"Maxing Out Looks"


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
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Looking for forums on this subject , while I enjoy GLL he talks a lot about steroids which isn't the route I am travelling however, I do like to keep up to date with clothers, grooming etc, while I am not necessarily into Pua, I do enjoy the forums and read the material. Have experiemented with contact lenses and getting spraytans and can honestly say the extra attention you get from putting the extra effort into how you look is worth it. Have considered using height insoles as an experiement.. I know a lot of guys will not like this subject, and say I am insecure, in reality what I am talking about is tapping into doing what women do all the time only in a masculine way.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2014
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I'm with you - to a point. I definitely put effort into how I look but I don't want to do anything that if discovered, would be embarrassing or convey desperation or neediness in any way. Shoe lifts fall into this category for me. I'm only 5'7" and that's just the way it is. Rather than wear lifts, I simply try to date women who are shorter than me. Oddly enough, I've dated women who are taller than me and it doesn't seem to bother them one bit. My main plate is 5'10", for example.

One thing that I do that might raise eyebrows: I use a product to hide the dark circles under my eyes when I haven't gotten enough sleep, which is pretty often. I figure that male actors do this kind of thing all the time so it's perfectly acceptable for me to do so too.

In my opinion, the paramount piece of advice for men looking to attract women is to lose the gut, hit the gym, and dress well and properly. A well dressed man is like catnip to women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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teebear said:
I'm with you - to a point. I definitely put effort into how I look but I don't want to do anything that if discovered, would be embarrassing or convey desperation or neediness in any way. Shoe lifts fall into this category for me.
Yeah, I think the shoe lifts are crossing the line a little.

My general view on this is that men are not beauty queens. Women go to a lot of extremes to try to look their best, eye shadow, fingernail polish, hair dye, take a lot of time to get ready, etc. What makes men is that they are about action, doing things, accomplishing things. They don't fuss around with doing all these little things to make themselves look good - because they aren't supposed to be that preoccupied with thier looks.

I think when women see a guy take half an hour on his hair, that's a turnoff for them, because it's a femnine attribute, not a masculine attribute. The way they see it, a guy should have a short, simple haircut that doesn't take a lot of fuss - wash it, maybe a quick comb through or run their hands through it, and bam off they go. Men have things to do, they don't have time to doll themselves up, that's not what they're about.

Working out is good, but that's not all about looks, it's about keeping fit, healthy, strong, flexible, and active.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
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I have always been into the gym and for me it is a lifestyle, while there is a certain amount of vanity which is a byproduct of it, it is something that makes me feel really good. I am about 5''7 and a half and actually feel that being shorter can be an advantage, particularly in the gym, you don't have to carry an excessive amount of muscle to look developed. Possibly in a club or area with a lot of people, the extra height could help. I think spending money on dental, is a smart move even as something to do for one's upkeep. I also like to maintain a descent tan, as it also gives me a strong sense of well being and if its not overdone is pretty healthy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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This is something I've been interested in too.

Women seemed to me to have all the cards when it came to helping to look good. False t1ts, fake hair, nails, make up, heels, clothes that look like *****s designed them etc...

I'm 52 and honestly all the time I have people saying really your 52!

heres my things that I do to max out on what I've got.

1. I set up a profile on bodybuilding.com and I take 5 pics every weekend and upload em. I've put on muscle and lost a lot of fat in the last year and half. It's made a huge difference. If your walking round with a protruding gut it's fvcking you up and there's no doubt about that one.

2. I went on craigslist and on therapeutic services I found this place run by a Vietnamese women, her ad said her salon looks after guys, does facials, eyebrows, chest waxing etc... they also do great massages there with happy endings. It's a nice time to go there, I come out smiling....and with great skin.
They have this machine that electronically stimulates your skin to make it tighter.

3. Nutrition... I bought a juicer and I've been juicing up spinach, celery, apples etc... and I tell ya, after a few weeks of the your hair and skin will be in great condition. Also energy and mental clarity. Also some quality protein powder.

