Looking in the Mirror (Part I: Circumstance)


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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I'm Back!

*Crickets start chirping...JBizzle's stereotype kangaroo suit falls out of his closet, and eternal's moderator alarm goes off....* (All this happening when the AFC population are out at the 50% off flower shop)

Oh well....

Good evening gentlemen. Earlier on, some of you may have read that I'm proposing self-discovery as well as what some of you call "DJ techniques" in addition to self-improvement, to make you become a better person.

Look at our typical new-age DJ...I see countless posts about "Should I use technique XXX to bag this HB#?" or " What technique should I use?". Or something to that effect anyway.

Today gentlemen, I will show you the path of self-discovery.
Use it in any way that may benefit you. Use it as a prelude to technique. Use it to help you maximise your potential, and improve by discovering who you really are.
With that, I present to you : "Looking in the Mirror (Part I: Circumstance)"

Why are you here? What is the reason you are here? That is basically what everyone eventually seeks to discover. Some, don't, because they have no idea of what they were capable of. Some don't because, they feel they lack ability. Some don't because they feel depressed. I could go on and on. The first thing you do in the morning - LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Who do you see? A scrawny b*tch with no muscle? A guy who lives an average life 24/7? A fat, overweight toad the size of JBizzle's kangaroo? (No offense, dude :D )

It's simple. Call it fate, call it destiny. Somehow, you feel you are a victim of CIRCUMSTANCE. Somehow, circumstances have favoured that jock over there to get the HB, and you - nothing. Somehow, circumstance has provided you with an underachieving brain that will get you a job as a janitor at best.

Circumstance...It's a very powerful thing, but can also be equally destructive. It's strength lies in how you use it. I hear threads about improvement, tons of em, but what keeps you motivated?Gentlemen, remember this : Circumstance =>Reaction=>Outcome.
I'm sure most of you know about Donald Trump's story. He was one helluva business tycoon, but during the recession period, he lost almost everything, and had a brush with bankruptcy. Oh, and when his wife called him, boy was he expecting some sort of comfort...not a divorce. He hit rock bottom, left with nothing but his own knowledge and expertise. Circumstance dealt him a hand that would make Hercules shed a tear.

Gentlemen, his REACTION to circumstance was nothing short of exceptional.Over the next six months, he negotiated one of the biggest deals in business history and became a billionaire.
I'm sure you've heard of Christopher Reeve. A jockey accident cost him his mobility. Circumstance again - made his life miserable. His reaction - Go all out to help the other paralyzed people, setting up a foundation which he now heads. He makes even more money now than he did on those Superman films...

It's all about REACTION to circumstance, gentlemen. Let's look at how these extraordinary people handled it, and let's learn from them.

Today, I pose to you a challenge, as I complete the rest of this guide. Look in the mirror gentlemen, look in the mirror. How many of you can say, "My reaction to adversity and negative circumstance is one of strength and valour. I would even go so far as to help others in my adversity!" How many of you can say that? I tell you, I can't... But as I learn, so should you.

Can't get over a oneitis or ex? Learn to react in a more fulfilling way. Too often, gentlemen, we love to fall into that comfort zone that paints us as a VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCE. Somehow, we have been dealt bad cards by the Almighty One, when He only cares about our well-being. Somehow, it is something else that gives us problems. Let us learn to look at it as something WE CAN CHANGE.

"The difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that the ordinary man sees everything as blessing or curse while the warrior takes everything as a challenge." - Don Juan himself

So, in conclusion gentlemen, look in the mirror - and be that warrior. No more of this victim of circumstance nonsense. No more of this "How do i get with XXX chick?" You cannot control what comes along your way, but you can control your ACTION and REACTION to it. Look in the mirror, see the warrior, and BE the warrior.

*End, Part I : Circumstance*


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
I guess I might as well confess.....I

This is really hard.......I *pauses* I have a kangaroo fetish. It all began as a kid when I watched Winnie the Pooh...and now it's just got completely out of control. *has emotional breakdown*:p

Good post man. Looking defeat in the eyes and not giving up is always the way to go. heck, look how long it took Henry Ford to get his V8 design produceable.