Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

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Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
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The dude is correct bro, it's just that the rest of the people do not see this happen. Girls that are instinctly attracted to gorgeous men will do anything to get his attention. I.E. cough loudly, laugh out loudly, accidently bump into him, drop their phone numbers in front of him, and yes hit on them. Since you haven't experienced this phenomena (which now i know why after seeing your pics) does not make it less true. Just let it go, and recognize that hot albeit superficial girls today will go goo goo ga ga over hot c*ock.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
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Thunder Bay Ontario
Wow that was the lamest post I have seen, girls going nutz over a guy..... You wanna see a few girls go nutz over a guy, sit down all your **** buddys, and tell them that they all have to fight each other, and the winner gets to be your girl of the week. Now that **** would be awsome to watch. aint that right docs?



Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
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LOL. You're too funny man. You first told everyone that they wouldn't regret seeing your pic since you're soo 'handsome.' Then you post you're pic and everything , atleast for me, became clear. I work in the fashion industry,(and no im not going to tape myself working LOL) and Its is not a personal attack so don't cry about it little boy. You're insecurity is just reaking man. And then you tell Plasticsurgeon to tape the gotti scenario for you, but i thought it was part of your daily experience, so what's so hard to believe? You're prevalent insecurities in the "Too Good Looking" thread and how you, with your looks, can "relate" to my highschool years further manifests the truth for me. In this era of supreme superficiality, looks, money, and status win you instant respect with the HOT b*itches, end of story.
Dec 13, 2006
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I'm the bad guy because I believe that every man has the potential to get any woman they want, and you're the good guy because you believe only an elite few do. Man, my dream world just keeps getting better and better.

Wow, your reading comprehension skills are worse than I originally thought. You're telling me that after I went to the trouble of writing out my opinion on looks in detail, that you are seriously going to DISTORT and TWIST my words into a mega-generalization such as that? Pathetic.

Until you are able to fully comprehend what's going on around here, I can't fully believe that you aren't a troll. I mean, if you are, mad props for going as long as you have. It seems like the only explanation. I mean, no person with half a mind's sanity could possibly continue to misinterpret other people's posts like you do. So either you're a troll or have issues with reading. So which is it?


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
If the looks don't mean s'hit guys were the below-average-looking men, then this means they still get p'ussy despite their ugliness, which in turn means that looks don't matter. What to make of all this? Looks have no effect on your stance on looks.
This is the only argument you have. THis is the only example you ever provide that is consistent with your theory. But I have provided many examples that go against your theory.

Its bad enough to be using only one example to back up your theory. Its even worse to be using the one example that weakly supports your theory and is actually consistent with the theory you are arguing against.

THe only example you ever use is in fact one of those bad examples that are actually consistent with the theory you are arguing against. I cant say the same about the examples Ive provided; they can only be explained by my theory, not yours.

Now how is your weak example consistent with my theory? Well consider this. THe observation you embrace is an "ugly guy" with a "hot girl". Okay, so why is he ugly? well the answer is he is "ugly" becuase most women consider him ugly, or the majority vote is that is ugly. But! and thats a big but, According to my theory, there will be some women who are not the majority voters. THese minorities will find his "ugly face" as attractive to them. maybe they like big noses etc. some of these women will be hot, and they will date him. He may be ugly to most women, and may be classified as "ugly", but, the trait that got him the girl was not how he acted, but how he looked; the minority girl liked his "ugly face". In other words, theres a correlation between his success with the girl and how he looked, not how he acts, despite the fact that he wouldnt exactly be considered good looking (to most women, key word "most). Since the correlation is with his looks, and not how he acts, this means looks matter alot. Its correlated becuase the girl was attracted to him not for his personality, but because she liked his "ugly face", she personaly found it not ugly, but "hot" in her eyes. It is this correlation with how the guy looks that proves looks matters.

Since the only example you ever use is actually consistent with my theory, it proves you have a very weak argument. But since the many examples I have provided cannot be explained by your theory, this only further weakens your argument and pretty much nulls it. Go back a few posts of mine ago and youll see a recap of a couple of examples that really cant be explain by a "looks dont mean ****" kind of theory.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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El Febreezey Da Beez said:
I'm the bad guy because I believe that every man has the potential to get any woman they want, and you're the good guy because you believe only an elite few do. Man, my dream world just keeps getting better and better.

Wow, your reading comprehension skills are worse than I originally thought. You're telling me that after I went to the trouble of writing out my opinion on looks in detail, that you are seriously going to DISTORT and TWIST my words into a mega-generalization such as that? Pathetic.

Until you are able to fully comprehend what's going on around here, I can't fully believe that you aren't a troll. I mean, if you are, mad props for going as long as you have. It seems like the only explanation. I mean, no person with half a mind's sanity could possibly continue to misinterpret other people's posts like you do. So either you're a troll or have issues with reading. So which is it?
I agree 100%. Ive noticed the same thing too. I cant recall how many times Ive pointed out in response to Deus' "ugly guy-hot girl" examples that women can have preference for a face that would normally be considered ugly, but this doesnt change the fact that it was his face that got her, not his personality. ITs like he never read what I said, and just keeps pushing the same example over and over as if it never got explained away. He also rarely ever argues, he just makes smart ass comments, insults people, and tries to incite anger and flamming.

