

Don Juan
Apr 25, 2010
Reaction score
Had a great conversation with a friend last night, great to know that people do get it. He is currently spinning 4 plates, carefree, and in total control.

First thing-

Realize that it can end at any moment. One day things can be perfect, next day your relationship could be over. Just remember that. There is a great chance it could end, if you find closure in that fact, you'll be better mentally.

Second- Sometimes saying nothing is greater then you think. Perfect example, make eye contact, smile, approach them when your leaving, slip them your number, and proceed to leave. What does this do? Displays confidence and mystery. Both great for building attraction.

Always come across that if they do something, that you either have the mentally that it doesnt bother you, or that if they dont play their cards right, your gone.

Example: She says she is going out, just reply "Ok" if she tells you she got really drunk last night, say "Your cool" like what she is doing doesnt effect you. This will make her want to spend her time with you.

Remember, if you break up and still stay in contact, your girl, ex, whatever, will keep you engaged until she finds someone else. Girls are like monkeys, they wont let go of one branch until they have a good grip on another.

So, when she wants to hang out, then bails last second, dont put up with it. If she says she wants to hook up, but then suddenly changes her mind, she is playing you. She is making sure that she still has control. When you go cold, when she finds out you went out to a party, or this other girl thinks your cute, dont let her anger get to you. You do not owe her an apology, you are NOT together! Remember this, if she is not your girlfriend, her OPINION means nothing! Dont let her guilt trip you to feel bad about going out, if she cant make up her mind about being together, make it for her. Tell her your over it! Youll find out when you say its over, she will do whatever she can to come back. But, should you care? NO, because your a Don Juan, and your too good to be disrespected by women!!

Hopefully this helps at least one person.

Young Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Ahwatukee, AZ
Agreed. Just recently observed this with my ex. She was mos def branch swinging.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
teddy240 said:
First thing-

Realize that it can end at any moment. One day things can be perfect, next day your relationship could be over. Just remember that. There is a great chance it could end, if you find closure in that fact, you'll be better mentally.
My gf's high IL rapidly evaporated, and i initially ignored all the red flags because she was a "christian girl" looking for something serious. As a result, im mentally and internally unstable although i haven't externally shed a tear. I guess this too shall pass, and that in the future, i can never have premeditated expectations of any women regardless of the well-advertised circumstances. It just sucks because i will see her from time to time at church (fml!)...