LTR and Babies


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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Okay, so I had a couple of threads I wanted to make. Here it's one of them....

My life been great and improving at all level lately, there is some areas have yet to start but they are in progress (ex: cooking), love is good etc......
but this ain't about me.

It's about others... and their LTR....

In my little circle of people.... let's say 50 people, whom 10 are friends..... in a age period of 25 to 30... 5 of them have made a baby within 9months of the relationship with their new Girl friend (or boyfriend)... so yes... they been together 9months and now have a baby....

They ain't teens anymore... how is that happening... We talk about the ''biological clocks'' ''Oneitis'' ''Plate'' ''Ego-protection'' ''quality'' etc...

How can you make a baby with someone you don't know even if you felt in love with them (decided to do the LTR)..... all of them are Lawyer,Doctors,Engineer, Social Worker

I love them, and will always support them... heck I might do it one day lol... but it ain't logical to me


Mar 6, 2017
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For the women it´s mostly about the pressure of the biological clock ticking I guess. For your male friends, I guess it´s social pressure, the girl´s pressure, and fear of growing old alone.

In my city, there´s a lot of pressure from women, women want you married and with kids before 30. They always ask you about this. As soon as they found out you´ve been dating someone for more than a couple of months they start asking you when are you gonna give her the ring.

"You should have kids now or people will think your kids are your grandkids". They keep pushing this.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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In my little circle of people.... let's say 50 people, whom 10 are friends..... in a age period of 25 to 30... 5 of them have made a baby within 9months of the relationship with their new Girl friend (or boyfriend)
I agree partially with @ Dr.Rocanlover. If the woman is around age 27 or older, she'll be starting to think about having a baby. Also, people are stupid when it comes to birth control. The man puts all his faith in this new woman that she's taking her pill daily. Women are generally terrible at taking birth control pills. They forget, they miss, they secretly want a baby, etc. It's the man's job to make sure the bytch doesn't get pregnant, so he has to wrap his pecker. But it feels great without a condom and she says she's on birth control, so it's all good, right?

People get stupid when they're struck with "love". I'd mostly boil it down to that, unless the woman's in her 30s.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Personally I think 3 -6 months is long enough to rule out any BPD and also find a level of compatibility.

I do not believe in "soul mates" and finding that "special someone". None of it exists.

Once you want kids, and stability, you find someone you like and screen for insanity and work them out as quickly as possible. If you give each partner 2 years, you can and will lose time and end up not getting what you want in life.

Everything after that is work by both parties. Trying to find girls who are not majorly "hawt" may help if this is what is desired. Being realistic with your choice in partner is the key to retaining them.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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If you give each partner 2 years, you can and will lose time and end up not getting what you want in life.
It's better to have loved and lost for two years than to have been fvcked over financially for 18 years.

This is exactly why I worked at finding the answer to filtering out the garbage. This is why I came up with high score theory. She needs to be under 23 and have never been alpha-widowed. You'll have less of a chance wasting your time with a woman who fits in this category. If you keep chasing alpha-widowed women who still miss that one ex of theirs, you'll waste ALL your time trying to make that top guy disappear.

I guarantee all those couples who are hooking up between ages 25 and 30 will break up in the next 10-15 years.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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It's better to have loved and lost for two years than to have been fvcked over financially for 18 years.

This is exactly why I worked at finding the answer to filtering out the garbage. This is why I came up with high score theory. She needs to be under 23 and have never been alpha-widowed. You'll have less of a chance wasting your time with a woman who fits in this category. If you keep chasing alpha-widowed women who still miss that one ex of theirs, you'll waste ALL your time trying to make that top guy disappear.

I guarantee all those couples who are hooking up between ages 25 and 30 will break up in the next 10-15 years.
You are 38. When she hits her peak at say 32 (her sexual peak, not her SMV peak) you will be 46.

This is when women start divorcing and fvcking the gym instructor.

