Movie Date


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
A land near you
Recently moved into a new place. The manager and her boyfriend is a friend of mine. Because she's the manager, she knows everyone in the complex. Of course she introduces me to this HB8. Beautiful and smart. I would give her a 9, but I don't know much about her personality. Currently she's working on getting her PhD and all that other good stuff.

For HB8's birthday, my friend invites me to come hang out with them at Dave and Busters. She throws in "It'll be a double date". I say "No, it'll be me coming to spend her birthday with her". So, we do the birthday thing. I enjoy myself, we talk. Nothing really serious and I believe that I wasn't bored because I'm at Dave and Buster's. Overall, the night goes well.

Fast foward, my friend invites me to come take Salsa Lessons with them. She throws in that HB8 will be there and needs a partner. I agree. That day turned sour because the lessons are progressive, so we wouldn't benefit from the lessons. My friend asks if I want to go to Dave and Busters instead. I agree. She says she'll ask HB8 also.

We get to the place and my friend tells me that HB8 didn't want to come until she heard I was going. We have fun and that was that. Now, I'm ready for some alone time with HB8.

I want some alone time with HB8. She told me how she cooked all this food for Thanksgiving, so I send her an email (I don't have her number) saying that if she'd be willing to come over and cook for me, her reward would be me taking her to see whatever movie she wanted to see. Transportation and snacks included. She said it sounded great, but that she was working on her finals this week. To let her know what day would be good for me and if her schedule permitted she would do it. I never replied back to this email. When I came across her in the hallway while with my friend (HB8), she confronted me on this. No big deal though.

So, I sent her an email yesterday saying that there was a movie I wanted to see on Friday and if she had time, we should go check it out. I was giving a tour of the new place to my friends last night and ran across her in the club house. We chatted and she said she responded to my email. I joked with her for a bit and told her I would let her get back to her studying.

Read the email this morning and she says she would love to get out of the apt and see a movie, but she's swamped with trying to meet a deadline for a conference she's trying to get into. Asked if I was available Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday or Friday next week. Now, in my head this would be ok, but then she adds, "I'm here until the 24th and won't be back for a while and wanted to spend some time with you all before I left. yada yada yada. I haven't seen you all in a long time."

My alone time just turned into a friendly outting with the guys. Now I'm trying to decide if I should just go even though it's possible that everyone will be coming. Should I back out? Simply cut her loose? Tell her I'm busy next week, plus I'm leaving on Thursday? Say we can do it when I get back from vacation? Any ideas?

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Ask her to met you for drinks tonight and try and eff.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
^^^^^ Speed seduction


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
ooh, tricky situation

Her excuse over the weekend could very well have been legitimate, but if she's trying to turn your date into a group outing, that's probably bad. Girls can sometimes be too shy to propose a one-on-one get-together. This is especially true if the only times you've been with her are with your two friends. Still, her suggestion sounds kinda lame.

All that said, it's not real clear cut. If it were me, there's a strong possibility I would've just gotten together like she suggested. But you are right to question it.

You should really clarify a couple of things, tho:
1. Where is she going on the 24th and for how long?
2. When she says she wants to see everyone before she leaves, does she really mean at the same time?


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
A land near you
Obsidian said:
You should really clarify a couple of things, tho:
1. Where is she going on the 24th and for how long?
2. When she says she wants to see everyone before she leaves, does she really mean at the same time?
1. She's going home for the holidays. Not sure how long she'll be gone, but I'm guessing maybe through the new year. Which is cool because I'll be gone for Christmas and already have plans for the new year when I get back.
2. I was thinking the same exact thing. Maybe she did want to see everybody before she left, but not necessarily at the same time. I guess I could chance it and see what happens. Or, I could just go talk to my friend and tell her that if HB8 asks you guys to come to the movies sometime next week, tell her you're busy, or you already have plans, because I'm trying to get some alone time with her. We can all hang out another day. Honesty right?

What do you think?


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2003
Reaction score
Just set a date for you and her. Stop analyzing so much and take action. Send her back an email saying something like "Alright, I look forward to you making me dinner on Tuesday next week at my place."

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Too much asking.

I think you need to be more aggressive in creating the opportunity for some lovin'

Some suggestions.

next email write: Give me your Number! Call her late at night, say you are walking past where she lives and to come out to say hello.

Next time you see her hanging out take her by the hand and lead her some place private.

Don't worry so much about "dates." They are really a waste of time. Just isloate her and bust a move.