Lust's 100 Approaches in 2007 Challenge - Comments/Advice Please!


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Friday 16th February

Bus Stop

Approache: 17

Damn, I am starting to fall behind schedule if I want to reach that 100. I remember guys telling me that consistency was the most important part of any challenge/boot camp etc…

I’ve had these weird days where I’d try to go to the city for an hour or so hoping to make a few approaches, but I just don’t see any good opportunities. Sometimes I get way more approach anxiety than I used to, sometimes I’m ok. Regardless, I just have trouble finding good chances; all the girls in the city after school are with a bunch of guys, mostly wogs.

I’m going to try and change my frame of mind with this a little, keep telling myself that I will find lots of opportunities with women, positive thinking, and the usual Inner Game patch up stuff. I might go over Ross Jeffries’ Unstoppable Confidence again quickly.

So I went off to town again, with some friends.

They love to bum around and do whatever, I wasted a lot of time, and was about to go home empty handed.

We saw some of the girls from my first approach ever! Check my first approach, the girls I opened at HJs and instant dated. Come to think of it, that was quite a good approach. I saw them, my mates went over to say hi, but I just looked them in the eyes and left. Last time I saw them they didn’t say greet me, so this is my response. Two of the girls even waved but I just look straight into their eyes and left. I didn’t want to waste my time, I wanted to check my bus stop, hoping for some miracle that there were a set good for opening there.

Well luck stroke my side. I left feeling like crap; I headed off to my bus stop. Two girls were sitting down on the steps of my favourite music shop, which happens to be right in front of my bus stop. I was going to go in there to buy some things anyway, so I go in, buy a thumb pick and slide come out and pop them with an opinion opener.

2 set, (7.5, 7.8)

Me: Hey guys, can I get an opinion on something?
Them: What?
Me: Opinion.
Them: Oh yeah sure!
Me: But you guys have got to be quick, my bus will be here soon. (False time constraint)
*I run the gay opinion opener*
Them: Haha really? Nah you don’t look gay.
Me: You sure? Cause it kind of freaked my out a bit.
Them: Haha oh, well maybe that makes you look a little gay *points to my Uke*
Me: Oh what! I can’t believe you just said that!! (Over Exaggeration, C&F) That’s my Ukulele, I love this baby!
Them: Haha, nah, you don’t dress gay or anything so…
Me: Haha, you should see me on the weekends, I’m in like a tight bright yellow beater and all
Them: Haha well maybe you’re one of the guys that can dress gay and look really hot.
Me: Ohh what are you implying eh?
Them: Giggles

Then their bus comes, meh.

Me: Well, pleasure meeting you.
Them: Yeah you too.

That’s the end of that. I think I seriously conveyed a lot of higher value, I was really happy with my body language, and as soon as they walked away, I saw a mate and greeted him, also, sometime between our interaction, a mate walked past and I greeted him, made me look pretty social and that I knew everyone.

There was another 3 set that came later on, I didn’t open though, there was one decent looking girl and two UGs. I wasn’t sure how old the other one was, she looked young, but she couldn’t have been that young. Oh well, I didn’t feel like opening them, bad excuse, I know, but it’s true, I really didn’t.

I was watching the Annihilation Method the other night (Yep, that’s right), and Style says that one major rule is to be the dominant lead in the interaction. Using opinion openers, he said to never say “Can I get an opinion?” I do that a lot. I did it today, I’m going to work on it, say something like “Hey guys, I need an opinion on something” then dive straight into the false time constraint and the opener, that way they don’t have much chance to give you a cold response from the first question.

Anyways, that’s all for today, damn I need to take it up a notch or I won’t complete the challenge in the time given.



Yeah, yeah I know guys, what’s with all these non-closing half assed approaches lately? I’ve been busy and tired a lot. Don’t have much heart to go run a proper game, I will try more though. I’ll get some more closes soon.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
If you really bought the Annihilation Method, I'm impressed, that thing costs as much as college tutition...


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
April_Infinite said:
If you really bought the Annihilation Method, I'm impressed, that thing costs as much as college tutition...
Haha no, do you think I'm crazy? Or stupid?

I just spent a long time finding a good quality pirated version.

$3,799 US? No way.

It's not that good, well, I've only had a quick look through a few dvds, i haven't actually sat down and watched a whole dvd yet.