I don't know how you can get fvcked for 18 years. I know tons of couples who split up who don't end up with a destitute Dad. The laws,at least in this country, don't award everything to the woman. Just like £250 a month or 10-20% of earnings. it's your kid too. Unless people actually think that kids are 100% woman's responsibility, which I don't.

Plenty of people stay together. of the guys at work, 2 are divorced and 5 are still with their partners, some of which are approaching 60.

I don't think they got together when the woman was still almost a kid. I'm not sure what happened but not all women get alpha widowed. Only probably HB9 and up who are obsessed with getting high value guys, which are not all women, just the ones who spend a lot of time on their looks and appearance.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Plenty of people stay together. of the guys at work, 2 are divorced and 5 are still with their partners, some of which are approaching 60.
Those are people who were born in the 1960s. Back then, morals and values were different. In 1980, A woman was still treated as a wh0re and was disowned by her family if she had a child out of wedlock. A stay at home mom was still valued. You cannot compare a woman in 1980 to a woman in 2017. The landscape of dating and womens' entitlement has changed drastically in the last 30 years. Those couples are still together because they were taught that they NEEDED to get married and to make marriage work, or they would be shamed by their families and their peers. Women today are vindicated when they divorce a good-for-nothing nice guy.

not all women get alpha widowed.
Correct. The women who don't get alpha-widowed are the ones who stay with the guy at the top of their list.

Here's a rundown of the people on my Facebook:

Single moms: 36
Divorced / separated men: 23
Childless men with Short Relationships: 16
Childless women with Short Relationships: 14
Long-Lasting couples who met before age 25: 15
Long-Lasting couples who met between ages 25 - 45: 5

I left out couples who were together for less than 10 years because they still have to prove they're successful, and left out those who's personal lives I'm not familiar with. The numbers are there. The ones who are always in short relationships and those who have been together since high school or their early 20s outnumber those who met between ages 25 and 45. So what's going on there? Is it true that the alpha-widow is irrelevant? Or does it have a significant impact on pair-bonding? Out of these 109 people, only 20 are in long-lasting relationships, 15 of which began before the involved parties were age 25.

What do those numbers tell you? They tell me that there's something significant about the youth of a person. The high number of single moms tells me it's something to do with the women and their inability to stay with one man.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2011
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Those are people who were born in the 1960s. Back then, morals and values were different. In 1980, A woman was still treated as a wh0re and was disowned by her family if she had a child out of wedlock. A stay at home mom was still valued. You cannot compare a woman in 1980 to a woman in 2017. The landscape of dating and womens' entitlement has changed drastically in the last 30 years. Those couples are still together because they were taught that they NEEDED to get married and to make marriage work, or they would be shamed by their families and their peers. Women today are vindicated when they divorce a good-for-nothing nice guy.

Correct. The women who don't get alpha-widowed are the ones who stay with the guy at the top of their list.

Here's a rundown of the people on my Facebook:

Single moms: 36
Divorced / separated men: 23
Childless men with Short Relationships: 16
Childless women with Short Relationships: 14
Long-Lasting couples who met before age 25: 15
Long-Lasting couples who met between ages 25 - 45: 5

I left out couples who were together for less than 10 years because they still have to prove they're successful, and left out those who's personal lives I'm not familiar with. The numbers are there. The ones who are always in short relationships and those who have been together since high school or their early 20s outnumber those who met between ages 25 and 45. So what's going on there? Is it true that the alpha-widow is irrelevant? Or does it have a significant impact on pair-bonding? Out of these 109 people, only 20 are in long-lasting relationships, 15 of which began before the involved parties were age 25.

What do those numbers tell you? They tell me that there's something significant about the youth of a person. The high number of single moms tells me it's something to do with the women and their inability to stay with one man.
First off, it does tell you quite a bit about not only women, but society in general. It has nothing to do with the age. Women will always be behind men in maturity and clarity of purpose. I say I want a good career in my early twenties. I have spent the next 20 years making it happen. If a woman said the same thing and experienced setback, barriers? She's give up after a few years and that'd be it. They can't see things through. They operate on emotion and that's good in some ways but in most ways, it's a real pain in the as* for anyone who has to deal with them on a regular basis. They pivot back and forth between the people they are on good terms with and the people they are not like a ping pong and that ping pong can shift on a dime.

