I took high dose stinging nettle root and boron for a few months, and while I don't recall if I had another test done after I took them, subjectively speaking I felt the exact same... I even tried Cabergoline to lower my prolactin levels and to see if it'd increase libido/refractory period but I felt no different on it (but did have mild side effects which indicates it was pharmacologically active).
Either way I don't think you can say my hormones are so completely out of whack that they explain why my libido is comparable to an 80 year old man with diabetes. Maybe they're not perfectly optimal but c'mon. I insist it's dopaminergic and there's nothing wrong with me, just how I am wired. Introverts have far less excitability/arousal, and I'm on the extreme end of introversion, literally 99th percentile.
It means nothing, subjectively and experientially nothing about me says high T except my face/facial hair, but that's mostly genetic/pre-natal anyway.
I asked them about this and they suggested weight lifting can elevate alk phos and said I shouldn't worry. Then again, Drs say that about everything because they're lazy and don't like opening up pandoras box.
Weird thing is, in my most recent bloodwork, my alk phos was much lower and within normal range...and I have no idea why since it's been high for YEARS (even when my Test was lower in my mid 20s) and nothing has changed.
But yeah no, I've never taken anything whatsoever except for herbal supplements. I'm pretty open about my drug use if I was on gear i'd admit it lol. And no I don't take drugs that tax the liver.