MGTOW and the Blue Pill

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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What is the general view on this site of MGTOW and the Blue Pill?

I thought this was a red pill site originally, but from reading most of the posts it is really somewhere in the middle of the two. Not fully red pill and not fully blue pill.

So where do most of you stand? If you are MGTOW or red pill why? and if you still believe in "the dream" then why?

Btw, MGTOW to me just means red pill men who never plan to get married or get into serious relationships. Not necessarily men who avoid women 100%.

I think the red pill and MGTOW is the beginning of the pendulum starting to swing in the other direction. But it will be interesting to see how it plays out as it grows. A lot of men are not happy regardless of their belief system.


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2014
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
MGTOW is not full red pill. It denies some of the innate needs and desires of men as a coping mechanism for the destruction of gender dynamics in modern times.
You just gave the best summary of it ;)


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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MGTOW and red pill are for butthurt internet nerds who want to blame all their problems on a tiny percentage of scenarios that are unfair to men, while also predicting some doomsday collapse of our civilization based on these same scenarios which they have never bothered to research or even question. Ironic/hilarious to call this "red pill".

Meanwhile the average guy has no idea or need for it, he goes out fvcks girls lives his life. It isnt that hard guys, let this bullshît go, get out and enjoy the world!

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Like a red rag to a bull for jurry

jurry said:
MGTOW and red pill are for butthurt internet nerds who want to blame all their problems on a tiny percentage of scenarios that are unfair to men, while also predicting some doomsday collapse of our civilization based on these same scenarios which they have never bothered to research or even question. Ironic/hilarious to call this "red pill".

Meanwhile the average guy has no idea or need for it, he goes out fvcks girls lives his life. It isnt that hard guys, let this bullshît go, get out and enjoy the world!
jurry once again letting her mask slip and showing she cares just a little too much about men dropping out of the gynocracy. lol @ sneaking in "the red pill" now to it's prepackaged jizzabel rant.

I got a tenner that says jurry's fugly and on welfare. Nobody hot and actually working would get this pissed off over men dropping out and or keeping their own money. Hot chicks are instinctively aware high value men will take care of them. They don't spend all their time trying to corral men (the producers) back to the reservation.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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jurry said:
MGTOW and red pill are for butthurt internet nerds who want to blame all their problems on a tiny percentage of scenarios that are unfair to men, while also predicting some doomsday collapse of our civilization based on these same scenarios which they have never bothered to research or even question. Ironic/hilarious to call this "red pill".

Meanwhile the average guy has no idea or need for it, he goes out fvcks girls lives his life. It isnt that hard guys, let this bullshît go, get out and enjoy the world!
So according to your "logic" the real winner is the dumb fvck which follows the handbook, doesnt question things and does what mainstream culture suggests.

The average guy doesnt go out and fvck girls, the average guy just spend time and money on girls which dont even qualify him as man, you would know if you were a man or spoke with men in any honest environment.

Btw Im not interested about your feelings or start a conversation with you about men getting unfair treatment from society, I dont have Dangers patience and most of all I believe its much more simple to not include unworth people rather than try to reason and find common ground, not worth the hassle.

Thats pretty much the mentality of MGTOW, just folding their cards in a table full or retarded that talk instead of playing or try to change the rules when they lose, better to leave and do a new table with decent players.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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You're right the average guy is a basement dwelling virgin whining endlessly about how feminism and liberals are destroying our country.

I know you (and tits) arent interested in a conversation, you might have to actually think about the bullshît you write - easier to immediately dismiss people who have differing views and resort to insults. Good thing about sosuave is they dont block your comments for challenging this crap though.

The irony of a "red pill" movement that regularly bans and blocks opposing viewpoints is also indicative of how weak the argument is.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
jurry said:
You're right the average guy is a basement dwelling virgin whining endlessly about how feminism and liberals are destroying our country.

I know you (and tits) arent interested in a conversation, you might have to actually think about the bullshît you write - easier to immediately dismiss people who have differing views and resort to insults. Good thing about sosuave is they dont block your comments for challenging this crap though.

The irony of a "red pill" movement that regularly bans and blocks opposing viewpoints is also indicative of how weak the argument is.
You can piss and moan, shame and campaign until the cows come sugartits. I don't think you're going to halt this trend anytime soon. Have you been paying attention to these dropout rates? Even your jizzabell and Salon have started writing articles lamenting the lack of beta providers.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
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Here is what i take out of it

All real men are MGTOW's
They live for themselves, or for their families but as real respectable heads of the household with their rules and their boundaries.

