get enough protein, have some flexibility, and enjoy life. I have 3 protein shakes/day like clockwork (cookies & cream/banana cream), maybe an energy drink, bread for to carb load before a workout, and 1-2 meals of whatever I want. I drink 3-4 nights/week, though not heavily. I don't weigh my food or buy organic grass fed bs. I just watch the mirror and if I don't like what I see, I train more to compensate.

Who Dares Win said:
Its not about muscles, its mostly about your body shape.

Usually the benefit you get in the gym is looking more manly and less androgynous, guys get bigger arms and thinner asses while girls get a thinner belly and more curvaceous legs.

So I think what works more is not necessarily the bulk look but the masculine one, where you look attractive to see/touch and your body fat decrease showing many masculine attributes like your jaw line.

Most fitness models sure have muscles but what people like the most is the quality, the strong fat guy in your gym probably has plenty of muscles yet he is not attractive since he looks more like a choccolate egg than a sword.

Sure there are girls who go after size and the bigger the better but most would rather pick a runner type than a judo one.
By muscles it's assumed we're talking about a 'sword' as you put it, ie physique competition models vs. pro bodybuilding.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2012
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Well one girl told me that she doesn't like too muscular guys, yet I recall last year how she had a bit of a crush on one theacher, who is muscular, a bit of a puffed up look.

Yes muscles are attractive, as long as you don't look like you have no neck. Too big unnatural muscles can be off putting.