Women of all ages lack the ability to see it through. He left the toilet seat up, he's not for me. I met someone who I like better, he's not the one for me. He's working hard on a career that will take care of me and let himself go a bit, he's not the one for me. The list goes on and on. Guys though? Hey, she's been a real b*tch for a long time now, I love her but I'm going to stick it out. I've got kids and a house, can't throw it all away on a passing fancy or emotion. Women think to themselves, he's been a real d*ck for a long time now (read a week in a woman's world), I can't live like this, I'm going to f*ck him over. I can take half or more between alimony and child support, I'm going to push the button on this one. Besides, I've been trolling a few guys social media accounts for a good bit now, I'm sure one of them will be interested in hitting that. Good luck getting a long term relationship out of that.


Mar 12, 2011
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How can you make a baby with someone you don't know even if you felt in love with them
You can make a baby with someone you didn't know even if you felt you didn't love them.

9 months is a long time. My friend got engaged after 4 dates to a 21 year old good looking girl. 14 years later they have 4 kids.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Women will always be behind men in maturity and clarity of purpose. I say I want a good career in my early twenties. I have spent the next 20 years making it happen. If a woman said the same thing and experienced setback, barriers? She's give up after a few years and that'd be it. They can't see things through.
Baloney. You are meeting the wrong women. Kids are a commitment of epic proportions and so is parenthood. So to are lots of things that women complete and do...sometimes while juggling children/family/work etc. I know. I've done it, and very well too.

If you want women who are capable of completing things then a man needs to look in environments where these type of people are found. Places like the medical field, real estate, education, accounting, really in any endeavor that REQUIRES dedication.

Honestly there are just as many men who can't complete a single thing either. It's not gender specific at all.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Those are people who were born in the 1960s. Back then, morals and values were different. In 1980, A woman was still treated as a wh0re and was disowned by her family if she had a child out of wedlock. A stay at home mom was still valued. You cannot compare a woman in 1980 to a woman in 2017. The landscape of dating and womens' entitlement has changed drastically in the last 30 years. Those couples are still together because they were taught that they NEEDED to get married and to make marriage work, or they would be shamed by their families and their peers. Women today are vindicated when they divorce a good-for-nothing nice guy.

Correct. The women who don't get alpha-widowed are the ones who stay with the guy at the top of their list.

Here's a rundown of the people on my Facebook:

Single moms: 36
Divorced / separated men: 23
Childless men with Short Relationships: 16
Childless women with Short Relationships: 14
Long-Lasting couples who met before age 25: 15
Long-Lasting couples who met between ages 25 - 45: 5

I left out couples who were together for less than 10 years because they still have to prove they're successful, and left out those who's personal lives I'm not familiar with. The numbers are there. The ones who are always in short relationships and those who have been together since high school or their early 20s outnumber those who met between ages 25 and 45. So what's going on there? Is it true that the alpha-widow is irrelevant? Or does it have a significant impact on pair-bonding? Out of these 109 people, only 20 are in long-lasting relationships, 15 of which began before the involved parties were age 25.

What do those numbers tell you? They tell me that there's something significant about the youth of a person. The high number of single moms tells me it's something to do with the women and their inability to stay with one man.
With respect, I would have questions over the country you live in and the circles you move in.

Even in my own peer group, I know lots of couples my own age who are 10+ years solid.

There are many, many men who have an inability to stay with one woman. It's probably more likely those single moms are the ones losing out.

I know about 5 single moms out of my 250 friends on facebook. It's just not that common.

I am UK, where you to? It's this way only with the real dregs in our society. Sorry to say but it's why I asked you about the circles you move in.