Man, f**k my job!


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
The last straw that broke the camel's back was the gas bill I got the other day. That's it, I'm getting a new job. Fvck this place. The pay is 5hit, I get treated like 5hit. I'm an electronic repair guy who shovels snow, picks up garbage, and builds crates. In case you're wondering, yes, I did get hired to repair electronic crap.

I think the biggest problem is I've been here so fvcking long and I started here when I was young. I was an AFC at the time, and I've been treated like one. Even when I tried to end the treatment, it was forced upon me. Once people develope an opinion of you, its almost impossible to change it.

Anyway, I'm doing up my resume tonight and I'm starting tomorrow pronto. Hopefully the social skills that I learned in the past few years will help me out.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
Sounds like you've outgrown the place to me. As you say, people pigeon hole you very quickly and it fvcks them up if you appear not to fit in them anymore.

A real tip though, when you do your letter and at interview, make a point of not sh1tting on your current job or Boss. Think up positive stuff so you don't come across as a moaner or potential troublemaker.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
make a point of not sh1tting on your current job or Boss.
Yeah, I've been thinking about that one, and what kind of an answer to give if I'm asked "So, why are you leaving your current job? I'm thinking of saying something like " I feel that I'm not able to use the full potential of my skills"

I fvcking hate job interviews. I have a difficult time acting so damn phony and bull5hitting about my weaknesses and all that crap.

Boss: Why do you want to work for us?
Me: Because you have an excellent reputation and provide and interesting and challenging working environment for your employees
Me Thinking: (I need more money than my current 5hit job pays me)