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Don Juan
Apr 18, 2002
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South Carolina
Is anybody around here, besides me, getting SICK AND TIRED of hearing about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? Okay, he had a good message, a "dream," and all that. President Bush said he was "one of the Greatest Men that ever lived" and that "his work is still not done." I guess we will all have to be BROWN before anyone is ever going to be satisfied.

MLK Jr. Day took up all but about 10 minutes on my local news last night. The papers are plastered with his image and his supporters, not only yesterday and the day before, but even this morning! Do you know that he is the ONLY MAN, besides Jesus Christ himself (which, by the way, is becoming a controversy in itself) to have a National Holiday???? Why are our politicians falling all over themselves to honor King as a NATIONAL Hero?

And while I am on the subject, I have heard about Rosa Parks until I am SICK of it. I swear, every other day I see her being "remembered" or "celebrated" in the papers. Do you know that, in NYC, some of the busses even went so far as to put a painting of her right behind the driver, to face the passengers? The ONLY thing that does is breed hatred and guilt.

I am SICK of it all. New Orleans. Rosa Parks. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Black History Month. All over the papers, all over the television. The media white-bashing has gone too far for too long.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2006
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the whole Rosa parks thing is bull****, she just sat on a bus and wouldnt leave and she's being celebrated decades later.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
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Damn, talk about being bitter. I'm guessing you're white? It isn't bashing whites - where in the hell did you get that idea anyway- it's celebrating the start of the Black Power Movement.

At least tell me you know the history behind it all right? Else, your rant isn't justified.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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Originally posted by aBAzLLnA
....It isn't bashing whites.....
intentionaly or not, it's making people feel guilty for something that they had notting to do with.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Wow you're all really ignorant if you think there's "equality" in this country, and you're getting pissed because a holiday was created after 250 years of persecution and slavery?! Concidering there's only been a little more 40 years where people can even eat in the same dinner.

You don't hear about it for 364 days a year and you're going to complain about the one day that reminds us all of the progress we've made in such a short time! It has nothing to do with guilting anyone, but if you don't remember your history then there's nothing stopping you from making similar mistakes in the future.


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2002
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South Carolina
Damn, talk about being bitter. I'm guessing you're white? It isn't bashing whites - where in the hell did you get that idea anyway- it's celebrating the start of the Black Power Movement.
At least tell me you know the history behind it all right? Else, your rant isn't justified.
Yeah, I know the history, Bud. It's only been SHOVED down our throats a ZILLION times. And I am white and PROUD of MY CULTURE! It IS bashing whites when we get critized for every wrong in the black community. This world has *no place* for a "Black Power Movement" unless there is also going to be a "White Power Movement" to stand up for the rights of the PROUD WHITES in this country. Currently, there is NONE, and everything in the media is one-sided.

intentionaly or not, it's making people feel guilty for something that they had notting to do with.
Oh it's INTENTIONAL, spider. I do not feel guilty in the SLIGHTEST, and you shouldn't either because, as you say, I had nothing to do with it, and blacks today have every opportunity that anyone else has.This whole "Black Power Movement" that aBazLLna speaks of does nothing but uplift the black man while putting down the white man.

PRMoon, ever since you were BORN, you have been able to sit at ANY diner that I can sit at. You were NEVER a slave, and I was NEVER a slave owner. We should all LEARN from our past history, not DWELL on it. The problem with you is, like most blacks, you REFUSE to let anything go. As a people, blacks cannot move forward if they keep looking back at past wrongs. All this does is keep them bitter towards white people and the weak-minded white people feel guilt for it. Instead of improving themselves, blacks find it more convenient to blame the big bad white man while expecting that same white man to take care of them and feel sorry for them while they claim to be "victims" forever. Look at what happened in New Orleans recently. Instead of "coming together as people" during this time of crisis, blacks chose to sit and wait for somebody else (guess who?) to come and save them. From the get-go, they blamed this natural disaster on the big bad white man. Now, Mayer Nagin vows that New Orleans will be a "chocolate city" again? What happened to Dr. Martin Luther King's "DREAM?"

I bet the so-called Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have been SOOO PROUD!
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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
For the vast majority of humankind, however many thousands/millions of years, no one ever saw any other person of a different race. Most people never left their small community. Only in the past few hundred years, a tiny fraction of history, have different races been thrown together. It is only natural to fear what is different; it's an evolutionary survival mechanism that still exists today in people of all races. The movie Crash does a good job of pointing out that all people are a little racist, regardless of their own race; it is only human.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Originally posted by K B

PRMoon, ever since you were BORN, you have been able to sit at ANY diner that I can sit at. you were NEVER a slave, and I was NEVER a slave owner. We should all LEARN from our past history, not DWELL on it. The problem with you is, like most, you REFUSE to let anything go. As a people, blacks cannot move forward if they keep looking back at past wrongs. All this does is keep them bitter towards white people and the weak-minded white people feel guilt for it. Instead of improving themselves, blacks find it more convenient to blame the white man while expecting the white man to take cae of them and feel sorry for them while they claim to be "victims" forever. Hurricane Katrina was an excellent example.[
K_B your ignorance is horrible, and you obviously have no idea about how socilzation functions in the slightest. First of all if you think that in my lifetime that I haven't felt the sting of racisim you've got to be on dope. Secondly if you think that after 40 years of things being "equal" that over 200 years of inequality can be fixed by "motivation" and there won't be any lingering effects from that time then you've got to be on dope. Thirdly though I have never had to worry about not being able to go where I want (with the exception of certian places in the south) My parents certainly did and they're very much alive. Forth if it were the case that people viewed one another as equal then insulting programs like affirmative action wouldn't exist. Fifth Hurricane Katrina has nothing to do with people not being able to help themselves. It was one of the worst natural disasters in american history. If there were catostrophic earthquake in South Carolina and your house was swallowed up and you had no family to help you'd be asking for aid too so claiming that as a good example is simply laughable. Also utilizing the words of a few does not make your narrowminded opinion true for the whole. Un real blacks make up less then 20% of the population to the cacasian 60% and you're pissed about one city?

