Looks mini rant


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
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E_Sex said:
Again, you only focus on the woman, you need to focus on yourself. Your problem is that you care about being rejected, who gives a damn. The only thing you said that is true is that any man cannot get any woman, and this is because people are different! Every girl is not going to like one guy no matter what. There's more girls out there, and them rejecting you is not going to hurt you. The more you approach the more you become desensitized to it, and you realize that in actuality nothing bad even happened to you.

And this is soooo untrue, I can tell you first hand that more masturbation lowers your motivation. You lose your "edge" as some call it. I can tell you that a guy who masturbates three times a day prolly ain't gettin no poon, so tell me how that doesn't have to do with anything?
What you mean "who gives a damn" you give a damn, everybody does!. Deep down inside nobody likes getting rejected. If you approach for example 20 women and get rejected 19 times, what the heck does it say about you as a man?? Anybody would have low confidence after that.

And again, masturbation topic is overrated. There were days and days when I didnt masturbate at all..didnt notice any difference. It didnt make me all of a sudden that much better with women. Its a myth.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
DJFear said:
What you mean "who gives a damn" you give a damn, everybody does!. Deep down inside nobody likes getting rejected. If you approach for example 20 women and get rejected 19 times, what the heck does it say about you as a man?? Anybody would have low confidence after that.
read this
replace the 0 with an o
and reflect upon how you're attitude affects who you are. That negativity can only affect you if you let it. If you go in to life expecting to fail, what do you think is gonna happen?

Also your number of rejections has nothing to do with you as a man, it just goes to show that you're not the best socially.
And again, masturbation topic is overrated. There were days and days when I didnt masturbate at all..didnt notice any difference. It didnt make me all of a sudden that much better with women. Its a myth.
And masturbation scientifically is proven to affect your testosterone levels. I'm not saying that never masturbating will make you a DJ extraordinare, but chronic masturbation will definitely hinder your results.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2014
Reaction score
If you can't put on mass, learn guitar and grow your hair long. Worked for me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
while all those points are true about approaching and lack of motivation, that wasn't even the reason i asked

not being able to get in shape and an overall overly depressive state of mind are 2 of the more troublesome symptoms i had when i was whacking off 2-5 times a day. not at first. but overtime

There were days and days when I didnt masturbate at all..didnt notice any difference.
you got to work past the flatline. it took me about.. really.. a month to see any REAL change. 3 months later I could not even reconize the person I was anymore.

I am on a new crusade lol. Chronic Masterbation is the biggest un talked about problem we have as men. We turn to Masterbation becuase we aren't getting laid in real life. The more frustrated we become the more we fap.

I'm not saying I NEVER EVER masturbate. I have a wife, but when she's out of town for a few days I might rub one out. But ONE. maybe 5 times a year. And I never do so watching porn.

Masturbation brought me to my knees.

It made me anti social

It made me really lazy

It made me sleepy all the time despite how much rest I got

It made me eat like **** and crave the dopemine high I got from sugary foods

It took money directly out of my pocket becuase I would sleep late and there were days I was so out of it i could not work

It made me depressive. I was so depressed my shrink did not know what to do with me and did not know what was wrong.

I tried to work out but could not and when I did, it had little impact

It got to the point where I tried everything and I only had one thing left I could try. I thought it was my diet. I thought it was the drugs I did, i was clean now and i was doing worse than I was when I was using drugs, because i was jacking off more as a replacement. The only thing I had left to try was to stop jacking off

I believe this is an underlying problem for a lot of guys here, and the thing about it, it's no concrete evidence like there is against say.. drug addiction, out there. You can't point somewhere important and say see over fapping is bad. In fact there are quite a bit of places that tell you masterbation is perfectly healthy so you just keep fapping your life away.

I am telling you man. Do it. Your problem is not that you aren't good looking. Your problem is not your weight. Your core problem is you fap too much and your brain chemistry is ****ed up and distorting your view on life and making you depressed


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
@backbreaker I appreciate your inside but while it might be true for some, it certainly is not the rule for most. I am not sure why you are assuming I have a masturbation problem lol I honestly dont. Also, I am not depressed, ill, out of shape or completely lazy.

