Morsels of Wisdom

Inspector Clouseau

Senior Don Juan
Dec 1, 2001
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Orlando, Florida
You exude to others what you are inside.

A relationship without time is without significance.

You don't know you until you try.

Who you are is by choice, not fate. You can always choose to change 'you'.

There's no change that can not be incorporated it into your inner self.

'Just be yourself' is nonsense without proper foundation.

Mathematicans and computer programmers know to never expect different results from the same data inputed into the same function.

You can never change without changing. There are some whom want change without change, wanting change without ever themselves changing; they want 'society' to change, they want other people to change; they crave the impossible. They are fools.

Speed through a neighborhood road with speed bumps, trouble awaits; drive too slow, little momentum, trouble again awaits.

Making change, even simple as a different haircut, can open an entirely different set of life realities.

Most of the time, a small change can initially seem larger than it is, but result in no long-term difference. However, big things come in small parcels.

Jerking off once a day keeps the ladies away.

Rule #1 of the Game: never talk about the Game.

Everything in life is a manipulation. We are all players, each and every one. Just some are better than others. Some even can play without consciously playing, everyone else must work up to that state of being; it's called 'self-improvement'.

The worst thing in life to fear is life itself.

Pleasure eases life. It is a means to an end. Never let it be the end goal.

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, it's the god damn Pacific Ocean!

A plump booty and shiny legs is Nature's greatest gift to Man. A strong male mind is Nature's greatest gift to Woman.

Sex is important. It's not everything, no, that's ridiculous; but saying it's not important is even more ridiculous.

Intelligence is very much like money, something everyone wants because they think it's something they need yet don't have; but when you get it, you see it's not everything; while it makes life easier, it can't buy you happiness. Now replace 'intelligence' with 'sex'.

If drunk after a night of drinking, it's best to self-induce vomit before you sleep; you don't want all those liquids stagnating in your stomach. Self-induced vomitting is really easy, no need to stick your finger down your throat, and it prevents morning after hang overs, which is of worse fate than just vomitting. To self-induce, simply open your mouth and bend over; your body will do the rest.

[This message has been edited by Inspector Clouseau (edited 10-05-2002).]


New Member
Apr 23, 2002
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Nice post, Inspector. I like the philosophical insights, especially that last one. Have you recently had to utilize that final bit of wisdom

Inspector Clouseau

Senior Don Juan
Dec 1, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando, Florida
Originally posted by O-Jiggy:
Have you recently had to utilize that final bit of wisdom
Yes actually I have. I also find that afterwards, I loose slurred speech and am in better control of myself.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
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I want to add to Inspector's list:

Realize that everything is process, everything is energy. There are no objects, no true identy. Everything is melting into each other. Our eye is too slow to see this. Decay. Decay. Decay.

Nature conspires against us. Her interest is in continuation of the species, never identity. Her quest is to ground you up to raise the next generation. We plow our fields over the bones of the dead.

Our thoughts are infinite. Our actions are finite. The expression, the bridge between these, is part of both. When we're gone, all that is left is the expression.

Innocence is an icy stasis. It's attractive power is in Nature's refusal to let anything get outside her devouring cycle. A man who stays persistantly single becomes the public temptation, as nature summons up women to break him.

Women exist totally in social body, influenced by males of their fathers, brothers, and friends. When sexually influenced, the woman then seperates herself from society and attaches herself egotistically to the male. His dreams become hers; his quests become hers. She reflects him. Thus, he will say, "Look at how an echo she is to me! She is my soul mate!" And she will reflect that sentiment as well.

The male ego is fragile and requires daily maintenance (a superiority that marriage brings). In the hardest times, the male will reach for his woman. She, already reflecting him, reminds him of himself. Thus, it gives him the strength to return and keep his path. Later, when asked on his success, he will credit the woman and say that she backed him. How painful it will be when he realizes that almost any woman under his influence would do this!

Love involves more pain than pleasure. Luckily, the pleasure is more intense.

Women seek justification for their existance on this world. Francis Bacon summed up three ages of woman: the mistress, the companion, and then the nurse. Women define themselves in relation to everything else. She is the eternal harbor that all ships go to in times of restoration and relaxement.

Women reflect you. As you think, she becomes. The more sexual influence you have on a woman, the more you can re-mold her. You can make her exercise (even if its the last thing she wants to do), make her enjoy mathematics and quantam physics, and even turn her into a born again virgin. This feminine remolding is what men mistake for love.

Men are divided creatures who want to be social yet want to be alone to think/live. Women do not have the societal problem men do for they are always social. The more a woman becomes sexually attached to a guy, the more seperated she becomes from society as his quests, goals, all becomes hers.

Personality is but an expression of sexuality. Thus, one’s conception of love is one’s fullest form of personality. This is why it is observed that opposites attract. Yet, it is not merely a combination of opposites, it is a filling of vacuums. Often, people become attracted to the very capabilities they, themselves, do not possess.