But from what i have gathered, yeah, it's fvcking good, but not worth 4 grand!


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Thursday 22nd of February

Bus Practice

Approach 18

I was on the bus (No I don’t drive, I’m only 15) after school, on my way to work, when I noticed 2 girls standing in the mid section on the bus. The bus was packed and most people were standing. My friend was standing in between the two set and I. I whispered to him, telling him to lean forward a bit so I can speak to the girls but man that was a bad idea. I’m never going to pick up with him, ever again.

He is a nice guy, but is what we would call a total AFC. He would be the type of guy who buys gifts and caters to the woman as much as possible, pedestalising her. To him, picking up is bluntly obvious, so he decided there was no reason to be discreet.

Mate: Oh well, why don’t I just move behind you so you’re standing next to them (Loudly)

The girls give me this weird look, oh god. Then my mate proceeds to lumber around the bus, trying to get behind me, by this time I usually wouldn’t have approached, I know the set is gone, but I do anyway, under all that embarrassment, I decided it would be good for balls.

2 Set (8), (7.5)

They already knew I was going to try and pick them up, after my mate’s loud remarks and somewhat oblivious actions.
I open with my Gay opener, adding in the kino.

Me: So out of first impression…
Her: Oh god…
Me: Do I look gay?
She bursts out laughing, not to mention a woman in her twenties that was watching our interaction does too.

After the opener, I just fluffed it out (She said I didn’t, by the way), a few minutes after, she gets up to get off.

Mate: Aww she’s getting off, too bad. (Loudly again)

Christ, I swear I’m never going to pick up another chick with him around.


Being put on the spot and embarrassed like hell, but oh well.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Friday 23rd of February

Hungry Jacks Attracts Women

Approach: 19

I swear, this is like the fourth time I’ve made an approach at the same HJs store. It’s this particular store that women just love going to, but it’s not always the ones that I would approach. Well, today there were some nice ones around.

I was in the city again, bumming around for a few hours before leaving for work, my shift started late today (****ing close, 8:30-3AM!), so I had a few extra hours.

After killing some time, we met a few friends at HJs. There is this one guy, I don’t know him that well, but we are acquaintances, he is interested in the game, and I want to make him my wing. He is really good looking, tall and buff, which would be great for me to test my game on; going into an approach, my game would have to be real tight to attract more attention in a set than his physical appearance.

Some of my mates had some trouble to deal with, people to call, so I was left talking to my hopefully future wing.

We decided to approach a set behind us. It was a 4-set, but two of their friends went to order food. We go in; I use the gay opinion opener again.

2 set (8), (7.3)

Me: Guys, I need a quick opinion with something, but you guys have got to be quick.

I correct this after watching the Annihilation Method and hearing Style say that you should never “ask” for any opinion, just state that you need one.

*Gay opinion opener*

HB8: Hehe, no you don’t look gay.
Me: Cause I was in town just today actually, and I was talking to this random guy, he seemed nice but after about 3 minutes, I swear he was hitting on me.

HB7.2: Hahaha are you serious? Nah you don’t look gay.

One of our female friends came out of nowhere and said hi, smothered my face in her hands, to which I went all ****y going on about how she poked me in the eye. It was good that she came, DHV. I forgot the rule on giving the target less attention than the obstacle, damn. I noticed that HB7.3 was giving me more and more attention and IOIs while I spoke to HB8. Fvck, should have been the other way around.

We fluff a little about our school, they asked if we know this and that, etc…

Me: What did you say your name was? (Not sure if it was a good idea, I remember thinking “Damn” as the words were coming out of my mouth)

I forgot their names, it was the weirdest names I’ve ever heard, they played around saying the others name is retarded etc… Displaying a little c&f with themselves.

Their friends returned, now a 4-set, the two were (7) (7.2)

Other friends: Wow, how did you manage to make friends in like 5 minutes?
Her: Yeah, we’ve like known them for ages.
Me: Yeah, we are like soul mates, look, this is Twiddle Dee (to HB8) and this is Twiddle Dum (To HB7.3), now we’re all one big happy family.
Them: Laugh/giggle etc.

HB8 explained that we just met and that I asked them the Gay Opinion Opener. She asked me to ask them, so I did.

They laughed and said no too, hmm I think I’m going to change openers soon.

My friend was engaging a few of them with fluffs, while I did the ESP trick to HB8.