You guys just dont want to accept that everyone has their limitations. Thats why I said money and social status are the game equalizers and will allow you to punch above your weight so to speak.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
DJFear said:
You guys just dont want to accept that everyone has their limitations. Thats why I said money and social status are the game equalizers and will allow you to punch above your weight so to speak.
We dont need to accept anything pal. Its your choice to settle (oops I mean "accept") being mediocre and complaining that you arent good looking or rich. Whether you think its impossible or not.....people have the ability to become rich...people have the ability to workout and morph their bodies.

Until you internalize this......you are going to drone on and on and and be incapable of receiving help or advice. You will cease to further progress as a man.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
Then Why Are You Here

DJFear said:
You guys just dont want to accept that everyone has their limitations. Thats why I said money and social status are the game equalizers and will allow you to punch above your weight so to speak.
So if that's your mindset, then why are you here. Focus on getting money and social status, then you'll be banging all those elusive 9's and 10's that you currently can't get. I'm personally taking offense to this thread because it seems that you started an account for the sole purpose of whining, crying, and lamenting about your current life circumstances. You're unwilling to take responsibility for making the changes necessary to leading happier and better life. You're also wasting the valuable time of the members of this particular broad who have taken time out of their lives to respond to your incessant crying. If you have accepted your life circumstances, then you should log off, start a POF account and try to date the whales and women with bipolar disorder that frequent that site, because you're not only wasting yours, but more IMPORTANTLY OUR TIME!


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Maximus Rex said:
So if that's your mindset, then why are you here. Focus on getting money and social status, then you'll be banging all those elusive 9's and 10's that you currently can't get. I'm personally taking offense to this thread because it seems that you started an account for the sole purpose of whining, crying, and lamenting about your current life circumstances. You're unwilling to take responsibility for making the changes necessary to leading happier and better life. You're also wasting the valuable time of the members of this particular broad who have taken time out of their lives to respond to your incessant crying. If you have accepted your life circumstances, then you should log off, start a POF account and try to date the whales and women with bipolar disorder that frequent that site, because you're not only wasting yours, but more IMPORTANTLY OUR TIME!
Oh so sorry for your inconvenience but this is a forum. Where people express their opinions and share ideas. If you are so "offended" and short on time you dont need to read or reply.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Unfortunately DJFear is correct about the Channing Tatum example. He is confident BECAUSE he's attractive…I know that the fake DJ's on this site won't agree with that, but it's true.

As for masturbation, some guys might be worse off if they don't b/c they'll just end up sexually frustrated and go insane. Masturbation doesn't cause ALL people to become depressed. I'm sure there are some people who masturbate and are able to get up an go to work every day. Just because BB becomes a depressed sloth after fapping a few times doesn't mean it works that way for everyone.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
DJFear said:
You guys just dont want to accept that everyone has their limitations.
This is your response after people explain how you need to keep trying and provide ways you can improve.

Ok. Game over. Thread is done IMO. You lose. Have fun.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I agree the OP has a terrible attitude, definitely not a winning one. And I don't even think it's possible to lift weights without seeing any benefit. Unless you are doing it really, really wrong, or giving up way too soon.

However, do you guys really think that ANY guy can date a supermodel? I'm not so sure about that. There aren't that many to go around, for one thing. Of course, you never know until you try. You could be selling yourself short.
And that brings up the question if you aren't sleeping with a supermodel are you a failure?

Regarding looks, is Bill Murray or Larry David ever going to look like Channing Tatum or Brad Pitt? However, I don't believe it's all about looks either. It's a factor, one of many.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
zekko said:
However, do you guys really think that ANY guy can date a supermodel? I'm not so sure about that. There aren't that many to go around, for one thing. Of course, you never know until you try. You could be selling yourself short.
And that brings up the question if you aren't sleeping with a supermodel are you a failure?

