Meeting women with your car: "Car Game"

Dirty D

Don Juan
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
Can you remember the day you bought your first car? The moment you got in with this huge grin on your face, starting it’s roaring engine, taking it for a testdrive..and afterwards the question from the car dealer: “do you like it?” And you getting angry and thinking “what do you mean…do I like it? I LOVE it dumb ass!” I certainly can.

I have lots of GREAT memories of long drives to the beach, the things I did in there, the women I met thanks to it..and I was thinking: what the heck? Why not start a thread about what kind of opportunities for meeting women a car offers? You’re welcome to join in, as I’m sure I’ll forget a thing or two..

Location, location
If you go somewhere by train, you only have a few options for meeting women: in the train, while waiting for it, on the station or at this yellow and blue ticket machines they have over here in Holland. But when it comes to cars? Here are the “locations” I discovered:

1. Gas stations…hey, everybody runs out of gas sometimes, and that includes attractive women. Parking the car, opening the gas tank and refueling takes a couple of minutes and when you see women refueling..why not start a conversation? Most stations require you to pay inside with some dumb clerk that looks like he just hit puberty (or looks like his pimple face did), and there are women who need to pay too in the women who stopped to buy some food and beverages for on the road.

2. Parking lots…getting your parking ticket, parking the car, walking to the exit, paying the ticket: gosh, would ANY woman that needs to park her car go through the same thing? Duhhh. Spaces near stores to park your car count too..

3. Red lights and other stop signs…it takes most inner city traffic lights a while before hitting green again, and since most streets have multiple lanes next to each other which means several cars waiting for the green light next to each other..why not start a conversation?
4. Traffic jams…when traffic is all jammed up and you’re standing still for minutes at a time, or driving along with the speed of a tired snail..that’s more than enough time to look around and see if there are attractive women going through the same thing too.

5. Women who need a lift…it really depends on the country and highway or road you’re traveling on, but you’ll see a female hitchhiker or two who needs a why not pick them up and start a conversation? Put them at ease though, since a woman would logically feel uncomfortable when she’s entering a strange man’s car without knowing if he’s a creepy murderer or not..but then again..SHE may be one too, lol! You can also include women who need a ride home after working with you, going out with you or…female friends of women you know who need a lift (and who you think are cute)

6. Drive-ins…if you can see the woman who’s serving you and you think she’s attractive, why not? You could also talk to the sexy voice on the other end of the line..but then don’t know if she looks as sexy as she sounds. By the way: drive-in movies also fall under this category!

7. Like I said, I probably forgot one or two locations..women with car trouble, uhm..anything else?

Fun things to do with your car

- When you’re in the car and she is too (so with traffic jams, traffic lights, etc.)…start looking at the woman (she has to be on either side of you in her car) and if she doesn’t look, honk, and as soon as she looks at you? Point to your own cheek and then at hers as to say “you have something on your chin”, she’ll probably look at you all suprised, so signal a ‘roll down the window’ to her and then tell her “you have something on your chin”. She’ll try to wipe it off with her hand, laugh at her, until she looks into her front mirror to see what’s up, finds nothing..and then you say “just kidding” and laugh out loud. The most common reactions to this one? “Oh! You’re so mean!” or “are you always such a teaser?”Great way to open her.

- When you’re in the car and she is too and you want to ask for her number, make sure you have a big notepad and a marker ready and ask her to signal her number…but don’t just write it down, tease her with it! Pretend like you don’t understand her signal, turn the page and write down “what?” in really big letters, pretend you still don’t understand and turn the next page and write: “you SUCK at signalling, glad you’re not a traffic light!” and grin at her..that’s sure to get a laugh or two..

- There are other fun things you can do with that notepad too, and there’s another one I can’t seem to remember right now, doh! But I’m sure you’re creative..anyways, with gas stations and parking lots you can use any given opener you’d like to use (ask for her opinion on something, give her a sincere compliment for her looks) OR, do something a little more bold: accuse her in a playful way of almost hitting your car when she parked, then of causing traffic accidents because her cute outfit blinded you, how she’s probably going to steal the gas and drive off at high speeds being the Shell bandit that she is, etc.

- This one’s also fun: make sure you have a bag of Skittles, or M&Ms, mentos or chewing gum ready..anything that’s small enough to throw and does NOT brake a window. Guess what you’re doing with it? When you’re in a traffic jam especially, you are bored..and everyone around you is roll down that window, and sporadically throw chewing gums on her window. When she looks give her the “whaaat? What’s up?” look, then do it again until she looks again..and point to another car (“he did it!”), then continue..and when she looks again, have that notepad ready and spelling “would you like some easy to throw chewing gum?” Now THAT’S playful teasing..

Car wanna-haves
It’s not a good idea to bring a number of items with you in your car, no it’s a NECESSITY if you want to help yourself meet and date women more easily. So here’s the “car goodie bag” I always have with me:

1. Notepad and marker..there’s a million and one ways you could use this in your car for having conversations with women from within your car, asking for their contact info, teasing them. So make sure you have them (and if you’re really smart, already write the longer lines such as “you’SUCK at signalling” – it saves a lot of time).
2. Condoms..say you’re on a date and never make it to her or your home, things get hot and steamy after going out with her, picking up that cute hitchhiker, etc. It’s essential for sex in the car and for unexpected occassions, you never know what opportunity comes your make sure you have ‘em.
3. Music..when you’re persistent with meeting women with or thanks to your car, sometimes you won’t find attractive women right away. Sometimes you’ll need to wait in front of her home because she’s busy getting ready for the club, sometimes it’s nice to have something amplify the sexual make sure you have music YOU like and music women like (preferably r&b, nice & slow pop, soul, etc.)
4. Towels..stains can KILL the attraction, especially if they’re from what you did with another woman in your ride! Plus, you don’t really want to sit in a nasty car that’s sticky from all the love juices flowing around every time do you? So make sure you and her can sit or ly down on some clean towels. A pillow may not hurt either, you never know if you’ll need to do a sleepover in your car, alone OR with a girl..
5. Food and something to eat..for when you have to wait, are driving somewhere alone for a while. Just make sure you get rid off the left-overs and the food isn’t past storage life. I sometimes drive down some road or highway looking for the bars, clubs and nightlife of smaller towns and cities (see my location post before to know why) and it may take me a while before I find one..OR..I want to find several and I end up spending hours in my car.
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Don Juan
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dirty D said:
When you’re in the car and she is too (so with traffic jams, traffic lights, etc.)…start looking at the woman (she has to be on either side of you in her car) and if she doesn’t look, honk, and as soon as she looks at you? Point to your own cheek and then at hers as to say “you have something on your chin”, she’ll probably look at you all suprised, so signal a ‘roll down the window’ to her and then tell her “you have something on your chin”. She’ll try to wipe it off with her hand, laugh at her, until she looks into her front mirror to see what’s up, finds nothing..and then you say “just kidding” and laugh out loud. The most common reactions to this one? “Oh! You’re so mean!” or “are you always such a teaser?”Great way to open her.
Lmao! That's gold. I'm gonna try that one tonight.

Good post.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
dry erase board work but the idea for hitting on a moving target using the note pad theory has already been done ( Not sure if either would work durring the night though. I am sure laptops or some other ELECTRONIC note pad might be safer than writing at highway speeds.

Ford released a study a few years back that get this women find cars they actually spent money on this study. It used to be you are what you drive, meaning you can tell a lot about a person by what they drive.

A lot of men compensate for their "lacking" by getting big cars/trucks and blaring music with all your windows down might get peoples attention.