Lessons From A Gigolo


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
hey! are you jacking off to the memory of this guy?

why is it taking you so long to post this story? why are you breaking it up into 5 separate posts of a paragraphs length?!

what is really going on?! :eek: :p

oOh Nasty

Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by iqqi
hey! are you jacking off to the memory of this guy?

why is it taking you so long to post this story? why are you breaking it up into 5 separate posts of a paragraphs length?!

what is really going on?! :eek: :p
he's making it up as he goes along


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by DjDreamer
What sort of friends did this guy attract? Alcoholic ones?
Many drank, many did not. Some owned homes of thier own, some did not. Some were god aweful ugly and unclean, some were honerable and respectful. What is relevant is that he made a lot of friends. How you would choose do something like this is entirely up to you. This isn't a photocopy technique, you dont need a chain wallet and a goatee. It is an observation of experience.

If you don't like it, don't pay attention to it.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2001
Reaction score
It is not made up at all, but if you don't want to believe it, than feel free not to. I can care less.

I broke it up because I have no idea when a post is cut off. Tryng to make a point through literature takes time. I'm sorry I'm not up to snuff to your post length/time standards.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wow icky what the fvck? Now you're hijacking threads to smear your **** all around?


About the story:

Very cool, it really shows the importance of social proof.

I've been making the same observations in my High School. People who know lots of others, no matter how ugly/dumb/boring, will get women.

This should be a lesson to everyone: Social Proof is important!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2001
Reaction score
M2k961, Thank you for supporting my observations with your observations. I hope this can be something that runs rampant through these threads.


You think you know what a DJ is because you read through this website. Truth is, Iqqi, a DJ is not someone you see comming. A real DJ is someone you only see going. Nothing you read here will change that for you. You know why? Because you are like the man who goes to a woman's website for answers.

You have these profound theories and have a fervor for subjects around here... this only tells me that you are a usable woman. I am suspect to believe this is exactly the reason you hang around a man's website looking for answers, because you are used and tired of it.

You want to get into the mind of those who hurt you, don't you Iqqi? I have the feeling you have a bone to pick with me, personally. Half the guys on this site rant over Pook's posts, but you don't accuse them of masturbating to his memory, now do you?

No. Just me. Why me? Because I'm everything you hate. I'm the reason you are here, looking for answers. You jump on my mispellings and post lengths because you don't know what else to do. Your only goal is to discredit me.

It'll never happen, Iqqi.
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Grey Fox

Master Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
I agree the story has its importance, wheither or not you believe it, it teaches a major lesson. An important DJ skills is to make friends. Because friends are going to be your ticket into different social circles, because friends will put in a good word for you or warn you about some Ho. You don't have to be the center of attention and you don't need 200 hundred of them, you just need good friends who are loyal and like you seek to be socially mobile. Thats what this story is about.

-Grey Fox


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Originally posted by coldcoal

you are ruining my life. you are giving me blueballs. i am lonely and cold, hense the name.

I have the feeling you have a bone to pick with me, personally.

you are picking on me, you icky b!tch!

whhhhhhyyyyyyy meeeeeeeee????? oh sticky icky, why?

No. Just me. Why me? Because I'm everything you hate. I'm the reason you are here, looking for answers. You jump on my mispellings and post lengths because you don't know what else to do. Your only goal is to discredit me.

It'll never happen, Iqqi.

coldcoal. it was just a joke. you my friend have no sense of humor! and i am not the only one who felt that this was just too easy to laugh at. why don't you respond to the male posters who laughed at you, what is your theory for them?

if i am a "DJ hater" because i laughed at you, what are they? are they also hurt by the whimsical DJ?

that is not me you described, my sensitive darling. i am too busy laughing to be plotting my revenge against DJkind. :)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2001
Reaction score
Iqqi, you have left an undeniable trail of posts that prod into getting to know what we are thinking around here. I've even responded to some of them. You lie if you say you have no interest in getting into the minds of men, and I am not suprised by that. I wasn't expecting a confession, nor do I need one.

You've nitpicked, interrupted while I was posting, disrupted my thread entirely and demeaned my recollection of a best friend of over 15 years... and I'm suppose to have a sense of humor about it?!

Who are you that I have to take all your sh*t in stride with a smile?

As far as the story, I'm going to tell you what I told the others: I don't care if you believe the story or not. I know it is most definately true.

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