Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

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Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Honestly, dude...this is the only portion of your post that I'm going to respond to. Your posts are not easy to read at all due to your unnecessarily long-winded macho bravado, and your complete lack of succinctness. I can't do this whole "tear-down-your-post-point-by-point" thing with you anymore. At least Skip had the common courtesy to be wrong in a few paragraphs.

So anyway. Show me the quote where I said that looks don't mean s'hit to men. Your credibility rests on this one quote, so look hard.

On a sidenote...why didn't you ever explain why you spelled "rebut" with two T's, and declared that you spelled it with one in the same sentence? That was pretty odd, bro. ;)
this proves your delusional. no wonder your posts dont make sense. I cant beleive you forgot one of your own points and are asking me to show you one of your own posts. damn! :eek:

Interesting how you didnt bother to rebut a very strong point I made in my last post (if anything, that would be what you should be rebuting), I also noticed how no one else on yourside of the argument bothered to rebut it either. you know, the point about how its clear hot women are shallow, and that this observation gives the "looks theory" alot of weight and makes your "looks dont matter theory" very lightweight. lol.

yeah, Im right. :yes: please step out of denial people!!!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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God_of_getting_layed said:
It is the shallowness of good looking women that gives the looks theory a lot of weight! . Whats the shallowness Im talking about? well heres some examples:

-I knew a girl from HS that was good looking, and she would not date a guy unless he had a 6 pack. she just would not do it, she was so snotty about it. if the guy had no 6 pack, he didnt stand a chance. And your probably wondering how she would find this thing out? well, usually if a guy did have one, he would always find a way to conventiently show it off to her, ie. take your shirt off becuase your hot, or pull the bottom of your shirt up to wipe you face because your hot outside (which exposes the stomach). you know how some guys just have ot show off. If this isnt shallow, I dont know what is.

-I see it all too often, some guy who clearly has game (a smooth talker, one of those player type guys who I would have expected to get the girl) hitting on a hot chick, always up on her, being touchy, flirty, and the girl just sits there and acts cool and indifferent, then when he leaves, she startes talking with her friends about him: its clear she doesnt like him the way she makes a snarl and a barf expression on her face and even comments on his looks, flat out saying somethin along the lines of "ewww, hes soo ugly".

-Discussion with hot women on the topic, Ive been told many times by good looking women that they "just cant live withthemselves" dating a guy who they dont think is good looking. literally told me they would kill themselves if they dated a guy they didnt think was hot. yes, shallow, I know.

-Ive asked good looking women what they look for in a guy, an answer I often get really bluntly: "um, good looking guys". yep, shallow. why not an answer like "a guy with a good personality".

-Women at clubs will refuse to dance with a guy if he aint good looking to her. come on, its just a dance! imagine how resistant they will be when it comes to sex and dating with a guy thats not hot. clubs clearly demonstrate the shallowness in good looking women.

Theres so many more examples that demonstrate that hot women are shallow that I cant think of right at the moment. But the fact is that I would find it hard to beleive that good looking women will be so shallow if looks didnt matter; I just wouldnt expect to be seeing this if the "looks dont matter" were true. but if looks did matter, I totally would expect to be seeing this kind of behavior. again, this observation just really tips the weight in the "looks theory" 's favor. I mean, hello! :wave:
This was a very good point I braught up in a backpost, but since people are ignoring it, and not recognizing it's validity, Im going to repost it. hot women are shallow, this observation is evidence FOR the looks theory, it cannot be ignored if we are going to discuss truth here about women placing importance on looks!

people just will not be shallow about looks if they dont require it. we see hot women are shallow about it, so....


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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NorPacWolf said:
I agree with the poster above. Not a single FR to back up any of the statements. KJ drivel up and down. Mods, lock this thread forever, and make sure anyone who dares to post a thread about "looks" again posts a picture and/or FR's to back up their claims.

oh, so you think Im just KJing about women being shallow? that was one of my points that are evidence for the looks theory.

So you think Im just all delusional about hot women being shallow? DO I really need to post some kind of empirical evidence to prove women are shallow? I already posted some real life examples Ive experienced that point it out, that is my evidence, thats my FR backup. recognize it!

If you dont like this thread, dont read it, no body is forcing you to click and read, helloo!!
Dec 5, 2006
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the only way you will generate any attraction in a cold approach environment (aka the woman does not know how rich you are or how high status you are), IS through looks and looks only. So, if you are going out and trying to hit on random chicks, you better believe it that your looks play a 99% role of importance in every random chick you hit on wanting to talk to you or not.

Yes, if you sound like a creep, your looks won't help much. However if you sound normal and she thinks you are hot, you are gauranteed 100% in and can seal the deal.