4.I bought some stuff for my skin... I bought some quality face stuff, non of that cheap sh1t;

Viva Amaze Anti Aging Serum Skin Care Supplements.

Also I got some face scrub and some toner lotion stuff, also some clay mask.

I use those regular and along with the juicing my face looks way better than before!

I also got some body scrub stuff and some stuff called shea butter to hydrate my skin.

I go for a sauna most times when I go to the gym and that makes a big difference too.

I've been taking some stuff called modified citrus pectine, the idea is to get heavy metals out of your system, it's not quackery you can find papers on it etc...

Also I've been listening to this guy ;


My way of thinking is that, fvck it this empowering myself and I dont give a fvck. I honestly think it's a bit of a battle out there and women and kicking our asses as they have the government backing them up with all the programs for women and all the stuff that women can do nowadays, where as me a man I just feel like the sh1t is just pilled on my head on a daily basis and no one gives a rats azz.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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teebear said:
I'm with you - to a point. I definitely put effort into how I look but I don't want to do anything that if discovered, would be embarrassing or convey desperation or neediness in any way. Shoe lifts fall into this category for me. I'm only 5'7" and that's just the way it is. Rather than wear lifts, I simply try to date women who are shorter than me. Oddly enough, I've dated women who are taller than me and it doesn't seem to bother them one bit. My main plate is 5'10", for example.

One thing that I do that might raise eyebrows: I use a product to hide the dark circles under my eyes when I haven't gotten enough sleep, which is pretty often. I figure that male actors do this kind of thing all the time so it's perfectly acceptable for me to do so too.

In my opinion, the paramount piece of advice for men looking to attract women is to lose the gut, hit the gym, and dress well and properly. A well dressed man is like catnip to women.
I thought you said youd had plastic surgery?


Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2010
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Excellent topic because it brings up the issue regarding the difference between "maxing out your looks" as you say, and turning into a Girly man...

I think that there's still some intellectual residue hanging around PUA forums because of those parts in Neil Strauss's "The Game" where he talked about guys who looked like trolls scoring with chicks because they were "confident".

I even got into an online argument on this forum with a younger guy about "game vs. looks"...My attitude was that PUA methods were great, but what was wrong with augmenting the physical part?

I color my hair, bleach my teeth, sometimes tan, and at 5'10" usually wear Chelsea boots with outfits because their thick heels put me at almost 6'.

I do this, but I also can work on cars and motorcycles, spar full contact, and I do my best to accept responsibility, complain little, and generally "man up".

Life is all about finding a balance, so I work on my looks while at the same time I know what the role of a man in society should be, and I try and privately fulfill that role.
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Don Juan
Sep 28, 2014
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englishman said:
I thought you said youd had plastic surgery?
I did, but that was more about repairing my badly damaged self-esteem than attracting women. You have a point, though. It's too drastic a thing to be a viable option for the average man though it's safe to say that it would do the trick 99% of the time.

As far as bang for the buck goes, I spent about $600 on a new wardrobe which seems to be the thing that put me over the top. I catch women checking me out all the time when they think I'm not looking. It's an incredible confidence booster.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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teebear said:
I did, but that was more about repairing my badly damaged self-esteem than attracting women. You have a point, though. It's too drastic a thing to be a viable option for the average man though it's safe to say that it would do the trick 99% of the time.

As far as bang for the buck goes, I spent about $600 on a new wardrobe which seems to be the thing that put me over the top. I catch women checking me out all the time when they think I'm not looking. It's an incredible confidence booster.

Like I said before teebear... your full of sh1t... your a girl maybe a lesbian, but your fake.


Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
englishman said:
Like I said before teebear... your full of sh1t... your a girl maybe a lesbian, but your fake.
Why the hostility? The guy took the time to address your question in an inoffensive way. If your attitude is that plastic surgery is a feminine move, then go ahead and state that......This thread's discussion concerns the struggle between physical self improvement vs. masculinity....it should be a discussion, not cheap insults....

