Les Liasions Dangereuses: Midnight in the Garden... (Narcissus Narcosis/Sodom)

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
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Good evening ladies and gentlemen… my name is the Matrix: Reloaded and I will be your host this evening. Today, we will explore the very topic that brought many of us to this place… women. Ever since I found this site three years ago (almost), I have racked my brain attempting to figure out what exactly women want. It is said the Sigmund Freud attempted to answer this question all the way until his death. I decided to undertake this task and for awhile it proved to be an unsuccessful attempt. I even took it upon myself to research women and even talk to many about this very topic… I got close to finding an answer, but alas still no real answer. This is where this post comes in. No… I have not been able to completely determine “what women want” however, I have been able to determine a lot of things about women… which I will share with you now.

However, I must warn you gentlemen. A lot of what you may hear, you may not want to. So… to those readers with high moral standards, and values… you may not want to read this. To those who do read… welcome to the Garden of Good and Evil.

The Myth:
What interesting creatures both men and women are. One thing that I find interesting about humans as a whole is that we seem to find some interesting pleasure in delusion. The truth is often a tough pill to swallow and it appears as though men have had a difficult time swallowing that pill for far too long. We constantly view women in this delusional spectrum… shielding our eyes from the truth. Allow me to explain…

The Slut Complex: When all else fails… blame it on “Music Television.” Music Television is always responsible for everything that has gone wrong in our generation (which is bull**** certainly). When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot up their school, it was Marilyn Manson’s fault (Although I cannot help but wonder how their parents never knew of the kids possessing high powered firearms and low grade explosives). Moreover, Music Television is responsible for creating all of the “sluts/*****s/skanks” that we have walking around. Many men beg the question, “Where have all of the good women gone?” However, if men really knew where those women went… their jaws would hit the ground.

Madonna/***** Complex: Yes… a man’s ultimate dream (Also known as, “The Girl Next Door”). It is believed that the male gender develops some sort of complex between late childhood and early adolescence. The male sees his mother as a paragon of chastity and virtue, possessing high moral standards. Then… somewhere down the line, the male discovers his inclination towards women. He begins to find women sexy, and appealing. This does not coincide with the views of the first woman he has ever met… his mother. This is where the Madonna/***** complex develops. The male then (once he grows up) wants to have this perfect situation… silly rabbits.

Bisexuality… and House ideals: Sigmund Freud believed that the Id (a part of the subconscious network along with the Superego and the Ego) was inherently bisexual. However, due to societal pressures and the like… sexuality (atypically heterosexuality) is chosen. This however, does not mean that the bisexual desire goes away… it is merely repressed. Now whether it is true or not, is another topic within itself… however, I use that example to illustrate a phenomenon that I have noticed in women and have given some thought. Another delusion of grandeur that many men enjoy participating in is those “housewife” ideals that existed throughout most of society. These archaic thought processes have been overshadowed by a feminist movement. Women are excelling at many of the jobs that were predominantly held by men. I recently read an article about “stay at home fathers,” the media has become more and more female dominated by the second. It appears women have caught up gentlemen… but for some reason we have not received this memo.

These are the myths that I will continue to discuss and hopefully accurately dispel in the second part of this epic composition.

I want you to read the following, taken from a thread I posted in earlier. The following will set the precedent for the second part of this composition.

“In my opinion... sexuality has been distorted throughout history period. I have been reading a lot of classical stories lately (many of them about men and women... like Les Liaisons Dangerueses, Don Juan, Pride and Prejudice... just to name a few) Sexuality was the same then as it is now... there is only one major difference... men held all of the overt power. Women could not vote, own property, for a long time get an education... any of that. But take all of that away for a second... you would see there is not much difference. Honestly... if Ovid, Casanova, and others existed now (which they do)... we would laugh in their faces.

Casanova incessantly pursued the same woman until he got her. I read about other "seducers" of those time periods who would write a woman a letter every day until she fell for him... these things we would consider unacceptable behavior... and now women do too. Men have always chumps to women. Josephine Bonaparte dominated one of the baddest men in history... Napoleon. While Cleopatra was seducing Julius Caesar (and later Mark Anthony), Rome was falling apart. Both Casanova and Nietzsche were never the same after they were heart broken by only one woman... one woman.

In sociology class... I learned something interesting: we witness violent acts on television 64% of the time. Americans actually experience violence acts less than 1% of time. What we learned basically in that class was that violence is depicted on television almost three times more than it actually occurs... I think the same thing applies to sex. We still have those same "morals" and "values" that we have had throughout history (especially from most of the people I have talked to) it is just that scarlet letters are not permissible and divorce has become legal. Also... "Sex" is just as "loose" as in was throughout history. Prostitution is not anything new. Orgies (see Sodom and Gomorrah, the Chinese "Floating World" and others), group sex, swinger sex, homosexuality (King James... the author of the "King James Version" of the Bible was bisexual. There is even talk of homosexuality in the Bible) and all of the rest of it has been performed throughout history... for some reason however... it is simply overlooked.”

The Matrix: Reloaded's post in "Society and Sexual Distortion" created by Senor Fingers.

The Rules... Have Changed


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
I'm really proud you researched as much as you did and compiled this post. He makes great points, and some of these issues I've heard before in school and other places, but he really puts it togethor to make his point.