Me: Hey, first number that pops into your head between 1-4, don’t tell me.
HB8: Ok
Me: 3
HB8: OMG, how did you know? Ok first between 1-10.
Me: 6
HB8: Nah 7
Me: Huh? What do you mean no? Oh I thought you were asking me
(Damn, because I was going to ask her 1-10 and say 7, it’s a nice little mind trick, but thought she was asking me so I said 6 instead.)

After some fluff, there was a point where the conversation died down, I ran out of things to say, so I just tried to project through body language that I was comfortable not awkward. They talk a little amongst themselves.

At this point my mate comes over with my Ukulele, I introduce him, they ask about the Uke, he tells that it’s mine, and inevitably, I read everything that was going to happen next because I’ve done this so many times.

They ask about the Uke and I C&F the responses because I’ve heard all of them before.

Our other mates come back, after dealing with the problems, they said they had to leave so we said goodbyes. The girls had to go too, I could tell HB7.3 really didn’t want to, but oh well, I should have number closed, but my god damn phone is broken and getting fixed (Don’t ever buy Motorola) and I thought rummaging through my bag for a pen and paper was a DLV and showing neediness, maybe I’m over analysing, comments are welcome.

And as Style says, always exit a set saying:

Me: Pleasure meeting you.
Them: Yeah you too!


Managed to remember to correct a mistake that I have been making for ages, which was asking for an opinion rather than stating that I needed one. Also, I found out another problem to be fixed over the next approach, which was giving the target more attention than the obstacles.

Going to a huge gig on Sunday, I’m have no idea, but I think there will be a lot of chicks there. If there are, I will definitely try to make as many approaches as possible, and if I don’t come home with a close to report about, I want everyone to flame me. 


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
April_Infinite said:
I'll be waiting for that gig report.
Ahh damn, the Gig didn't go down well. It was mostly a c0ckfest, but it had a few diamonds in the rough. But i couldn't get to them. I am not very experienced in loud venues, as i am still underage and have never gone clubbing, i wanted to make a few approaches, but couldn't. What a shame.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Approach 20

Wednesday 7th of March

Food Court Approach

I’m not sure if this is the best place to do an approach. People are eating after all, and they expect to be left in peace while they eat. I dunno, some people don’t seem to mind.

I was feeling pretty out of it, pissed that I haven’t been doing as well as I used to lately, and also annoyed at a friend. The three of us sat down for a while, I had my Ukulele again, like always.

It’s with me so often that I plan to write up a routine and incorporating the Uke as a major part of it.

Anyway, I see a two set, (8.5) (7)

I got some major approach anxiety today, but what I am happy about, through all of this is that I managed to still make the approach, under so much approach anxiety.

I didn’t even have a clue what I was going to say and I had to quickly think up of something on the spot.

Me: Hey guys, I need a quick opinion about something.
Them: Ok
Me: Does this make me look gay? (Holds up Uke)

They actually had quite a lot of things to say, I should have stayed but I was in such a bad state, I couldn’t think properly and couldn’t think of a way to transition, though as soon as I left, I thought of a perfect way.

I rooted with the “I was in town today and some guy tried to pick me up” story.

By this point I remembered what Mystery had to say about body language, the person least comfortable is the one with the least value, they were both seated so I tried Mystery’s lock-in manoeuvre. I made sure I grabbed a seat while I was speaking, and turned by body away from both of them. At least I remembered that.

HB7: Laughs
Me: Hey! Don’t you laugh! I’m very self conscious.

After a bit of fluff about homos, I eject. Not a great approach, certainly not a very good interaction.

Come to think of it, HB7 was very receptive and I could have directed some of the conversation towards her, eventually warming the other girl up while she listens, but ****! Just wasn’t in it today.


Nothing. I was hoping to correct a few mistakes with this set, but I didn’t do it too well. One of the things was that I had to give more attention to the less attractive one, it worked for a bit. I made a conscious effort to do so, but after a few minutes, I just kept subconsciously glancing at the HB8.5.

Well, I’ll give it a shot next set.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
Eh, bad moods ruin everything. I youf mess up one set, you're sour for the rest of the day, ruining your game, well at least in my case.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Mate you do very good ****y and funny. David DeAngelo would be proud. If you can pull that off at 15, you're going to be unstoppable when you pass puberty! (Heh heh)

Keep it up.