BTW, "YOU'RE" not "your"


Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
If you're implying that teebear is a female trolling the forum, I don't get that vibe at all from reading his (her?) posts

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
020204 said:
Looking for forums on this subject , while I enjoy GLL he talks a lot about steroids which isn't the route I am travelling however, I do like to keep up to date with clothers, grooming etc, while I am not necessarily into Pua, I do enjoy the forums and read the material. Have experiemented with contact lenses and getting spraytans and can honestly say the extra attention you get from putting the extra effort into how you look is worth it. Have considered using height insoles as an experiement.. I know a lot of guys will not like this subject, and say I am insecure, in reality what I am talking about is tapping into doing what women do all the time only in a masculine way.
Whatever makes you feel confident, bro, at least for the short term.

In the long term, you're going to have to accentuate your TRUE attributes. Can't fake your height and skin pigment forever. And no, there's nothing insecure about looking your best, it's just the best thing to do in life. Good practice.


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2013
Reaction score
teebear said:
One thing that I do that might raise eyebrows: I use a product to hide the dark circles under my eyes when I haven't gotten enough sleep, which is pretty often. I figure that male actors do this kind of thing all the time so it's perfectly acceptable for me to do so too.
I own a men's skincare company and this isn't strange at all. You would probably be surprised how many men are buying our products. It's no longer taboo for a man to want to take care of himself or his skin. In fact, guys who don't are going to be the ones who suffer down the road.

The largest men's skin care company (premium products, not the crap you buy at walgreens) did almost $300MM in sales just from men last year.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2014
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englishman said:
Like I said before teebear... your full of sh1t... your a girl maybe a lesbian, but your fake.
I'm begging you to tell me what it is you think I'm bsing about. Am I giving bad advice or something? I didn't even bring up plastic surgery - I was talking about using some sh!tty $30 man makeup to hide the circles under my eyes after a late night out.

I completely and utterly fail to see the point you're trying to make. You're talking like a woman... like I'm supposed to read between the lines to figure out WTF you're trying to say.

Sorry lads. Didn't mean to hijack this thread. I just can't sit on my hands and not answer. This has happened a couple of times in otherwise interesting threads.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
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I have never actually tried height inserts just something I have thought about. After reading "The Game" I gave spraytanning a try, and while its something I will do from time to time, it isn't something I would do all the time. I do like to have a bit of a tan from sunlight which is pretty healthy. This is an interesting topic, not a lot of material on this, I know most of us here are not talking about looking like girly men at all, you don't have to look very far today to see goths and other people doing all sorts of weird stuff. I think most of us are talking about looking GQ, Men's Health, conservative and well groomed.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2014
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channingtatum said:
I own a men's skincare company and this isn't strange at all. You would probably be surprised how many men are buying our products. It's no longer taboo for a man to want to take care of himself or his skin. In fact, guys who don't are going to be the ones who suffer down the road.

The largest men's skin care company (premium products, not the crap you buy at walgreens) did almost $300MM in sales just from men last year.
I'm glad to hear this. I'm reminded that once upon a time men were ridiculed for lifting weights and paying attention to their physiques. Seems laughable now.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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Rubirosa said:
Why the hostility? The guy took the time to address your question in an inoffensive way. If your attitude is that plastic surgery is a feminine move, then go ahead and state that......This thread's discussion concerns the struggle between physical self improvement vs. masculinity....it should be a discussion, not cheap insults....

BTW, "YOU'RE" not "your"
Wow teebear has a gang.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
teebear said:
I was talking about using some sh!tty $30 man makeup to hide the circles under my eyes after a late night out.
I rest my case... you wear makeup.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
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I can remember when going to the gym was seen as gay, it wasn't uncommon to be called a fag if you wore a tight fitting shirt. Today so many gyms have sprung up that going to the gym is much more mainstream than ever and in coming years will be even more so. As for malemakeup it is slowly becoming the norm just as spraytanning has become. It will be interesting to see how much more vane men become in the future and what kind of products will evolve to meet those needs.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2014
Reaction score
englishman said:
I rest my case... you wear makeup.
Ahhh.... I understand now. :rolleyes:

I'll try to stick to the Mature Man forum from now on where I am unlikely to run into you.