Letting GO - Harmonising with the force's of nature


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2012
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Letting GO - Harmonising with the force's of nature
By: Revel

A rather sagacious vision came to me whilst dosing to sleep in a cosy hotel room.
Now I do reckon reading up on all the articles posted in sosuave had an influence on what I'm about to write out for public. I DO know this would directly tie in to all the self help, shrewdness of all "The Secret" Books I've been capitalizing on lately.

I also know, From all the books and material I have been reading, Teaching one how to use his mind to fulfill his desires and top priorty endeavors, whatever it is that changed in the way I think(Rhonda byrne), And how the flow of my emotions seem to be harmonizing more effeciently then ever before, That what I'm about to write is truthful. Then and all I could be mental masturbation the piss out of myself. My new attitude towards life is amazing! I've become free! I can honestly say I'm no longer at the mercy of my own emotions.
Letting go of the worlds problems and using your mind to dance with them is the essence of happiness and confidence, Genuinely. Being in the depressed pit of longing, misery, and despair, When it comes to socializing, Finding your way in life. not having your dreams come true, is all up to you. Going through all the years of heartache, I found in myself the way to become happy and function like a normal human being should.

I have experienced all the pain, And now my friends I would like to lend you a hand to free you out of it.
BECAUSE IT SUCKS. and noone deserves it.

Have you ever been to the beach and looked out at the shorebreak? On a good day beyond that shorebreak are nice heavy, glassy waves. Think of the waves as the world that surrounds you. All day long, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year after year, century after century, those waves out there breaking constantly set after set.

You'll notice a couple of guys out there, like bronzed gods dancing accross those ruler edge rollers.
on their beautifuly shaped boards. Made just for surfing on the those waves.
Keep your eye on that man, He's in tune with nature at that moment. Nothing exist's in his being at that very second but pure joy and ecstasy. surfing is addicting.

Now look at the newcomer trying to paddle out beyond that shorebreak to get to the heavies.
He's determined to get out there because he is intrigued on how the more experienced men can
look so graceful and smooth. How theyre at ease with the mystical forces propelling those waves.
Surely enough he trys, but decides to give up because hes getting thrashed, he cant even lift his arms
from paddling so much. Alot of people will try it once, then decide its so much effort and go back to their room and watch TV, Not knowing that a little persistence and conditioning can get you to your goal.

A few kids don't give up so easy, No they are determined and every morning when the sun rises they are out there, Learning the sport. getting into harmony with nature. What I'm getting at is that the waves are the world. And you as a human are just a cog of that world. you have absolutly NO SAY. in what gos on.
The waves keep coming in, And you can fight them tell your face turns blue. But they will win no matter what. theirs no fighting the wave. You cant fight those big waves.

A surfer in his adelesent expericence knows that the waves break a certain way, They come every amount of time, He has tactics to not let the waves beat the **** out of him. When he wipes out his reflex's protect him from getting hurt. The only way you can deal with a wave is to be apart of it, harmonize with it. Except its shear power and force, and know how to harnise it. All the experience you will have surfing those waves exists in the conditioning of your mind.

You'll notice any Boss that is succesful in his quests knows how to harmonize with life! He has no intention of fighting it or trying to get his way, Because life, Like the wave will kick your all somethin fierce.. every time.

Now I want you to analyze your life situation right now, Are you fighting it? or harmonizing with it?
Are you dancing along with how the wave comes? No matter what size, shape or form? Some waves on a bad day are especialy hard to surf, They are all different, Like your daily life circumstances.

OR are you fighting it. Complaining, *****ing and moaning, dwelling on the bad things that are going on. Trying so hard to get your way. Blaming other people and letting their critisism effect you. Try going out and see if you can succesfully stop a wave of water from moving. It's impossible, like trying to control the external things going on in your life.

Conclusion: All you have in your life is how your mind operates. your inner game. As a 1st step for anyone seeking to go into the right direction is to think succesfully 1st. I really do recommend reading the secret.
Jul 26, 2012
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I must say, when I left Sosuave because the theories were making me weird, the majority of the damage was done by fanciful metaphoric posts like yours.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the language you used and the surfing analogy but metaphors have a tendency to be subject to interpretation and trying to apply the advice from figurative posts can be extremely difficult.

This was my interpretation of your post. Did I get the jist of it, Revel:
  1. Don't fight with what's happening in your present; if something bad is happening, rather than allow it to consume you, let it flow through you. In meditation one tries to clear the mind of all thoughts to gain clarity. Applying this advice, when a thought comes into the novice student's mind, simply acknowledge its presence and don't get frustrated.
  2. Learning to be successful in new areas like women can be frustrating. It requires persistence to succeed where the others will fail, but eventually, you'll flow gracefully over your obstacles. In the meantime when you're not so successful, refer to point one.
Any how, Revel, a good read. I'm not sure about those strange self-help books however haha


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2012
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I've read those 'metaphysical' books and all I can say that 'the secret' is a waterdowned, summary of everything. THERE IS A LOT MORE of metaphysics, there are far,far better books on this subject if you believe in it.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2011
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so basically I should just let go of my life ambitions and just do whatever I want?

thats what I got out of it lol, I can keep pushing for my degree but if the waves dont permit it...