List your set in stone pinnacle top 10 turn-offs in a woman


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Some of these may overlap:

Biggest turn offs:
  • Unnattractive to me (there's 100 different ways; too muscular, too fat, fridge body, 12 year old boy body, short hair, bad style)
  • Bad sense of fashion (NPC / "trendy" clown outfits like those 70s flared pants or baggy Mom jeans) -- if classy and feminine outfits eg skirts/dresses/heels aren't a regular part of their attire i'm not interested
  • Has no unique takes on life, no interests, hobbies, passions, etc. This is huge one. Basically, if they're an NPC
  • Career obsessed/workaholic
  • Bad/no sense of humor

Others (still matter a lot but I will at least consider fvcking them with these qualities):
  • Has few female friends and/or many male friends
  • Is disagreeable/competitive/overly crass and sarcastic
  • Is demanding and manipulative
  • Has arm/leg tattoos or excessive tattoos in general
  • Is a therapist (or insists I go to therapy)
  • Drinks a lot of alcohol but doesn't use or consider using cool drugs and judges others for it)
  • Isn't open minded
  • Has a post grad degree outside of STEM
  • Plays golf, euchre, tabletop games
  • Watches sports
  • Claims to not watch TV, movies, or play video games (translation: my phone is my hobby and I have no attention span)
  • Obsessed with their phone and social media (especially tiktok)
  • Obsessed with going out to eat / can't cook / picky eater
  • Single mother (obvious mention but have to include it)
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Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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In no special order:

single mommy
vituperative disposition
"headache" prone
visible tattoo
tobacco smoker

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
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Tijuana, Mexico
More honorable mentions.

1. dog mom
2. smartphone in her back pocket 24/7
3. Too desperate for an LTR after 2 weeks of “knowing” you and calling you “babe” before she even knows your last name
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Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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1) woke - overly opinionated and offended by life in general
2) feminist - blames men for her lack of accountability and lacks feminine energy
3) no sense of humor - easily triggered, coincides with 1 & 2
4) doesn’t like kids - lacks the ability to care for others, selfish
5) v-taper or square body shape - looks like a dude
6) flat azz - just bad
7) skinny shapeless body - looks like teenage boy
7) too much make-up, fake eye lashes, fake lips- looks like a clown
8) tattoos everywhere - like putting a bumper sticker on a Lamborghini (Rich Cooper)
9) few female friends - hints of issues with mom, who can’t get along with your own kind?
10) narcissist - only thinks about herself, inconsiderate of others
11) can’t return calls or texts but phone is glued to their hand - azzhole
12) doesn’t smile - just miserable and uninviting
13) hates hugs - basic human need, your parents must have really sucked
14) grossly overweight - doesn’t take care of themselves
15) alcoholic - no self control
16) pot head - trying to escape from life
17) on antidepressants - mental or can’t deal with life in general
18) doesn’t know how to clean - lazy
19) doesn’t know or try to learn how to cook - really?
20) obsessive little dog mom - tell that rat to stop barking and don’t bring it everywhere you go

Sorry, my coffee kicked in and couldn’t stop typing.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
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You guys complain that women have high expectations and checklists, you do exactly the same thing.
No wonder why most of you struggle with women and can't get laid. Some of your turnoffs are just ridiculous.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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1. Over 30
2. Fat
3. Single Mother
4. Short Hair
5. Tattoos


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
Some of your turnoffs are just ridiculous.
There are stunning women out there with little amount of turnoffs (and high notch counts) and I have met HB4s who had a bunch of turnoffs that I considered ridiculous, and everything in between. But people just cant flip a switch and make a turnoff go away, no matter how ridiculous it is.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
You guys complain that women have high expectations and checklists, you do exactly the same thing.
No wonder why most of you struggle with women and can't get laid. Some of your turnoffs are just ridiculous.
Some of these are silly, but so what. The thing is, most of these overlap, for instance if they are heavily tatted they're also likely to have many male friends. I don't find that it limits my options enough to be a problem.

I also like when girls have ridiculous lists as I find it amusing, it's better than women who have absolutely no screening process. We all know that they aren't actually that set in stone from either side. I'll make an exception if they have enough green flags to compensate (to a degree).

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
Im just becoming picky as fvck as I get older after going rogue on that red pill 10 years ago.
A chunk of my bangs came when I was barely keeping the lights on. Now, Im clawing my way up to be a high achiever , got a decent disposable stream of income as I sleep and I've become extremely selective about who I LTR.
I don't drink anymore so I actually have to like the broads I bang, which is refreshing and rare at the same time. No making up excuses to for them to get the fvck out afterwards because I generally enjoy their company, until I don't.

I have let most of the red flags mentioned here slide in the past and I sacrificed my sanity for the sake of having a bad bish on my arm and I'll never do that again.
I'd much rather have an adjustable confident 7 with a decent psyche, stable upbringing, compliance and no glaring red flags.

Let the caveman brain screen accordingly and your barometer is your barometer and be realistic and accept that most women over 21 have notch counts of at least 8. Environmental factors will mold her behavior and slvtiness.