But these type of men have long been extinct. And we have been raised by generations of Blue pill Fathers or worse by single mothers.

The Redpill is needed to turn us back into real men, to open our eyes and take back control of our lives.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
A "Red" pill guy just recognizes the reality of the world and relationships and are willing to put the work and effort into working on themselves and change.

I'm sorry if women don't like what they really respond to they can blame evolution, or God, or what ever the hell you believe in. Half the problem is that women don't know, or are not honest about what they really want. MANY men have bought into the cultural attitude that they need to cowtow to women, respect them when respect is not earned, love them inspite of thier behavior, act like complete @sses to get a woman's attention only to have her turn their noses up to them. I seen way too many "Blue" pill guys that live in this illusion in miserable lives in loveless marriages, get used like toilet paper and discarded, in favor of a "Red" pill dude that knows how to behave to generate attraction and keep women they want.

MGTOW - Are men that know the this culture and relationships are not operating according to what we have been taught, but rather than accepting reality for what it is and adjust thier behavior accordingly, they just flat out quit. They grab thier jar of Vasoline and take out thier frustrations on internet porn and disappear into fantasy on-line gaming worlds.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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RangerMIke said:
A "Red" pill guy just recognizes the reality of the world and relationships and are willing to put the work and effort into working on themselves and change.

I'm sorry if women don't like what they really respond to they can blame evolution, or God, or what ever the hell you believe in. Half the problem is that women don't know, or are not honest about what they really want. MANY men have bought into the cultural attitude that they need to cowtow to women, respect them when respect is not earned, love them inspite of thier behavior, act like complete @sses to get a woman's attention only to have her turn their noses up to them. I seen way too many "Blue" pill guys that live in this illusion in miserable lives in loveless marriages, get used like toilet paper and discarded, in favor of a "Red" pill dude that knows how to behave to generate attraction and keep women they want.

MGTOW - Are men that know the this culture and relationships are not operating according to what we have been taught, but rather than accepting reality for what it is and adjust thier behavior accordingly, they just flat out quit. They grab thier jar of Vasoline and take out thier frustrations on internet porn and disappear into fantasy on-line gaming worlds.
Interesting points. Amazingly some queer actually gave me a negative rating for creating this thread.

While I totally understand women's frustration with MGTOW I fail to understand the hatred some men have for it. Why would you hate men who are giving you MORE dating options? The more men "drop out" the more women are left for the men still in the game. So why would any man have a problem with that?

I'm very suspicious of men who hate MGTOW.

In today's current climate.. a man can still thrive as long as he keeps his emotional distance from women and limits what he reveals to them. Women are psychological bullies and they have a way of slowly eroding a man's self-esteem over time in order to rule him emotionally. They don't do this to destroy the man.. they do this for their own security. They keep the man questioning his worth so he will stay loyal. Whether or not the woman plans to stay loyal herself is irrelevant.

This is why sh!t tests never end with women. Doesn't matter how well you pass them.. they keep coming. Women are designed to do this for their own security.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Poon King said:
While I totally understand women's frustration with MGTOW I fail to understand the hatred some men have for it.
I guess somebody has to pay for all these make work cubicle "careers" that had to be created when the rockefellers and rothschilds decided to double their tax base and bring the other half of the Western world into the "work force". The illusion of a bunch of women pushing papers for 8 hours a day and pretending it's a net gain to society can only be possible on the backs of actual productive,producing and pioneering men.

With more gynocentric laws being implemented daily and the new bachelor tax for men. I suppose it's possible some men who are already taxed up the ass and back again don't like the idea of other men walking off the reservation or only doing the smallest amount of work required to pay their rent and feed their porn and corn syrup consumption. It just means more strain on the ones staying behind and producing for the parasites.

Just one possible theory.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
This place combines ALL aspects of Red pill, MGTOW, societal norms and social acceptability together in order to create what is best for YOU. You choose where you wanna go and who you want to be. That is the glory about this place, however the people who are true geniuses here have left or rarely post. I have a list of names of whom I PERSONALLY like.

MGTOW is for quitters imo. It is for those who have accepted the game for what it is and refuse to participate in it or deal with it because they weren't getting the results that they wanted or because it just irritated them how women respond to certain behaviors (they love you when you treat them like crap for example).