Far from conquering, the male sees sex more as a metaphysical victory. How often is it that once a man obtains this that he loses his ambition and drive? This is why goals have to be BEYOND women. Sometimes, males see sex as a type of liberation from the sexual exhile we are locked within as women are the gatekeepers, and hold all the keys to this ‘Promised Land’. Yet, the harder one tries to ‘liberate’ himself this way, the deeper Nature’s claws dig in. Soon, one becomes the slave to Nature.

A man who loves like a woman becomes a slave. This is the Nice Guy.

Men change their clothes to match their lifestyles/attitudes. Women change their lifestyles/attitudes to match their clothes.

When drinking, the body is smarter than the mind. After a few drinks, the body will go, "What is this stuff? What is he doing? Ugh, let's make him dizzy." If more and more drinks keep coming, the body says, "Yikes! This stuff keeps coming! Well, out it goes" and the person vomits. If the person tries to outwit his body, he'll attempt to drink a whole lot real fast. The body will cry, "What is he doing!? I can't tell what is going on!" and the body will pull the plug as you pass out.

To sit it out appears to be the dominant vote. We have been assigned to our posts of flesh to this age and look how we squander it! So many say, “Oh, if I were only born to be a woman! How I could have no worries! How I could have no troubles! How I could eternally be a child!” So many males are turning into females. The wives are dominant. Due to these new dominant women (since there are no men left), their estrogen levels will rise and with it will be a tilt to more males than females being born in the next generation in order to create more chances of the emergence of Men (for this is nature’s corrective process).

A woman that told me some nuggets of truth:

Well. First, it is absolutely impossible for women to love, because the only way they can exist is through other people. So when they "love" a child, or "love" a husband, or "love" their mother or father, what's actually happening is that they're using those other people for their existence. It is only through those relationships do they actually exist. So when a woman says that she has unconditional love for her child, don't believe her! What's actually happening is that she's using that child as she would a new bangle - a way to enhance her position on the planet.

Oh! Oh! The reply: This is why women spend so much time gossiping on the phone, because they wouldn't exist without that social contact. Children just provide another form of social contact.

And the woman answers: Children are just another thing to talk about. Women love to talk, as we all know, and as you say it's their connection with the world - it makes them alive.

She goes on:

What about single women parents? It's been said that they are being prepared to wait for that special man to come along instead of just grabbing anyone off the queue, you can see that the government - especially in this country - has taken the place of the husband, and provides and protects and supports women, and is seemingly doing a mighty fine job for the amount of single parents there are around. Now does this mean that she has changed? That is, has she really become more independent? Has she changed the basis of her psychology, which is, to my mind, submission. I say no, obviously. If you have a look at her, she's still not striving for anything. She goes on her merry way every day, wishing and dreaming the same dreams that she's dreamed for eternity, and she definitely isn't evolving into an independent, single-minded, self-reliant creature.

"As you think, you shall become."

"Impossible scenarios are ingeniusly disguised as opportunties."

Thug Intellect

Senior Don Juan
May 28, 2002
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NYC /Maryland
WOW that was totally deep and thought provoking. From inspector to pook.

"Why Must I Question Love ,When Im Sure Hatred Exists"

Inspector Clouseau

Senior Don Juan
Dec 1, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando, Florida
Originally posted by J_HoLLa:
How does jerking off keep ladies away???
It makes you less inclined to get off your butt and go out and get the real action. The more you satisfy yourself, the lazier you become.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2002
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Virginia Beach, Virgnia
Five. Star. Post.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2002
Reaction score
Northwestern PA
Originally posted by Inspector Clouseau:
It makes you less inclined to get off your butt and go out and get the real action.
How long would you say the effects of this last? Say for example I beat off tonight, would I still be lazy tomorrow?

God is good, but never dance in a small boat.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2002
Reaction score
I knew that, "jerking off" line would get people going...the second I read it, I just thought,"oh boy, here we go!"

This whole "to beat off or not to beat off" discussion is becoming as controversial as the old "Nice Guy vs Jerk" one....will we ever have the true answer? In the mean time one thing is for sure: Moderation is better then doing it every day.

[This message has been edited by Mercury (edited 10-11-2002).]


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
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Most guys have a high sex drive, masturbating isn't going to make you turn down sex or stop finding women attractive, however your sex drive doesn't get a chance to truely get wound up like it was presumably designed to do.

That's not to say leaving masturbating would force you to become confident and approach women, I imagine you'd just start waking up with wet sheets in a more frustrated state than ever. Oh well.


New Member
Oct 12, 2002
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Mathews, VA, USA
Control is a funny thing--often misinterpreted...take a novice sportscar fan who comments about a driver narrowly bringing his car out of a dangerous spin--"What a great driver!", he says...and he's wrong, for a really great driver would never have been in a dangerous spin in the first place. While it is true that hair-raising circumstances draw attention from a crowd, or an individual, and self-control seldom does, which would you rather trust--someone who's really in control, or someone who is evidently quite out of control?

Just an observation...

I also find that afterwards, I loose slurred speech and am in better control of myself.



Don Juan
Aug 15, 2002
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"As thy thoughts are so will thy mind be also; for the soul takes its coloring from thought."