Hes really just a troll that needs to be banned. skip got banned, a few others got banned. ITs now his turn becuase he's really just starting sh1t in this thread, not actually holding an intelligent discussion. What he is doing is just as bad as those that have already been banned.


Jul 27, 2005
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Kingston, Can-a-duh
^ Good rebuttal. (2 posts up):up:

I agree that looks matter a lot. Just think about it, if looks didn't matter (and being in a sober position), would you date a 2/10 because you love that she reads books? 8's love books too you know.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Hold on...so what are you saying?

I should beat myself a bit with an ugly stick to bring myself down to the level of less attractive girls I'm approaching?

Yeah...I REALLY want to get with insecure and mentally handicapped women who can't deal with a good looking guy. Think of the other issues you'll be dealing with down the road with these types of girls. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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BuckwildNYC said:
Here's is what goes through a girl's head when a hot guy cold approaches her: "O this guy thinks he's so hot coming up to me. He probably bangs a different girl every week. I'm not gonna be another notch on his belt. Let me give him the b!itchy attitude":
Those thoughts only go through a girl's head when she doesn't find the guy attractive. He may have looks going for him but his approach might have been p1ssed poor, that all the nostalgia of meeting him dissapeared. Your looks are just as important as your interaction and a man needs to know how to package the two of them together in order to succeed in this game. Its all trial and error, the more you approach the better you understand where are your strengths and weaknesses are.

BuckwildNYC said:
I had a couple girls tell me they don't like when guys are too smooth or too hot.
Once again you asked them to rationalize their feelings and you got a socially contrived mainstream answer. There is no such thing as being too smooth or too hot, you are either that or none of that.


Jul 27, 2005
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Kingston, Can-a-duh
Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Obviously not. Looks are almost everything to men. Like numerous looks-matter guys before you, you are applying the evolutionary process to both genders, which is a mistake in my opinion.
But, is it wrong to apply it to both genders? Sure, I can easily apply it to men, but take a look at a woman and tell me that if looks did not matter, then I guess a HG 2 has just a equal amount of chance as a HG8 because they like to play chess.

Again, you can't present a stable viewpoint without proof or example.

Now, tell me looks don't matter in the real world. Comeon, give me a good argument, instead of throwing some 'ohh but I know a girl that digs ugly guys with...' example at me. Tell me the majority of women would take the HG2 as an equal to a HG8.

If you can't provide a solid argument (because I'm presenting you a question based on your theory), then that clearly determines that looks matter.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
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Thunder Bay Ontario
Ok I will give a theory here,

I would guess that I am a HG7 Around there, Some days I feel like I am a HG9, and others I feel like a HG4, Mood varies, If you mood is good, and you are actually trying to make yourself look good, it shows not only physically, but mentally in the other persons mind.

Alright for the theory.

Say there is one HB9 in the room reading a book about shakespare. And there were two guys in the room, One of them is a HG4 and the other is a HG9.

The HG9 walks over and starts talking to her about shakespare and doesn't know anything about it, making a fool of himself, do you really think he is going to get any, NO!

The HG5 walks over and randomly names off a quote from the book, and they have a conversation in the old language about there lives, That would probably in her mind bring him from a HG5 to a HG8 And the chances of him getting laid are alot better that the HG9, Why? Because he figured she knew quite a bit from shakespare, and well he had quite the background about it himself. Not to mention he always hit up our forum and what not got tips, and tried it out before landing this. :O Did anyone think of that no....

Now answer this for me? Would you rather be the HG5 and some knowledge about english literature, or be the HG9 and know nothing about the english language let alone what shakespare is.

In my own opinion, You can be an HG5, and still get girls, and if you play your game right. But as an HG9 You can still get the girls, some you will miss out on the ones you want, if you don't know your stuff.

I know this is bias But it is an example of two rated guys in a room with a HB9 reading shakespare. One with little knowledge, and one with a great deal of knowledge.



Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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PlasticSurgeon said:
Like Persiangino said, people just don't see this happening. Every girl knows it happens, they just don't tell you. They can't let you know how much they want to bone some stranger just because of his pecs or pretty face. Judge these girls by their behavior not their words. Their behavior is banging a stranger they met at a club because he was hot. End of story.
Actually, being a plastic surgeon, do your clients ever come back and report to you if they have a better time getting laid after you give them plastic surgery? Like, how much of a difference was there, if at all?

And I also realize you are biased to promote plastic surgery, but just try to be as real as you can here, please...


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thunder Bay Ontario
Well, confidence is the key. Send confusing signals

I like you
I think I like you
I don't like you
I want to **** you.
I like you but I don't want to **** you.
I want to **** you
Sex is awsome :)
I don't like you.
I want to cuddle with you
I want you to suck me off
I don't like you
Hey an HB9
....Walks off.....