I'm going to conclude this post, which I honestly know is a waste of my time becuase you're probably too narrow minded make sense of this anyway, with this. I'm half african american and every honestly If Dr. King would be ashamed to see what has happened to our people in these forty years. Not because of "the white man holding them down" but because young black people in america have forgotten the struggle that their parents went through to give them a better life. Rims, Escalades, BET, Professinal sports, drugs, there are too many communities that idolize these things which really insult and hold back the black community in america. This is really a by produced of that 250 years of persecution and slavery and it's sad to realize that this is this is how history has shaped us all.

My other half is native american, and that's really the half that I get pissed about. Some of my relatives get given lads of money from the government and it's really just a pay off for having our race wiped out. Any one who *****es or complains that that money could be better used somewhere else needs to STFU. Like money can replace eliminating hundreds of generations of humans then sticking them on a designated plot of land where they can have their own rules. Cry me a f*cking river.

I'm sure it's really easy to critique our lives from your stand point becaue you're obviously an expert on the subjects and you know what it's like to live the life of a person of color K B:rolleyes: How bout you spend a few nights in Marcy Projects and see what black people have to contend with to better their lives before you open your mouth about black progression.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
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well its an interesting debate here....

me myself im a person from middle eastern background , grown up in a town with only conservative white people, no other person or kid of colour... so ive had my fair share of racism... And for you people who think that racism is dead , think again , i belive it will continue to exist amongst humans for as long as we exists ourself...
some people need to blame other for theyr unfortunate lives ,
some people need to hate people to feel that theyr in a group...
some people just are greedy and jeleous and therefor hate... these are the basic things for a racist....

but about the topic , yeah i feel that the afro-american people were enslaved and wrongfully treated for many generations... but
i also agree that having a black history month is bull****....
having a black hstory month , its like saying that black people are not really the people of america so we will have a month to learn about them... its just reminding people of a gap between the two people.... i think black history month should go away and have specific important events and subjects about black history included in the normal study books.....

but also i agree that white - black or black - white racism has been greatly deminished .... but i believe its cuz of the new kids on the block ....
by that i mean , u know when a new kid starts at your shcool , and is different , people will usually talk about him behind his back , mock him and such.... and that new kid is The middle eastern kid..... its like blacks and whites have found someone they both feel the same way about.... and because of that they have less arguments about each other and focus more on the new kid.....

its like human beings need someone to , i dont want to say hate, but they need someone to mock and feel superior about... its just human nature i guess ... no way of changing that.......

(sorry about any gramatical errors.....)


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
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Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by spider_007
intentionaly or not, it's making people feel guilty for something that they had notting to do with.
No it's f*cking not. Do you feel guilty? Do I feel guilty? Does ANY white person you know feel guilty about it? No? Didn't think so.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2005
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Um... wow. There *is* a White Power movement, they wear white sheets, march around with masks on and then go home and fúck their sisters. They're probably recruiting in your county, too.

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Wow, how could celebrating Martin Luther King day make one so angry? You talk about how black people are angry or bitter at whites but the only one angry or bitter is you. The truth is, you and all the people that think like you hate seeing anyone black shine, and that's the truth.

You're the one with the issues, not black folks.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2003
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Let blacks have their month, let gays have their parade, and veterans have their special day... it all doesn't matter because no one cares unless they are related to the group that is being celebrated.


Sep 18, 2005
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Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
It never went away. MLK Day is a national holiday yet most people still had to work!:cuss:
Did you click the link?


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by MetalFortress
No it's f*cking not. Do you feel guilty? Do I feel guilty? Does ANY white person you know feel guilty about it? No? Didn't think so.
I do. Every freaking time a black guy looks at me and calls me white boy. While at the same time if i did that to him, i get my lights punched out. I wasn't even born when that **** happened. Don't blame me for something that hapen before eather of us ware born. TREAT ME LIKE A PERSON, LIKE I TREAT YOU.... If you don't want people looking at you like you are a black trash gangster, don't ware your pants at your knees (weare them like they are ment to, everybody knows you didn't inherit them from your older brother).


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
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Inyurvij Eina
I like MLK and and have no problem with MLK day because out of all the reverse racism and blaming everybody for their problems but themselves in the black community, and the "we want nothing to do with whitey" black leaders like Malcolm X and bullshit opportunistic charlatan black leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, Martin Luther King Jr. was the best thing to ever happen to the black communitiy; he was the african-american Ghandi. The man deserves his freakin holiday.


Master Don Juan
Nov 7, 2002
Reaction score
The World In My Eyes
Originally posted by Scrumtulescence
"we want nothing to do with whitey" black leaders like Malcolm X
You need to do research before you say something like this...
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