LTR advice needed


Don Juan
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Long story short, I am currently in a relationship that has been going for about 7 months with a girl from university. We decided to keep it going for the summer, despite not being able to see each other for 3 months. This girl has been crazy for me the entire time we've been dating; cooks for me in bed, surprises me with little gifts, and is glued to me whenever possible. She was constantly worried that I would leave her and forget her over the summer.

The first few weeks apart were the same as back at school, her constantly texting me, begging me to call, even sending me naked pictures of her nightly.

But this is all slowing way down. Spending this much time apart just seems to be cooling everything off. I'm great in bed with her, so I'm worried that without being able to get physical with her she is slowly losing interest.

For example, for the first few weeks when she would miss my call she would almost immediately call me back and be all geeky happy. Today I called her and got a response back saying, "sorry, I was drinking a juice box that was really loud and didn't hear my phone go off." Lol wtf is that?

When i asked her what she did that night she said she watched a movie with "the girls". Knowing that all her girlfriends except one was outta town I asked which girls she was chillin with. She responded it was her best friend, her best friends boyfriend, and the boyfriends room mate. . .doesn't exactly sound like a night "with the girls". Things like this wouldn't usually bother me except for the fact that she has changed over the past week or two, from constantly trying to talk to me and get my attention to caring less and less.

My chumpish emotions and insecurities are continuing to pile up as I spend more time away, as is apparent in the worried paragraph above. I'm starting to get tempted to go spin plates n work on other girls, but I'm afraid that I'll just end up cheating on her to protect my ego in the future just in case she does end up hurting me. I could really use some advice for keeping LTR's interesting while they're long distance. . .I have 2 more months to go and its already getting tough. Apologies for the long read...thanks for helpin though.



Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
I'd break it off. This will either get her to respond in a way that peaks her interest level, at least for a while, or will save you all the time you're going to waste if you don't and will save you the stress/pain of being dumped.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
Check out the archives on LDR......

Not very positive.....

The distance makes her cheating easy ...

The insecurity you will soon radiate will make her justifing the cheating even easier....

LDRs are for chumps...

ALSO.... do the reversal deal.... if you told her a story that you were with a roomate, his girl, and her girlfriend, what you you have been trying to do?

I know it's projection, but would she buy off on it if it were you telling the story?

It's been my experience that, without fail, every time I've heard of someone in a LDR it turned out to be a long distance humiliation...

If I were you I would either just expect her to cheat and go do whatever you want and when she gets back both of you get tested for STDs and her for pregnacy...or...

Break up now and go do what you want to do and write her off.....

Nature is a powerful thing...

LDRs are flying in the face of Nature

Over and Out.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Yeah, it's over. She is doing another guy. Go get laid yourself to even the score and that will set your head straight. Emotional detachment is the best way. If you both see other people this summer, then you have a chance with her again in the fall...if you want it. You might not.


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
DONT do LTR bro......
its real life out there. Just tell her that you noticed her behavior has changed, and that your not feeling comfortable right now with the relationship, and that its time for you too to get yourselves together and see waht else is out there, and lets just be friends, until you come back to town, and then we will take it from there, that is, if we are still single.

and let her go.

its the mature way of handling it,,,and watch her reaction.


Don Juan
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
ya...thats what I've been thinking. I have a great opportunity with a girl here and just can't decide whether I should just do what I think she is doing n cheat or just break it off and then go for it.

new development this morning though. I woke up to this text message

"I love you, and i miss you. And Im sorry for being so weird lately. It's just hard being so far away."

One more thing...I know when I do have this talk with her there's going to be something along the lines of, "you don't trust me?" said. I'm not sure how to handle that and hold frame.


Don Juan
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
hey boomerick....I must be blind or something, I can't find the archives on LDR. Do you mind posting a link?


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
You're overreacting is the first thing that comes to mind. Remember, you're in a LTR. In order to get into a LTR, you two need trust and communication. Also MATURITY. 3 months is not a long time to be apart. Yes, your afcness is showing big time. Interest levels go up and down during a relationship. Her interest level went from way up there to still up there and you are thinking of cheating and breaking up with her? If you like her so much, have her come visit you or come visit her. If you don't have money, get a part-time job. Find a way. It's not afc to do what you want. It's how you do it.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
dont commit yourself, tell her to have fun on break and when she gets back you guys can take things from there.

Juice box was too loud probably means there was a D!ck in my mouth, sorry.

"I love you, Sorry ive been weird lately its hard to be away" means there are so many hot guys around that try and get in my pants, but I want you to be around when I get back.

She is already lying about who she is hanging out with so, just quit asking her so specific questions, just have fun when you do talk to her, but dont wait for her calls, your on break, you should be out having fun. And when shes back, just see what happens.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
vlf445 said:
Long story short, I am currently in a relationship that has been going for about 7 months with a girl from university. We decided to keep it going for the summer, despite not being able to see each other for 3 months. This girl has been crazy for me the entire time we've been dating; cooks for me in bed, surprises me with little gifts, and is glued to me whenever possible. She was constantly worried that I would leave her and forget her over the summer.

The first few weeks apart were the same as back at school, her constantly texting me, begging me to call, even sending me naked pictures of her nightly.

But this is all slowing way down. Spending this much time apart just seems to be cooling everything off. I'm great in bed with her, so I'm worried that without being able to get physical with her she is slowly losing interest.
Long distance "relationships". They DO NOT WORK. See other women, she is seeing other men.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
vlf445 said:
Today I called her and got a response back saying, "sorry, I was drinking a juice box that was really loud and didn't hear my phone go off."
This was all I needed to read to decide that this girl probably has the IQ of a juice box.

Just try to grasp this concept for a second... she was drinking a juice box that was really loud?

What does that even mean? Kudos to her though, I've never heard THAT one before. Again, just think about it, how hard was she sucking on that straw that she couldn't hear it? I mean, if she would have said that she was eating a very crunchy cereal... THAT I could buy... but drinking a juice box?

I want to know what was going through her mind when she decided to text that little gem.