Now that **** is confusing...... Haha

I laugh everytime..... lol

I actually saw that happen one day at the mall in the food court.... I couldn't stop laughing..

Pretty much the same extent, but the guy was hitting on this girl, and his gf shows up and starts beating on him, it was ****ing priceless.



Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Never said that. Scroll back.

Then you post you're pic and everything , atleast for me, became clear. I work in the fashion industry,(and no im not going to tape myself working LOL) and Its is not a personal attack so don't cry about it little boy.

Work in the fashion industry or not (for all I know you could be a freelance bathroom attendant for afterparties), you're still just another looks-obsessed anti-American on the Internet. When I have you telling me that I'm ugly, and real-life women telling me that I'm very good-looking to start, which do you think I'm more inclined to put more faith in? No go ahead. Ask me. :D Oh, and I'm 6'0 (with shoes) and about 170-175. If I was any bigger, I would no longer fit the male model standard. You go around calling all the models little boys in your fashion industry job, persiangino?

And then you tell Plasticsurgeon to tape the gotti scenario for you, but i thought it was part of your daily experience, so what's so hard to believe?

You got yourself confused in your hurry to make a snide comment. The "coughing", "bumping into tables", and all that other ridiculous nonsense is what I was referring to. What HE was talking about was very similar to your SNL-worthy scenario of 20 girls at a table turning around simultaneously to stare at you as a homage to "The Shining." Doesn't happen. If it did, I would be watching the tape of it go down instead of going back and forth with you on why you can't provide the tape.

In this era of supreme superficiality, looks, money, and status win you instant respect with the HOT b*itches, end of story.

You're 2/3rd's right. :p (Why do you looks matter guys keep saying "end of story", and "Here's the end of the looks debate"? Does it provide some sort of closure for you?)

Height and weight have nothing to do with modeling. That's like saying Mr. Bean could be a model because he's 5'11- 6'0. Although i never said you were ugly, i will now tell you you are only average. That is why my "SNL" scenarios seem sooo crazy to you, because they never happen to you. And still somehow you relate to these "SNL" scenarios in an effort to somehow validate your looks LMAO. Again, truely good looking men have women hitting on them every day, so there is no need for them to even try gaming them. Oh and thanks for calling me a looks obsessed anti-American, which makes sense that you have to resort to name calling since you're clearly losing this debate.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
El Febreezey Da Beez said:
I understand. I was actually just about to post how we need to get back on track with the discussion. And how I shouldn't have sunk to his level by derailing the thread; I'm sorry.

Anyways, I was going to provide yet another example of how looks played the primary factor in a chick going for a guy (examples, hmm..who thought they could be so helpful. Yeah Deus, try it sometime.), but I gotta go to work.

Thanks Vincent for putting the thread back on track. Hopefully others will continue to allow it to stay that way. :up:
Btw, Deus never claimed looks weren't the primary factor. Argue that all you want. Hell, he'll most likely agree with you. All he did was argue they weren't the only thing that mattered when it came to two people hooking up.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Well, this thread is definitely worthless. But I'd much rather have a single garbage thread polluted with flames, ego trips, and trolls than SEVERAL looks-matter threads polluted with flames, ego trips, and trolls sprinkled over the entire website.
So this thread is like a compose heap, got'cha! :up:


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thunder Bay Ontario
Yea it pretty much is. I don't see why people flame others, or cutting people up, it's kind of sad to see a comunity do this to each other. It really is.

Dec 13, 2006
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MissionX said:
Yea it pretty much is. I don't see why people flame others, or cutting people up, it's kind of sad to see a comunity do this to each other. It really is.


I know, things would go by much more smoother if other people would actually read other's posts. The communication lines would be re-opened, but hey, communication and reading comprehension isn't for everyone.
Last edited:
Dec 13, 2006
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So before this thread gets torn to shreds by a pseudo debater (we all know who), I would like to share a personal experience that I think applies great to this thread and site.

So here we go:

On New Year's Day a couple of a couple of my buddies called me up to go out drinking, and after much persuasion on their part to get me to come out (I was so hungover from the night prior), I agreed.

So we bounce around at a few bars and then hit up this nightclub. The music in there is so loud that we can't hear anything that either of us, or anyone else in the club is saying.

So about 15 minutes go by and this HB 9/10 comes out of nowhere and starts dancing with my friend Jim. Me and my friend Rick don't think much of it and we just keep doing our thing when we notice Jim is gone. So we finish up the night wondering where he went.

So the next day I call Jim up and ask what was up from the club. He told me that the girl who started dancing with him went outside with him for some fresh air, and while they were out there she asked him back to her place for so they could "talk and relax." THIS WAS SERIOUSLY JUST AFTER THEY GOT THROUGH THE PRILIMINARY INTRODUCTIONS. And boom, just like that, he was back to her place for some "fun."

Now I'm not about to go out and say Jim is a "hot guy," but women at work say he is and chicks are always staring at him when we go down the street. So my conclusion is he got laid on his looks.

There you have it, yet another example.
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