You say the media is to blame for the stereotypes women have 'become', and I see that in some aspects, but I also believe that the "good girl next door" itself is a myth, and that no such women exist. However, I totally believe that the media is 75% to blame for the existance of AFC's. Think about it, they see a chick flick, they emulate the guys in it. They watch movies and try to reproduce what they see in it. They watch television shows and read romance novels and after all this exposure, they believe that what they have seen is the key. The other 25% comes from asking other girls for help with getting a date, which is always a no-no. "Suzy, I'm really interested in Kate, what should I do?" the answer is always the wrong one.

TM:R presents another great post. Even those who he warns not to read, I strongly reccomend they do. Realization of the truth is something they will have to accept at one point or another.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
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R/J... I do not believe the media is to blame.... but I will address that in a second (writing the second part of the thread in another window)

The Rules... Have Changed


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2004
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Id have to agree with matrix, yes the media does give us the idea that we can get girls by being AFC, but as history shows men have been afc's all throught history. Im not well educated in psychology but i believe that we learn to be afc around the same time we can distinguish from good and evil. In our heads friendly/like= being nice and hate/dislike= being mean so with that and the help from parents and what we witness by other people in real life (mostly adults) we begin to think that is how you get girls. I bet if you found some guy who never read any books or watched tv or radio he would still be nice to the first attractive girl he met. Now that women are becoming more equal/outspoken/dominant they have more of a choice as to what they want. In history marrige seemed to be more based on finding someone that could provide for you basic needs of survival and if he could do that then the guy was a keeper, but now women can support themselves and we now realise that we cant get them by being chumps anymore. Girls still subcontiously want to be dominated by men, so now that they dont need us to support them they look at the other dominating traits such as confidence ect...

Thats my rant hope it has some good points to it.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2003
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I don't know if Iam getting all of this, but what you are saying is "there is nothing new under the sun."


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA
Originally posted by Bombshell
I bet if you found some guy who never read any books or watched tv or radio he would still be nice to the first attractive girl he met.
There is nothing wrong with being pleasant. There is a different between a pleasant person to be around and an AFC chump who makes the girl uncomfortable with his pathetic love letters and proclamations of attraction.


I like where you are heading with this post. I think one of the major problems with "DJ's" is that so much of the emphasis is placed on women. Casanova, and others you mention are nothing more than a succesful AFC.

there was a quote in someones signature, it went something like this...

HB: "But..I seduced you!
SexPDX: "That was the point"

The point is, women arent to be seduced, YOU are.

"Mother" - aka "Amina/Animus" complex. The part of your psyche which is the opposite gender of you. It developed from your first experiences with woman, as well as the evolutionary formations of the biological brain in relation to mans experience with woman, overall.

You compare a potential mate with your anima(animus for ladies).

The problem with mother-developed preconceptions about women is that most mothers aren't sexually active in front of their sons.

In fact the very thought of my mom having sex sickens the **** out of me...and this is the woman I base my taste for women on?

I think child raising is very important to changing mens future views on women, and the most important step is to help the young male realize women ARE sexual creatures.

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its
opponents and making them see the light, but rather because
its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up
that is familiar with the idea from the beginning."

Max Plank
Nobel physicist

Out of all the girls I know, I am willing to bet that about 95% of them are complete sluts, if given the chance of course :) (but then again, who isnt?)

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
I think we're all wasting our times, being online...

I used to love computers... so much. I was your typical nerd.

I hate computers... I suggest you limit their use as much as possible.

Ridding yourself of them is unrealistic... but they are of very little good to you.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
What I see in these music videos are tough 'boy' images of men. Like all these gangsta wannabes who show up in tv are just out their to get money, and they promote their image and people get sucked into there reality. You walk around the place, so many boys acting tough and thinking that they are superior to the society but really inside them is a little kid begging to come out. These copycats in TV try to imitate the greats of the music generation, like Tupac, Biggie all that. Now that generation was the realist generation in rapper music. They portrayed the way they lived through their songs. The risks they took to getting their was worth it for them cos they are expressing their views on life as a whole new perpective to everyone. They rapped about how they lived, ussually in ghetto areas or poor areas where they only had themselves and friends to really survive. Not any of this bull**** TV cos they could not afford it, so the only interaction was their own environment.
Aspiring rappers from the suberbia, where immediately inspired as they have not experience a life like that before, so they TRY to imitate and act tough. So really the inner DJ in each and every one of us is in a way suppressed, brainwashed by this new media. People who do not believe any crap from the TV are the way to go, it stunts healthy growth if you believe and is controlled by the media.
The law that states that everyone is bi-sexual, from freuderian theory is correct. As I have experienced it, you might be thinking as man to man sex which is quite immoral and virtueless, but it is upto the individual as it is their choice, but ruins the society as no further offspring is reproduced and STDs would be on the high. This bi-sexual urge is I believe: LOVE. Unconidtional love of the human race and the environment, apreciate everything in life. Love to everyone not just for women but for men as well. What the singer from Nirvana ment in one of is songs quoting
" Everyones gay " he ment everyone had this love and devotion to each other in his oppinion, they are designed to treat each other with love and respect. Which will in turn make everyone happy. Gay = Happy btw, but somewhere down the line in history this word got corrupted by people who could not sense love. Its not that everyone is born as an AFC, but rather everyone who is born in this time and age who still alive is born to feel emptyand incontent(dis?) with their lives, they just gotta find something to make them feel happy, which I believe is the four letter word.
{L O V E}.