All these stupid examples about ugly guys getting with hot girls - they have nothing to do with the point being made. I understand that a guy who is a 5 can land a girl who is a 9 IF and only IF she knows OF HIM before they ever talk (aka he is mr. popular, or mr. millionaire, or he is in a really good rock group and she loves all their songs). In these cases, she already is into the man no matter how bad his looks are, EXCEPT IT IS NOT A SEXUAL ATTRACTION. It is only a materialistic attraction.

To generate a purely sexual attraction within a woman and a desire to be ****ed, one needs to be as hot as possible in the eyes of the woman he is trying to generate that attraction in.
Dec 5, 2006
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also I assure you (personal experience), that if you walk up to a girl at the mall or at the club, and the thought in her mind is (OMG OMG he is sooo ****in hot), then you can and will melt her with a simple "hello, what's your name? Nice to meet you, let’s hang out sometime, what’s your #?”……when that train of thought is going through a girl’s mind and all you say to her is what I just wrote, then you are 100 times better off as opposed to a girl who sees a random guy walk up to her whos thinking “umm ok what does he want?”

You people seeing my point?? The better looking a random girl thinks you are, the smoother an interaction you will have with her because her initial interest will be higher the better looking she thinks you are
Aug 18, 2006
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OK... All I have to say is that National Geographic's "Naked Science" Department reported that men and women are sexually aroused in very different ways. They studied men, specifically on the functions of their brain, and found that arousal in men is almost strictly limited to the part of the brain that deals with the senses, majority of it being the part for sight. However, in women it was discovered that sexual arousal has more to do with the part of the brain that deals with MEMORY. Meaning, things that you do, hence personality.

But fact of the matter is, this is NOT everything. David Deangelo's Double Your Dating E-book says that ALL Women are attracted to:
-Height (haha lucky me, I'm 6 foot 7 and still very young!)

Now, while initially the first three have the biggest influence in the first place, and all but one are out of your immediate control, how it supposedly goes is that as long as you're not completely butt-ugly (the only COMPLETELY uncontrollable aspect of looks) you can always improve yourself in all the others to a point where your "hotness" score increases. In fact, I believe Power Money Looks and Personality all have influence on each other anyways. Your personality influences your sense of style (looks) what job & work ethic you have (money) and what kind of influence you have on others (power).

In return these can help boost your personality to a higher, more masculine level. When you look good, you feel more confident. When you know you have great influence over people, you're naturally more assertive, yet more patient because you know you get what you want. If you're good on funds you are more confident and also more free-spirited because you know you can do what you want.

The truth is, YES, LOOKS DO MATTER!!! ALOT!!! But the key s remembering that not THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! As long as you don't look like an Afghan hermit or a mongolian priest or something, a great personality can get you pretty damn far in this world. The only time looks don't matter at all is if you're rich and powerful. Case in Point, Jermaine Dupri(or JD), a famous rapper and the producer of the "So So Def" Record Label.
All I got to say on the matter. Even a few good references.

Basically, this argument is on two extreme sides. One says looks are everything to women. WRONG. One says looks are nothing to women. Couldn't be further from the truth! But are looks important at all? HELL YEAH they are!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
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omg, I can't believe this discussion is still going on.

It's really simple. Looks are important but they are not the only thing girls concentrate on. In fact a good looking guy with zero personality will intimidate fuglies, but will he attract superficial hot *****es? YES. Will he attract confident fuglies? YES. Will he attract hot, smart *****es with good personalities? NO. Hence, a good personality and a confident posture will get you very far. Also, you guys are giving girls too much credit. They are VERY insecure, Good looks without other alpha traits will only give you stares.

End thread.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
For example:
A couple of you guys think that you need a certain special quality that a man is born with, to attract women. Most of us don't. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, which makes America (and most other nations that you people are posting from, save maybe Iran) great. END THREAD.

Something like that.
Well atleast in Iran guys approach girls even at the risk of getting lynched. They are real men who go after what they want and are not feminized like American guys. You puzzies who keep on bringing stupid excuses for not getting b*tches should question your masculinity.It's about being a MAN, a concept very few people seem to understand.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Ok ok, I don't want to turn this into a "My country's better than yours because we want Israel and America wiped off the the map" debate. All I meant is that ALMOST everywhere, people are entitled to their opinions, and in this debate, I doubt one side will ever convince the other.

umm. no


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte... Just stop...Everyone here who's read afew of your posts knows that you're an idiot and are a virgin(essentially).

Can you take that for its face value?

Just stop posting in this thread. It's really annoying reading your linguistically arrogant writing style, and the way you approach an argument just screams LOSER to me. So, in all honesty, just stop.

