Leukic Supplement Help

Jan 20, 2007
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Hey guys, I've been lifting for about 2 months on a very consistent basis and have been eating very well, (keeping track of it on fitday.com) and use whey protein with milk/shakes. Today, I headed to the mall and bought leukic to add as another supplement to help me lift. I took the required amount of pills I needed to take 5 minutes before I left and even drank half of the required 40 oz. which you need just for leukic (I drink a lot more), but I still suffered a few problems today.

1. When I went to lift, I felt tired more than normal after taking leukic. It was my first day taking it and I woke up about 2 hrs. earlier than I normally do and went to bed a little later than I usually do.
2. I felt more exhausted and lifting was a little harder than it normally was. I was doing my required amount of reps and weight, but it look a lot more effort to do so.
3. I drank a lot more water than I usually do. After about a half an hour of lifting, I was no longer in my tired state and was back to normal before I went on leukic today.

Okay, was my tough day of lifting because my lack of food intake and rest the day before? Or was it my body trying to get used to leukic as it was my first day taking it? Thanks and I'd like to hear your replies...


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Leukic basically sends the signal to your brain to start Protein synthesis,
I know when I took it, after every dose I would immediately be starving, and had to eat something.
I noticed that overall my muscles were harder, and seemed denser.
I think it's good stuff.
Jan 20, 2007
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So basically it should get better as I keep taking it and lifting? I mean, taking 6 pills is not tough, but it is a lot of put in your body. That is before I lift, then after I have a whey protein shake and like a chicken sandwich. I also think the sleep factor effected me the night before too. It'll be tough because I have soccer doubles next week, so I'll be waking up early, running, lifting and trying to balance my schedule in a short period of time. Why the lack of energy from lifting today? My lifting buddy experienced it too?