
May 24, 2012
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Don't bet on these groups to meet cool people or meet cute chicks.

There is one group I belong to that meets up at a bar once a month so I usually go.

The guy to girl ratio is 5 to 1 and most of the people are average to below average looking and socially awkward. I'm about a 7 in looks and feel like Brad Pitt while I am there :D

It also seems to be cliquish where people break off into their own little clusters and don't mingle with everybody else.

Some of the people are friendly, but most aren't.

I usually have my two drinks and bail after about an hour.

What has been your experience?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Most men are using Meetup to try and get dates/get laid. Meetup is shiit. It has a really bad reputation as a platform. Men are using it to get laid and having bad experiences with it. A lot of women are likely having bad experiences with it. The most attractive women never have used it. Attractive women don't do groups. Attractive women do what's cool/trendy and has never been considered cool/trendy. Slightt above average women (the 5.5 to 7 range on most men's rating scales) aren't even using it that much, though you do sometimes see women in this range at events. Those women get swarmed by horny and thirsty men, often Indian/Indian-American STEM worker men. That discourages them from future women, especially the White women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
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I used meetup just go out and do things, not meet women.

I went to a yoga class nearby because I actually wanted to do it. Kinda nice when the entire group is young women and you're there to actually do the thing, the girls are more receptive to you once you realize your motive isn't between their legs too. Met some cool older guys off it visiting some breweries. Did some language exchange stuff and made a friend i'll eventually visit abroad. Went to some beginner tennis class and hung out with some yuppies and have been invited to go out with them since. I've also managed to use it network for a side hustle as well and have gotten a gig out of it.

I've also had a few meh experiences. Some people can be a bit cold, but once you realize most are there to socialize it ain't bad. You've got to be the one to initiate and strike up conversation in my experience. The more charming and personable you are the better the result. I did it initially as a way to challenge my comfort zone. I have met girls from it as well, but that wasn't the goal.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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I can imagine the 1 woman that shows up probably has some radically colored bright hair, nose ring, thick rimmed black glasses, combat boots, and I’d be willing to be hairy armpits and a hairy snatch. No fvcking thank you. I’d stay