Again, can you take that for its face value?
Dec 5, 2006
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Quiksilver said:
Deus ex Pianoforte... Just stop...Everyone here who's read afew of your posts knows that you're an idiot and are a virgin(essentially).

Can you take that for its face value?

Just stop posting in this thread. It's really annoying reading your linguistically arrogant writing style, and the way you approach an argument just screams LOSER to me. So, in all honesty, just stop.

Again, can you take that for its face value?

linguistically arrogant LOSER writing style - good interpretation.

on a side note, what do you have to say about what I wrote a few posts up?


Oct 1, 2006
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Deleted my post because it only reiterated my old feelings, which is not good. I shouldn't be caring about these things.
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Oct 1, 2006
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I need to stop posting for the sole purpose of venting/ranting because it serves no purpose.
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Dec 5, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
You're wrong. The better looking a random girl thinks you are, the more intimidated she will be, which guarantees a much higher incline on the uphill battle of a cold approach.

that is the biggest load of bull**** I've ever heard in my life. Yes it's better to not be so good looking when you cold approach? Way to defend your own ugliness


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
So are you saying that you can't find it, or are you saying that you made a mistake (that I never said looks aren't important to men)? Come on, it shouldn't be too hard. You said a COUPLE posts back. Back up your points, show me the quote. :)
the stupid quote you said was basically along the lines of "women have variance in tastes, some will think one guy is ugly, another will think that other guy is hot, this means looks dont mean ****". <--it is this statement that you made that is just soooo stupid. how the hell does variance in taste equate to women not requiring a guy to look good? do I really need to quote what you actually said for you?, becuase you did say that, and it puts 24 eggs on your face!!! this is what Im talking about, why even try to explain it? I would just avoid bringing attention to it if I were you.

Interesting how you didnt bother to rebut a very strong point I made in my last post (if anything, that would be what you should be rebuting), I also noticed how no one else on yourside of the argument bothered to rebut it either. you know, the point about how its clear hot women are shallow, and that this observation gives the "looks theory" alot of weight and makes your "looks dont matter theory" very lightweight.

Don't tell me what I should rebut. You put words into my mouth, claiming that I made a preposterous declaration that men don't care about looks. If you fail to find the quote (which you will), then your credibility has taken a devastating blow. I can't speak for all the other reasonable people here, but I personally didn't respond to your "very strong point" for reasons I have already laid out, and because I frankly didn't consider it a very strong point at all. I mean, I can destroy it in one sentence.

Most hot women aren't shallow, while you "looks-are-everything" people contend that 100% of them are.
1. I didnt put words in your mouth, you apparently are incoherent of reality and what I said. I was referring to you equating variance in female's taste to evidence that they dont care about looks. not at all did I say you said men dont care about looks; dont confuse that with the analagy I created which extends your logic over to men, which becomes a contridiction, proving your logic as false. thus, why you have egg on your face. :kick:

2. I noticed you didnt say "0% of women are shallow", this is your way of admitting that some women are in fact shallow. which then means that youre admitting that some women do require looks. this all goes against your side of the argument, which claims all women are the same, and dont require good looks.

so starting to inch over to my side of the argument huh? keep commin on over :up:

Notice how Im right :yes:
Dec 5, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
simple fact that some women like being seen with ugly men, for whatever reason. Maybe they think good-looking guys are arrogant. Maybe they think ugly guys make them look deep, and interesting.

Do you try to look stupid or does it come off naturally?

note to stupid guy - women do not want to be seen with ugly men, they to be seen with HOT men because they want to feel good about themselves and make other chicks jealous, it's all a competition between women. HOW CAN YOU SAY A CHICK WOULD BE WITH AN UGLY GUY BECAUSE SHE THINKS HE'S UGLY??


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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The Realest Thing said:
Do you try to look stupid or does it come off naturally?

note to stupid guy - women do not want to be seen with ugly men, they to be seen with HOT men because they want to feel good about themselves and make other chicks jealous, it's all a competition between women. HOW CAN YOU SAY A CHICK WOULD BE WITH AN UGLY GUY BECAUSE SHE THINKS HE'S UGLY??
How can you claim to speak for every woman? This is a ridiculous claim. It's all a competition between women?! Go and meet some real females...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
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Please seek some medical help. Before it's too late.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
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The Realest Thing said:
its a more ridiculous claim to think that any human being likes ugliness
Although i do agree with you, you must understand that a really good looking guy with zero personality will intimidate alot of girls. I already talked about my Brazilian friend who happens to be a model, who gets looks of disgust from girls cause they think he's full of himself. Looks work very well if you have ATLEAST a decent personality. It's that simple.
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