much different situation.......


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
inrodution first:
i'm a AFC and learning every day...i have been talkin to chicks ever since i came to this site...instead of writing, i was reading forums from this site...
as you can see i dont post much basically because that i know i'm stil an AFC...

heres what happens:
after all these sh1t i been through, i finally got the fvcken balls to talk to this chick(HB8.5) that was in one of my classes(lets called her "B")...i beleive she liked me and i
pretty sure i like her that's she's single i wanna hook up with her...i did talk to her yesterday and finally
got the fvcken numbers(breath taking lol)...i found her attactive better than her sister...i gave B a HB8.5 and her sister a HB6 but mostly all of my
friends(all AFC) change both of those...meaning that they gave B on a HB6 and her sister a HB8.5....i dont really care what they think, after all its my life

heres what i know about her:
-she's a mutt (and i found her VERY attractive)
-she dont talk alot..the quiet type
-this is what i heard her brother says...she just had one bf which abuse her was something about him wanted her to go out late this one night and
she didnt felt comfotable going so she refuse and later he came back to her house with tons of friends and about 3 or 4 cars
and force her to go(almost like kipnapped)...but she still did her best to refuse and broke up with him on the spot...
-now's the ugly part...right after she broke up with him, he start talkin sh1t about her...tons of sh1t that i'm no concern of

heres what i been reading:
-i read in here or in the bible that DONT EVER gave out compliments to HB 8's,9's,and 10's basically thats because every guys does that to her and
if i do the same sh1t to her ,then i'll end up like all the other guys right?...
well this one is a bit different...

heres what i need from you guys:
-shes a HB8.5 and almost no guys talk to her(trust me on this)...she had no guy friends what so ever...heck she only has one female friend altogether...
meaning that since no guy talk to her, do i gave her compliments such as, you are such a cutie, you are so beautiful, you are hott ect.....because NO freaken
guy talk to her and she's hella hot(could be just me but i'm sure its not just me)...

here's my questions:
-should i gave her compliments since i know for sure she doesnt heard it from guys?...what to say?
-should i made her feel specials basically because no guys ,excpet me, wants her? to do?


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
No, don't shower her with compliments. There are better ways of making her feel good about herself than sucking up to her. And she will probably find you creepy eventually.
Again, she will probably find you a bit wierd if you try to make her feel special. Going on expensive dates and just spending money on her just doesn't work. Instead, just doing what you do, seeing her (though not too often) and having fun, will make her feel special.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Compliment her teeth or the way she does something. Yea it does sound weird, i know. If you do it the right way itll work. Dont be the same as every other guy.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
oakraiderz2 said:
Dont be the same as every other guy.
but for her, there is no other guys.....i'm pretty sure its just me and her ex bf that are the only guys that she know, that know her......i'm not going to see her everyday, i'm just gonna play it cool as of what i have read it in here....i'm not gonna make myself aviable too much but perhaps from time to time.....maybe i wont compliment her after all, because i might screw up