Letting Them Know


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
On my way to becoming a DJ (still make plenty AFC mistakes), I've experienced a few more things and wondered, before this i wouldn't ask, but its no loss if i do so why not.

Anyway as my normal post this goes with a story but leads on to a question many may have asked themselves.

So anyway I was walking with this girl for awhile (Practically a LJBF but i think i'm working my way out) And we see this guy she used to go to school with ages ago, and she said "That guy practically loved me in primary school" and I said "That Understandable" anyway she ended up yelling to a few people, "he just asked me out" and "He just said he liked me" I Know she was just joking around and stuff, but i thought it was a good question

Anyway the question is, Is it okay to lets a girl know you like her verbally, before making a move at all or having any or very few IOI's? By the Way on a more personal to the story question, what should i have said when she was joking around like that?

I'll edit it if i work out how to say the question better but hopefully its okay and hopefully the story helped



Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
nope..never tell em...you alwyas want it to be a mystery for her to solve...you can show it as much as you wnat...not to the point of afcness...but never tell it

if she decides to ask you,

her: do you like me? (or some variation of that)
you: send me a resume and maybe i'll consider you...or you culd say
you: let's hang out this weekend, then i'll know if i should

Basically, make it so that she is trying to meet your standards


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
Yeah fair enough,You answered the basics of the question, looking back it probably wasn't best to say but we friends so it came off ok, she coulda reacted worse to it lol,

Another thing if ya reading lol if a chick asks you to do something, such as txt her on her b-day or some just to say happy birthday, do u do it???



Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
ok don't get too cautious of being an afc/dj
next you might ask if it's ok to say hi

heh..but to answer your question...occasionally..if you obey her every command..you're too easy...but if you sometimes refuse...she'll like the fact that you aren't another guy tyring to win her over by favors

but hwen you refuse..do so kindly/playfully...
like if she says..can you throw this away for me?
if it's not food or something messy, just put it in her bag and continue with what you're doing...she'll porbably react laughingly....anything that's not rude