The reason why I say they are sissies/quitters is because when you are learning game and/or are developing your own, you will always come to realize that your ego should be left elsewhere and that you should never get offended or even bothered by what others say or do to you (you still don't tolerate disrespect or bullsh!t either though). But with that said, the game itself bothers them. It shouldn't! The thing about 'game' is that you don't apply it to only women. You can apply it to other aspects of social dynamics as well (which is why I like RSD too since they tell you about that). MGTOWs don't seem to realize that. They have given up on that part of the 'woman' aspects in their lives. They have given up. They quit. That is weak. I refuse to be weak. I always strive for strength by any means necessary. Even if it means causing temporary pain to myself.

Don't get me wrong, MGTOW isn't bad because I agree with a lot of their teachings. I just can't respect them though because of their intentions of quitting.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
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Interesting discussing. Enjoyed reading all viewpoints. Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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jurry said:
You're right the average guy is a basement dwelling virgin whining endlessly about how feminism and liberals are destroying our country.

I know you (and tits) arent interested in a conversation, you might have to actually think about the bullshît you write - easier to immediately dismiss people who have differing views and resort to insults. Good thing about sosuave is they dont block your comments for challenging this crap though.

The irony of a "red pill" movement that regularly bans and blocks opposing viewpoints is also indicative of how weak the argument is.

The things is, we all were so called "blue pill" by default (Disney movies, media, religion, society) and the shıt ain't working for us, man! Something inside each and every one of us clicked, snapped, and made us look for answers. That's the thick and thin of it. Are we right? Are we wrong? Not applicable as a general answer...THAT is up to each individual.

No one said you can't vomit the red pill out. By all means, anyone can. Only this time, the blue pill is going to be so huge you're never gonna be able to swallow it and choke it down.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Anyone can use the term red pill for any bullshît theory that deviates from the norm. Does that make it valid? The problem with the anti-feminist, pro-white, conservative agenda that permeates the manosphere is that it is not radical or new in any way, in fact its about as "blue pill" as you can get.

They basically hold up the 1950's as the golden age for civilization. In an economic sense, it certainly was. And that was a direct result of the single largest expansion of government in the history of the United States (under one of the most liberal presidents in us history), something you will rarely hear the right acknowledge.

From a cultural standpoint, it was a terrible time for everyone that wasnt a white male, as it has been for hundreds of years. So now that we have shifted away from that trend and women and minorities have gained solid ground towards equality, some butthurt white men are whining on internet forums calling it the end of the world.. Trying to pose as bold revolutionaries for some underground cause. All because they lost some of their status as masters of the universe.

Whats unfortunate is that this backwards bullshît gets lumped in side by side with some valuable info for men - pook and some of the chateau heartiste posts come to mind - that can really help them with dating and women.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Uh oh she brought out the "coz white privilege" card .....again

jurry said:
From a cultural standpoint, it was a terrible time for everyone that wasnt a white male, as it has been for hundreds of years. So now that we have shifted away from that trend and women and minorities have gained solid ground towards equality, some butthurt white men are whining on internet forums calling it the end of the world.
More crying over old dead white boogeymen? You're getting desperate again sugartits.

Coz Patweeearchy!!


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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I'll say it again: go read some old pook posts, some antidump stuff, and then step away from the computer.

If you need me I'm the left wing commie liberal feminist dude in the back of the bar who's getting laid at the end of the night and not paying for her drinks or any bs (because, you know, equality and all that sh*t).


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
jurry said:
From a cultural standpoint, it was a terrible time for everyone that wasnt a white male, as it has been for hundreds of years. So now that we have shifted away from that trend and women and minorities have gained solid ground towards equality, some butthurt white men are whining on internet forums calling it the end of the world.. Trying to pose as bold revolutionaries for some underground cause. All because they lost some of their status as masters of the universe.
You can't change history. No one would have anything to complain about if our society was better for all the attempts to fix history with stupidity. It really doesn't have anything to do with loss of status and everything to do with what we are doing is not working. And first and foremost it isn't working because we are denying the true nature of men and women developed over 100,000 years of evolution and gender role development.

jurry said:
Whats unfortunate is that this backwards bullshît gets lumped in side by side with some valuable info for men - pook and some of the chateau heartiste posts come to mind - that can really help them with dating and women.
True. People will come to their own conclusions and justify their beliefs. I do believe that the first step to fixing our societal problems is to expect and demand men act like MEN. In the interest of promoting gender feminism we are killing the maleness of our country. The men in our country are by and large a bunch of whinny children that won't take responsibility for their actions and refuse to grow up. Women are upset and b!itchy because there are so very few REAL men anymore.