Something you might want to consider is what I'm doing, which is to compile a cheat-sheet of good lines and ideas in MS Word or somewhere else. Anytime I read something or make-up stuff that might be good or works well, I store it in my PUA document. That way I won't forget. It's just a Word document set up in three columns. I just add bullet points under headings like OPINION OPENERS, ****Y AND FUNNY BANTER, E-MAIL AND SMS TIPS, DATING IDEA, and so on.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Boschy said:
Mate you do very good ****y and funny. David DeAngelo would be proud. If you can pull that off at 15, you're going to be unstoppable when you pass puberty! (Heh heh)

Keep it up.

Something you might want to consider is what I'm doing, which is to compile a cheat-sheet of good lines and ideas in MS Word or somewhere else. Anytime I read something or make-up stuff that might be good or works well, I store it in my PUA document. That way I won't forget. It's just a Word document set up in three columns. I just add bullet points under headings like OPINION OPENERS, ****Y AND FUNNY BANTER, E-MAIL AND SMS TIPS, DATING IDEA, and so on.
Hey mate,

Yeah, i have thought of that, it's a great idea. I have a document on lines, stories, DHVs etc, and a journal of my approaches, like what i am posting right now, except it has my thoughts and ideas in it too.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Approach 21

Thursday 29th of March.

Yes, I am a prick.

22 days. That’s how long it has been since my last interaction with any female strangers. (I think) Normally, I would have said I was busy. But that’s an excuse. I have discovered a new found hatred towards excuses. They are cowardly; they let you sleep better at night while the other guy screws your girl. They are your own tool for stabbing yourself while you fight.

So instead of saying “I was busy”, I am going to say; “I was lazy”.

Anyway, let’s get on with this shall we?

We had rugby that day. I was buggered, we played two games with almost no time in between, damn officials can’t get anything right. I was on my way to work on the bus, when a large number of other people got on.

Me: (Loudly, though unknowingly, to mate) Fvck, these loud women are so annoying!
HB7.5 gives me a quick glance.
Me: Don’t give me that damn look, I’m not blind, I saw it!
HB7.5: Hey it’s a Thursday I can be as loud as I want!
Me: Makes no sense, blah blah blah.

It was all crap talk from there. After a while some chick I couldn’t see goes off at one of her friends. Attention wh0re was what I was thinking, and I made it known.

Me: Fvcking attention wh0res, no, you’re not really angry, just fvcking loud.

Anyway, the attention wh0re shut up, didn’t say anything else, everyone around the bus looked at me, HB7.5 looked at me.

Me: (Very loudly) Yes, I’m a fvcking prick, let’s sing about it.

HB7.5: She’ll come back and smash you, you know (jokingly)
Me: Pfft, don’t give half an ass what she thinks, she can go get hit by a fvcking bus for all I care.
Hb7.5: Wow, harsh.
Me: Nah, just straight to the point.

Everyone shut up for a bit. I was glad I’m fairly buff, or I bet some of the guys would have tried to start on me.

Anyway, she kept stealing glances at me, actually, everyone was. I should have re-initiated the conversation, but I was in the worst mood. I just got pummeled in two games of rugby and still had 6 hours of work. Whoopee do. Though, come to think of it, that’s an excuse too. Alright, let’s say I got lazy. My fault.


Nothing I guess, though I catch that bus quite frequently, and see the same people a lot. I may have build up some social proof unintentionally. Meh. It was good to make an approach (or a rant) after so long. 22 days. Fvck that’s bad.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Friday 30th of March

My love is my Uke

I headed into town after school, there was suppose to be some huge fight against some emos that tried to start on a mate of ours when he was alone. Well, the emos chickened out, and I headed off home.

Again, I was on the bus, and yes, again I had my Ukulele. Some one mentioned that just smiling after eye contact does a lot of good. Well, I have been in a pretty hyped mood lately, jumping around, can’t sit still, the usual nut case sh!t. I’ve been smiling a sh!t load too, I guess it makes me look more fun. Anyway, I had my Uke on the bus and I was happily playing away into my own little world when this 3 set commented on it after my big cheesy smile. They were a lot older than us though (I was with my best mate). They seemed to be in their mid 20s. Too bad eh?

3-set, I think 8, 6.5, 7? I can’t remember too well.

The less attractive was more open.

