Little to no experience with women, need serious help

Silent B

New Member
Feb 17, 2006
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Hi everyone. This is my first post. I’m a 19 y/o college student, male, and even though I consider myself to be fairly attractive and intelligent, I’ve never made it with a girl. Throughout high school, I had a bunch of guy friends, but I was a complete dud with girls. Through my first year of college, I also got no attention from girls. The same thing happened when I went to clubs and parties. Back then, I was stuck in this mentality that if I just carried myself right, the women would eventually come to me, but it is only recently that I realized that the “wait for them to come to me” mentality has gotten and probably will never get me anywhere, so I started approaching girls only a few months ago.

At first, they wouldn’t even give me the time of day. It was extremely painful and embarrassing, as I’d usually spend days concocting these methods of approaching them in class or in the hallway, coming up with a brief conversation, then I’d ask them out. The thing is that they weren’t interest, didn’t make eye contact, and I’d get turned down in less than a minute. I did manage to go out with 1 girl, and that was last month, and believe it or not, she approached me. She works at the Starbucks I frequent, and on her break, she came up to me and asked if I was in one of her classes, and found out we go to the same university. After a couple of more times of talking to her on breaks, I asked her out and she said yes. We went to dinner a couple of times, a jazz concert, an art museum, but she dumped me in 3 weeks saying things were moving too “slowly” before anything physical happened. I was extremely upset and resentful, but I’ve gotten over it, and just yesterday asked out a girl who’ve I’ve been eying in my biochemistry class and goes to my gym a lot, but she turned me down again, but this time she said she had a boyfriend, and I believed her because I’ve seen her turn down a bunch of other guys who’ve hit on her.

Despite the little progress I’ve made over the past few months, I still feel like I haven’t gotten anywhere. In 6 months, I’ve asked out 7 girls and only got 1 to say yes, and she ended it before anything serious happened. As much as I hate to admit it, I’m getting a little desperate and I fear that I may eventually have to lower my standards in women, which is something no man should have to do.

I don’t get it; I KNOW that you shouldn’t be the nice guy, which I’m not. I KNOW you should be confident in yourself, which I am. I KNOW that women want men who are spontaneous and exciting, which I try to be. I KNOW that women hate needy men, that you can’t attract them with chocolates and flowers, that a man needs to make the approach. I stay in shape, talk with an assertive voice in class and with friends, but I’m still alone and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2006
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Huntington Beach CA.
How tall are you? How much do you weigh? Go to the gym and bulk up!!!! Then you will see everything change for the better,,,,,,,,,trust me your whole life will be better.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
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you are already ahead of many, many people. Be happy and proud that you can approach women and that you have been consistently doing so, because many guys cannot even do that. I dont know you, but there must be some things wrong with your game, or you're just emitting a cold aura when you approach girls because you might be insecure or desperate. If you are not already, smile a lot and work out in the gym. Maybe join clubs where you can meet girls with stuff in common with you.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2005
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Knowledge is Power

Before discovering this site, I was WORSE of than you! At least you approached, I just relied on friends to introduce me to women.

But, by the time I had consumed every detail there is to know about women, and after reading alot of sex tips, when the time came for my first kiss and makout session I was so prepared the woman i was with called me the best kisser she's ever kissed and left her boyfriend for me. She was a definite 10. I aced sex the first time. All because I implemented a congruant personality type: the sophisticated caveman, the cowboy, the film noir anti-hero: the one who takes the lead and is as direct as possible (i'm at a point where i could simply say "Let's go back to my place where I could make love to every inch of your body" and get a 100% success rate).

This 'natural' masculine personality type will get you FAR ahead. Grow muscle, cut your hair short, and speak with a deeper voice. Escalate physically quickly and remind her how easy you can walk away if you feel she is playing games.

