Matthew Perry died lonely and longing for a wife and a family, even keen to have stepchildren


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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So many assumptions and accusations dude, be more neutral and you should be able to connect with others
You just made an assumption and accusation with that statement. You should be more neutral and it may help you connect with others as well.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Advice from the old lady:

This whole situation made me sad. Perry was born the same year I was, so it’s a mortality check in a weird way.

He was an addict. The addiction comes first for an addict, to the exclusion of anything else. That includes other people. It’s no wonder he never found the love & marriage he wanted.

No woman worthy of marriage is going to marry an addict. There are good women he was exposed to I am sure, but the only ones who stayed around were the users who took what they could from him while playing along until they couldn’t take his issues and addiction any more.

Perry wanted fame from a young age. Nothing inherently wrong with that. But his motivation seemed to come from a place of lack. No matter how much he had he wasn’t happy. That’s an inner brokenness problem. And people looked the other way because of his fame, and that doesn’t help.

Terribly sad all round.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Its beta to think women, family or children can bring a man happiness or self-esteem.

How can a woman or child know how to make you happy. Thats not leadership.

First the man must be a leader, not caring for women, family or children, then they will come to him, in one form or another.

Unfortunately you are one of the few members who has this philosophy. A woman will NOT make you happy. If you are a celebrity ,you at least get to run through a triple digit notch count.

I don't know what else needs to be done to make a man redpill or even blackpilled. This man AT LEAST did us a favor by showing how deeply ingrained the bluepill is.

The bluepill is equally strong as a religious "freak " willing to suicide bomb himself because he's convinced he'll get 72 virgins in heaven. To someone whose NOT into that shyte it's baffling.

If he REALLY wanted to be a father he had the money to either pay a woman to carry his child, or adopt one. But no no no we idiotic men want LOVE and loyalty yadiya.

Lets this be a lesson: a lead actor from one of the most popular series died due to being unhappy. Stop thinking you need women to make you happy. It will leave you in a state of destruction!


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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It would seem to me he has risk aversion and issues with trust.

I know a man on a lower key level. He is independent wealthy and owns a business. Not really attractive but has some charm.
he would love a family but never stays with women as he always insists at moving in point on 50/50 costs and paying him rent in the house he owns with no loan. He can’t find a woman who he finds attractive who will go along with that.

I’ve tried to explain how it works. If you want trad wife you have to be trad man. In the end now he’s getting too old and has been too stubborn.

Yes,kids and marriage do carry risk for men but don’t be a pvssy about it. If you WANT trad lifeyou always have that risk.

Theres always that risk. They can divorce you. They can die. They can become disabled. Kids can die, etc. that’s life.

Not chasing your dream because you fear losing money is stupid. You can not use it on your deathbed. However, if you have money and loved ones, you will always at death see how you’ve materially provided for others.

Some people have the wrong priorities.

However, if you DONT want kids and a wife more power to you. I’m not trying to convince people to do this, I’m just saying if that’s what you want, not doing so because you’re scared that you’ll lose money is stupid.

Men are providers of resources, always has been and always will me. It’s in accordance with nature for a man of means to be desirable to women. That doesn’t mean that woman is only into the money. A trad wife wants a wealthy man as well as a gold digger wants a wealthy man. Instead of cowering in fear, Nil Desperandum. Be brave.
I agree 100% , although I also strongly advise against it!

Traditional values are not what they used to be . It has been devalued BIG time by now.

I keep saying this; i recently lost two close " friends " who went passport bro-ing while the 40 years old league is knocking on the door. I say it's a midlife crisis thing. ! Also, they both had a similar story like @BergischerLöwe ,multiple years no sex.

But oke, lets say you impregnate a woman in your 40,s(and kets be real, you wonf be FORTY, but 43,45,46 ect when the child is actually born) : you'll have the deadweight in the form of a woman and child and that's assuming it all goes well! It's a costly endeavor...

What most likely will happen is that IF these dudes impregnate their women, she'll leave as soon as she has the right to become a local citizen and ghost their husbands.

Next thing you know, you are a 50 something year old man who has to pay court and lawyers, buy her " sympathy " , gets depressed and suicidal ect.

I am GRATEFUL i got my first kid when I was mid 20,s. When the 40 league arrives I did it all; legacy bs , high notch count, living together. I can now focus on two things: my (physical/gym) health, and my finances. Period. Women...aren't THAT important. Definitely not important enough to delete my self !!
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Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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It’s great you have a good physique, but there are many other aspects of human interaction that you could greatly improve to be an awesome person. The type of guy that women fall head over heels with
If you can't control your weight which is the only thing people have control, how are you gonna control interacting with people? A fat person tells me his lazy, doesn't have discipline and doesn't love himself. People can say whatever the fbck they wanna say like a fat woman with "body positivity" and "healthy at every size". Fat people are unhappy with themselves. I was fat, I was unhappy. Exceptions, I guess, but proves the rule.


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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In his memoir, he states he started drinking alcohol at 14 and then got hooked on Vicodin after a Jet-ski accident. Says he took 55 Vicodin a day while filming “Friends.” Who the hell was the doctor that prescribed that many meds? Micheal Jackson’s doctor? Yikes! Hard to fight an addiction when you are surrounded by enablers.

Too bad he couldn’t turn his life around. Being famous is a double edge sword too as there are a lot of predators out there after your money. He dated a lot of attractive actresses but the addictions had a hold of his life.