Green-flagged unicorns are still out in the wilderness you just got to keep polishing your sh1t.
“A high quality woman appears when you are high quality”
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Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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- pre-developed spawn
- tattoo visible in street clothes
- no respect for my wallet
- fake teats
- blubber in general
- botox, etc.
- stupid
- often has a "headache"
- so feminist that she doesn't want to cook or clean like she should
- flirts with men while with me

DJ Novice

Don Juan
Jan 8, 2023
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Probably some overlaps. My top 5:

1. Not compatible in bed. Combination of many things. Poor body image. Lack of enthusiasm. Too many boundaries or ones that don’t sync with mine. Not willing to do different things to keep things interesting. Frequency and/or quality of bedroom activities deteriorates over time when she realises she has got the relationship and the competition anxiety is non existent.
2. Not willing to work on style or body issues that are fixable. Many women would look so much more attractive if they lost weight but refuse to do so. Complaining about how fat they look but continuing to eat poorly and not exercise. Dressing like a hobo and making no or minimal effort to look attractive.
3. Selfishness and laziness. Expecting her beauty and her p*ssy permits her to do nothing or add no value to your life except for her to enjoy your money, energy, attention and time.
4. Lack of gratitude and appreciation. Never being satisfied or happy with how well you are treating her. It’s always never enough or the bar keeps getting raised. It’s like a competition you can never win. Always comparing you to some other schmuck her girlfriend is dating.
5. Extreme mood swings. Excessive bitchiness. Keeping grudges. Pessimistic attitude to life. Victim mentality.

Plenty of others as people have already pointed out.


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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4. Lack of gratitude and appreciation. Never being satisfied or happy with how well you are treating her. It’s always never enough or the bar keeps getting raised. It’s like a competition you can never win. Always comparing you to some other schmuck her girlfriend is dating.
This one 100%. I hate social media for this.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Not in any order

1. Women who are lazy or lack effort i.e. in talking, texting, cooking etc The amount of lazy women in the dating market is crazy. It's very easy to tell the women that truly like you versus the ones who tolerate you. The ones that truly like you are going to go above and beyond!
2. Women Who Don't( or won't) Have Time For you-Self explanatory
3. Liars/Ghosters- To me they are one and the same
4. Flakes-Loath them
5. Women wanting to trauma bond- I don't need to hear about how your ex husband ain't shyt he ain't got nothing to do with me
6. Women Who Keep Score (you know the type every time you get in an argument she'll bring up old shyt that you thought was already resolved, the last chick I dated was like this had to leave)
7. Women on any Anti-depressant medication -tried it once can't do it again, it's like dating a depressing robot, no joy just doom and gloom
8. No sense of humor- a lot of my personality is based on funny jokes, witty banter etc Some women you just have that flow most you don't
9. Emotionally unavailable- not affectionate, I'm not a PDA guy but you gotta show affection and be willing to communicate in a positive manner
10. Masculine-The last 5 years it seems feminity is truly becoming a lost art form, heck look at Gen-Z the chicks dress and talk like dudes. Some Millennial women as well. nope nope nope
11. Bad Communicators-By Bad I Mean women who can't express themselves or avoid confrontation so they send you text messages when it's a topic you brought up already etc. Ever since Quarantine, I noticed that even in person women are either socially awkward or some had lost their social touch etc


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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Her mind has to be right; an unfit body is evidence of an unfit mind.

However a body too fit also indicates issues a lot of the time, those people are great as long as they have a physical outlet but it never lasts, everyone falls off and I don't need my life turned upside down when she does.


Mar 31, 2024
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Mud sharks
Short hair
Rainbow hair
Online dating addicts
Piercings other than earlobes

Travel bugs

DJ Novice

Don Juan
Jan 8, 2023
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Pet mums. They will always prioritise their pets in terms of affection ahead of you. You will always come a distant second.

Dating a pet obsessed girl at the moment. Constantly talks to her pets in a baby voice, cuddles them, tells them how much she loves them etc. She wants to be buried with all the ashes of her previous pets (yes, she has got jars of them). She sleeps with them at night as well.

Needless to say I’m battling uphill to get a look in and thinking of pulling the pin.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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The odd male orbiter I don’t care about, it’s who they are and the depth of the relationship. One thing I don’t like is a super strong clique of female friends. Guaranteed their group think dynamic will cause issues, and literally everything you ever tell her will be openly discussed.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2012
Reaction score
1. Bad legs/ fat/ flat ass/ shapeless figure like a can of coca cola. If the legs are sexy and juicy, the rest of the body will be fine. It's the canary in the coal mine.

2. Unnatural/heavily altered appearance (e.g. tats of any kind, nose piercings, fake nails, dyed hair, lipstick, excessive makeup)

3. Gratuitous use of vulgar language. Loud.

4. Feminist SJW traits. Politically charged. Unfeminine mannerisms. not wanting to be a mother.

5. Roast beef looking puzzy, very dark untreated butthole and just gnarly odors from any of her 3 major holes. Instant boner fainter. I'm OCD about bad smells.

6. Attention whxring. Takes immense pride in telling stories of male thirst traps directed at her/bringing up past flames. The lower she is on the 1-10, the worse it is.
This combined with selfies and social media addiction puts her in the plate 50% discount bin quicker than spit disappearing on a hot skillet.

7. Coldness derived from intense desire to
compete with me on everything. Has to have one up on me. Crass, aggressive, masculine. Commanding language.

8. Machine gunning sh1t-test questions instead of knowing how to hold a conversation
(in collaboration with having no discernible interests in anything beyond their nose = insufferable)

9. 24/7 gym obsessive, or girls who lift too many weights. Overly muscular women are injured women. I prefer that natural feminine look even with some baby thickness.

10. The "always busy" girl that would rather grind long hours at a company. Has a 50-60 hour workweek and a circle of friends/co-workers to entertain, plus needs her "me time." You have to schedule her two weeks in advance to get a slot in.

Honorable mentions:

1. older than 29

2. spawns from another man

3. If they've ever had an abortion. The ultimate expression of hypergamy. Fetus hearts can start beating in about 18 days. Killing babies says everything you need to know about their character.

4. Her being tall (I’m 6’1, but prefer chicks to not be over 5’7)

5. Getting all up in my business when she knows I know better.
Irritating voice.
