Let's stop playing cat and mouse

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
In viewing another thread I have come to realize that we as a group are too into playing cat-and-mouse with these women.

We are looking for IOIs, strategizing about push-pull, and basically REACTING TO HOW SHE VIEWS US.

We approach women with FAR too much caution and attempting to interpret signs of interest.

We need to stop this reactive madness and get down to business, the way it used to be. Men are the initiators. Women are the followers.

If you like a girl, tell her you'd like to get together in a purposeful, almost business-like way. She wants you to be direct and in command. If she's not interested, fine. You have defined what you're dealing with and you now know to cut bait and fish elsewhere. If she is interested, she will jump at the chance to go out with you and she will consider you a direct, proactive man. Even the ones who indicate non-interest will respect you for approaching directly. Business-like is the key, and that goes against our instinct in gaming.

Stop the cat-and-mouse, the cautious probing. Instead, if you are attracted to her, make a plan and invite her. If she says no, go do the plan anyway without her. She is nothing more than a potential adjunct to your world.

Gentlemen, they are waiting for a direct indication of interest. This should not be a pride/ego thing. You are playing the numbers, just as men have done for eons. Every man must face rejection and try again. However, when you approach directly and tell her how it is, you will find those incidents of rejection trending downward.

It only takes a mental shift, a push of the internal reset button. You like her, you call her and tell her you'd like to see her. She says "yes" or "no". End of story. You do not invest yourself emotionally until you determine interest or lack thereof.

It's business. Your ego should not be on the line because you're only ascertaining fact instead of wondering over a period of time (wondering and dwelling on "does he like me or not" is a girl's activity).

Get out there and take care of business. :box:
Stop wasting time wondering how she feels about you. Give her a chance, and if she fails move on to the next.

You are a force to be dealt with. Go out and be a cause, not an effect.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
I was just reading the post you just saw, cut the bait.... I like this man. Got me I never look for IOIs or any of that crap. If she doesn't want to get to know you then what's the big deal? That's what I tell myself.

This needs to be read every morning before you start the day, seriously.


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2010
Reaction score
I agree. Even when in relationships we should always keep this in mind. I go by Pareto's 80/20 rule for most things in life, so 80% of the time I try and decide what we are doing and let her come up with something the other 20%. 80% leading, 20% following.

Let's be honest, women aren't that imaginative anyway. :p


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Agreed 100%. And you know what the retarded part is...that some of them find this approach so shocking and so direct, that they don't know how to take it and say 'no' to you with a "what the hell was that!?" kind of an attitude. Looks like sometimes they actually next themselves. Interesting.