You're on the right track. Just focus on being as masculine as possible and watch your success grow.
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Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
i agree with what all the other guys said abotu masculinity, etc...

just one thing:

In 6 months, I’ve asked out 7 girls and only got 1 to say yes
a little bit of math for beginners:

in 6 months you asked out 7 girls....
this means you asked out 1,16666 girls per month...
do you think that`s much, or do you think you could do better?
remember, this also is a numbers game...

all the best,


Master Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
southern usa
Silent bootcamp.
right now.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
I did manage to go out with 1 girl, and that was last month, and believe it or not, she approached me. She works at the Starbucks I frequent, and on her break, she came up to me and asked if I was in one of her classes, and found out we go to the same university. After a couple of more times of talking to her on breaks, I asked her out and she said yes. We went to dinner a couple of times, a jazz concert, an art museum, but she dumped me in 3 weeks saying things were moving too “slowly” before anything physical happened.
All of those dates are "Yawn Dates"

You should have invited her over to yours after the first if not second date. She was def in to you it seems but she aint going to sit about waiting for some sex while you **** about on so many dates. Let me ask you a question. How many dates were you going to wait before you went physical?

It sounds to me like you are "Mr Average Nice Guy". I know you said you are not but thats the vibe im getting. Your more the kind of person who if i said go up to that HB and sqeese her ass and say hey before taking her round back for a good screw you would say "I cant do that! Its rude!" or "I dont even know her! She will walk off!"

Thats where your biggest mistake is. You need to push your luck. Be confiedent in what you do. Go ****y funny and flirty in a push your luck way without a rude tone and a girl will take it in the stride. Do something you think is too forward on every girl you meet. Dont be so "Nice" and NEVER take a girl to a museum for a date!


Silent B

New Member
Feb 17, 2006
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Originally posted by faster
How tall are you? How much do you weigh?
158 lbs

Originally posted by djjoe

in 6 months you asked out 7 girls....
this means you asked out 1,16666 girls per month...
do you think that`s much, or do you think you could do better?
remember, this also is a numbers game...
I think I COULD do better (you mean ask out more girls in a shorter period of time, right?) but I don't thinkg I COULD HAVE done better. Dealing with my first rejection was pretty devastating for me, and it'd usually take a couple of days for me to regain my composure. It also took a couple of more days to notice or become interested in another girl, and a couple of more days to try and devise a plan for meeting her or talking to her.

Originally posted by Tomatoes
All of those dates are "Yawn Dates"

You should have invited her over to yours after the first if not second date.
Don't have my own place yet. Still live with my parents.

She was def in to you it seems but she aint going to sit about waiting for some sex while you **** about on so many dates. Let me ask you a question. How many dates were you going to wait before you went physical?
She approached me so I assumed it she would take charge of the physical.

It sounds to me like you are "Mr Average Nice Guy". I know you said you are not but thats the vibe im getting. Your more the kind of person who if i said go up to that HB and sqeese her ass and say hey before taking her round back for a good screw you would say "I cant do that! Its rude!" or "I dont even know her! She will walk off!"

Thats where your biggest mistake is. You need to push your luck. Be confiedent in what you do. Go ****y funny and flirty in a push your luck way without a rude tone and a girl will take it in the stride. Do something you think is too forward on every girl you meet. Dont be so "Nice" and NEVER take a girl to a museum for a date!

What's wrong with a musuem? Nice, quiet atmosphere, makes you looks like you have a little bit of class, and most city art museums are FREE for college students.
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Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
okay, as all the other guys have already said:
read the ****ing bible....!!! :trouble:

for your question:
What's wrong with a musuem? Nice, quiet atmosphere, makes you looks like you have a little bit of class, and most city art museums are FREE for college students.

the problem with museums is: there is no action... no real good way to start kino, etc...

imagine this: you are going to a rock concert instead with her...
you are going to dance with her all night long have a lot of fun, jump around, get to touch her, she is getting sweaty, which makes her boobs visible, you can really get physical from there....
(i know a concert is also not the best example, as it this too noisy there are examples of alot better action dates out there, search the forum...)
i hope you can see still see the contrast to a museum....

Silent B

New Member
Feb 17, 2006
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Originally posted by djjoe

the problem with museums is: there is no action... no real good way to start kino, etc...
I'm sorry, I've read a bit of the bible, but I'm not 100% on the acronyms. What exactly is a "kino"?


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
kino is....

(1) explained in the bible :D

(2) a short form for kinaesthetics....
which basically means the art of touching her...
it makes her feel that you are not afraid to touch her, that you are a sexual being and so on...
it`s important to do it in a way that doesn`t make you look needy, you have to practice it to do it the right way...

btw, the dj-bootcamp is also a great place to start off...