No I dont think so. For one many guys dont even want/ cant handle a supermodel. The real failure is when you cant get the type of girls you REALLY want. And so you have to settle for a bit less. Kinda what has been happening to me. In a way its not total failure but more like if you are in a 3 star hotel instead of 5 stars.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Really, So Suave Is a Forum

DJFear said:
Oh so sorry for your inconvenience but this is a forum. Where people express their opinions and share ideas. If you are so "offended" and short on time you dont need to read or reply.
I'm say this, then I'm going to leave it alone. You posted a thread wrought with despair, desperation, hopelessness, and a sense a self loathing. Myself (and others,) have contributed to this virtual heap of malordorous human excrement with the intent of offering your unappreciative self advice from a perspective of some one who's been through what you're currently experiencing. However, instead of taking the advice being offered, you're coming with reasons as to why the advice being offered is not going to work and that's what's offensive. So why are you here? To troll, engage in your rather effeminate tendencies as why you can't get woman, or are you searching remedies for your problems. If you're searching for remedies, then the solutions have already been provided for you in two pages of this nonsense.

Gentleman, lurkers, and Don Juans of www.sosuave.net, I, the Omnipotens Maximus Rex would like to officially welcome you to the NEW VERSION OF SO SUAVE. While powerful, profound, and popular posters like PlayerHer Man are banned for only speaking the truth. Posters like DJFear will be left to post their asinine dribble and attention wh*re with no intention whatsoever of improving their lives or situation, while hurting overall quality of the board. Needless to say, threads and posters of this nature now seem to the be type So Suave are willing to promote and support. :down:


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Maximus, you are just asking to be banned. You are doing the exact same thing that PHM did.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
FairShake said:
Be the exception.

If it's important to you to have as many of the hottest girls you can optimize your look by working out and choosing a flattering wardrobe, have cool friends who can introduce you to hot women, and make a comfortable living to have fun with.

Those things aren't hard but they aren't easy either. They take work and even if they are half completed I imagine you would appreciate their fruits.
My problem within that last part is my sunken chest (pectus excavatum). I still feel that because of that alone working out is pointless.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
zekko said:
Regarding looks, is Bill Murray or Larry David ever going to look like Channing Tatum or Brad Pitt? However, I don't believe it's all about looks either. It's a factor, one of many.
The 'working with what you have' mantra is a hard one when a lot of advice out there is useless. Personally I have, in the past, encountered a lot of condescending non-advice on the 'net. The assumptions posters will make, including/especially females, is so annoying and plays on insecurities it really shows what a depressing state we are in with the internet era and whatever state media-obsessed culture is at. I've seen others go through the same, getting kicked whilst they're down.

For instance, because of my chest thing I was told once, 'maybe find a girl with one breast bigger than the other, because she can relate'. I went away and thought about that. Isn't that just playing on the insecurities of another poor person who falls short of the supermodel?


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
zekko said:
However, do you guys really think that ANY guy can date a supermodel? I'm not so sure about that.
Me? Doubtful. Just depends on geographical location and circumstance.
I wanna know why we place importance in 'hot women' in particular? Is it because other men find them hot? And is it because 'hot women' are treated as pillars in society? Or we buy the Disney BS that pretty = good?

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Aside From Reasons of Vanity

sambwoy said:
My problem within that last part is my sunken chest (pectus excavatum). I still feel that because of that alone working out is pointless.
Studies have shown that there are several health benefits to lifting weights. It works muscles that normally wouldn't be worked, increases your endurance and stamina, plus working out also helps you to sleep better. For those reasons alone, you should be working out.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
Maximus Rex said:
Studies have shown that there are several health benefits to lifting weights. It works muscles that normally wouldn't be worked, increases your endurance and stamina, plus working out also helps you to sleep better. For those reasons alone, you should be working out.
My appearance whilst topless is my top concern currently. The insecurity really eats me out, worsened by having aspergers syndrome, affecting how I might process and handle such a situation of rejection or ridicule that might arise. I think that the way the whole unwritten rulebook on looks are is that you have to be a minimum of 2/3 decent looking.