HB6.5: Aww why’d you stop!
Me: Ahh I didn’t want to give everyone else on the bus a headache.
Them: It’s so cool!
Me: My mates reckon it makes me look gay.
Hb6.5: Nah, just stick on a Hawaiian shirt, flower necklace, you know, bit of mascara on your leg hairs... ( I forgot what else she said, she was cool though)
Me: Haha, uh uh, lucky for you guys, I’m not actually gay.
Them: (The usual sh!ts and giggles)
Them: There’s so many school x kids around! (My school)
Me: Yeah, we’re taking over the world. I’m the leader, their not all as cool as me.

I think I fluffed a bit about Ukes, and then ended the interaction. My mate didn’t say a word. Damn it! I want to get him into this whole thing. I think it’s sort of a mental thing that made me stop. The fact that I knew they were a lot older sort of played a bit into my head and gave me this notion to not run proper game. I have mentioned this before I think. I need to get this age thing out of the way, without lying about my age.


Just keeping the rhythm after not making any approaches for so long.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hey man, you probably already know this, but when your feeling down socially or have AA for some reason, try warming up socially by saying hi to random people on the street and doing random approaches with people.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Approach 23

Friday 20th of April

Flowers in my hair…

Me and the boys headed off to the beach today, it was so fvcking dead! The weather wasn’t the best, but eh. I thought there’d be more people than that.

On the way back, a huge group of women, some hot, a lot not, were walking down with us. A few run up to me and asks me if I want a flower. I said sure, and told her to stick it into my hair.

We fluffed for a bit, again, my Uke got some attention, and I just fluffed around with that.

During that time, I had really high energy, I was just jumping around and doing crazy sh!t. On the tram we were just being nuts, singing and pretend to root each other and sh!t.

Anyway, it didn’t go anywhere, but I had some mad eye contact.

It was a really fun day though, even if I didn’t make any approaches. We were doing some really dumb sh!t, I licked up a sh!tload of Nando’s “Extra Hot” sauce. Christ, I think I am going to sh!t out flames tonight. I was literally crying. Lots of good stories, I just need to work them right and test them out.

My form has been pretty crap lately, and I need to go nuts again. I’m hoping to do it within these holidays, but I am working so much.


Nothing, except this purple flower.
Last edited:


New Member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
what does this mean?

Sorry I have been away from sosuave for a while now.. but im about to be single again so im refreshing what does AFC, C&F, and NEG mean when your talking about these women.. sorry I can't figure some of these letters out.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
dsenart said:
Sorry I have been away from sosuave for a while now.. but im about to be single again so im refreshing what does AFC, C&F, and NEG mean when your talking about these women.. sorry I can't figure some of these letters out.
AFC is average frustrated chump. The men who have no clue how to deal with women.

C&F is ****y and funny, a method devised by David DeAngelo to convey strong personality while keeping the women laughing.

Neg is subtly showing the target that you are not interested in her, with an innocent but what seems to be sincere comment.

"You have a bit of eyelash on your cheek" then back turn is a good example of a neg.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Approach 24

Saturday 28th of April

Starbucks Front Counter Girl

I was at Starbucks with a mate today, I was waiting in the line and I noticed this cute little Asian chick was giving me some pretty obvious IOIs. Huge smiles, quick glances at my Uke, positive body language etc…

I knew she wanted me to open so, I opened. I noticed she was fairly amused by my Ukulele, so I just initiated conversation on that.

She was around an 8.

Me: “Pretty cool eh”
HBStarbuckAsian: Oh my god! That’s so cute! Do you play it?
Me: Yeah it’s not just for show.
HBStarbuckAsian: How can you play something so little? Do you play guitar?

She kept barraging me with questions, I just leant over the counter and spoke to her for a bit, even while she was making other coffees.

We fluffed about anything, I can really start to understand Mystery when he says once you have ran a routine a number of times, you can start guessing the what comes out of the targets mouth.

That’s what it is, my Ukulele is a routine, it’s a pretty innocent routine, but I’ve been experimenting with guessing what someone would say about it.

So we fluffed, she was really receptive. Lots of eye contact, smiles everywhere.

I left though, she was a fair bit older than me, I could tell.

My mate and I had gotten drunk that day and we felt pretty bad. Actually I threw up earlier, whoever said not to sarge when drinking was right.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
You are getting pretty solid with that uke opener, you could twist it to get some pretty interesting effects.