Molested Girl


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
I don't have much time, but I'll try to explain as much as I can and tell more later....

There's this girl who has a thing for me, and I could **** her down if I wanted to. However, this girl has a past and I feel SO sorry for her about it. Ok, this girl is basically a slut right now. However, she was molested by her father and uncle starting at a very young age.

This makes me feel bad for her, and I like her and she's nice. But knowing how promiscuous she is makes me sick. I wanna just keep her around to fvck and those late night booty calls or just leave her all together. But knowing about her past makes me feel bad for her, and I know the type of messed up phsycological situation molested kids can be put in.

What should I do? How can I stop feeling bad for her?


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2009
Reaction score
I'd avoid her

Friggin what if you bone her and ditch her - this chick is like suicide material. You are better off messing with a girl that doesn't have such heavy baggage.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"What should I do? How can I stop feeling bad for her?"

Move on.

She's a rape lawsuit waiting to happen.

All her slvtting around is just her acting out and trying to regain symbolic control over what happened to her.

This is a dangerous situation for you to put yourself in so if you have any sense get yourself out of it.


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Is there any way to help her? If so, SHOULD I help her?
Everytime she sees me, she comes up like a puppy running to it's owner. Even if I'm talking on the phone to her sister, I can hear her in the background saying she wants the phone. And on the inside, I cringe.

I cringe because I know what kind of chick she is. She plays various guys and throws them by the wayside, and I've seen her do it many times. Guys fall for her and I just think "Haha!!! If you only knew....".

I bet if I really wanted to, I could literally pimp her,LOL. Make some money off dat @ss.

It's just kinda sad to me that her father and uncle would do that to her. And I think that that has something to do with the way she acts. I guess I can be a bit empathic at times.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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"Is there any way to help her?"

There's a way to help almost anyone that needs help but the thing is...

A person has to want to be helped before any help can be given.

"If so, SHOULD I help her?"

This is a question you have to answer for yourself and if you genuinely want to help her you're going to have to get any desire for intimacy with her resolved in your mind.

What I'm basically saying is the only way you can possibly get the opportunity to help her is by simply being her friend and listening to her and if she ever brings up needing therapy encourage her to go.

Remember though all you would be is her friend.

You cannot ever "accidentilly" let something happen with her such as say you two just happened to fall ontop of eachother and fvck eachother's brains out one night.

That sort of intimacy and involvement ruins any trust you could build with her and will not help her at all as she will see you as just like all the other guys only interested in fvcking her and she will think this even if she makes the move on you and you respond to it.

Also you must never play therapist with her, only encourage her to see a real one should the subject come up.

As her friend you simply offer her a fun time like you would with a guy friend and an example of a trustworthy human being, a role model of sorts for her to look to for inspiration or maybe even comfort but again nothing intimate with her at all, resolve that in your mind by honestly questioning yourself if you can keep your hands to yourself with her and just be her friend and thats it before you try and help her at all via friendship.

"I cringe because I know what kind of chick she is."

Remember this also if you need any other encouragement to avoid intimacy with her.

Also if you ever start to feel sick or like you are being manipulated in a simple friendship with her break off the friendship permaneantly.

If you sense she is starting to fall deeply in love with you via your friendship break things off quickly and permaneantly as it is not true love it is simply her subconscious being relieved that another man is not going to victimize her again and the subconscious is rewarding you with her good feelings for that which she won't fully understand and interpret it as romantic love.

This may be why its a good idea for you to not to try and help her at all but if you really really want to start the friendship of help anyway it may best be advised for you to wait until she turns her gaze towards another guy as a love interest so as to hopefully lose a bit of her attraction for you first.

It can always come back though with a passion as she may come to view you as the unwinnable prize and be turned on by you for that so you have to be careful and know when to eject yourself from her to be able to help her the most.

"I bet if I really wanted to, I could literally pimp her,LOL. Make some money off dat @ss."

Heh heh not exactly the thought of a guy that genuinely wants to help a girl out but I'll give ya the benefit of the doubt that here you were only joking.

Anyway good luck if you decide to try and be her buddy.

Just remember as a DJ you can opt out at anytime as DJ's aren't about rescuing damsel's in distress as that is the realm of the AFC but I suppose the difference between an AFC and DJ mindset is that an AFC would only help a girl like this because he would hope she'd have pity on him to let him fvck her whereas a helpful morality type of DJ really would want to help so this post of mine to you here was not only for you but the truly empathic DJ's out there that are wondering how they can possibly be of service to someone else.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
If you were out to genuinely help her I would understand, but you blatantly just admitted to just wanting to "fvck and those late night booty calls or just leave her all together." Wow, Romeo. What are you REAL motives here? You want to fvck a girl who is psychologically traumatized for your own selfish needs, but it's okay because you "feel bad for her."


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
To Scars: Lol, touché. I admit I am a bit confused. But I was saying moreso that I COULD do that. If I wanted to, I could stop typing, call her up, and get ready to go smash, but I'm just refusing. I guess I really wanna help her....then fvck the crumbs. Lol, jk

To Kontroller: This is great advice. I especially enjoyed the last portion about "emphatic DJs". It's not something you would normally see on a site such as this. Many people on here are unrealistic. Thanks. This leads me to believe you are Captain Planet's alter ego. Lol.