Lazy Americans


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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No wonder everybody so goddamned broke.



Course, I'd spend over 8 hours a day sleeping and over 5 hours a day on leisure if I was getting a fat welfare check.


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
very funny.

work is more like 10 hours a day, even on weekends, due to having to run around to buy stuff, deal with some bs form of gov't, pay bills, fix the car or the computer, etc. everything that you need to do is at least 10 miles away, and in opposite directions.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Americans would work more if there were jobs that actually paid a living wage.

And those stats are conservative think tank propaganda designed to make everyone hate poor people and therefore support cuts in social programs that benefit the poor.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
If you think poor, act poor, make poor choices, make poor decisions, and do poor things, you will end up poor and stay poor, perhaps for generations. It is a vicious cycle. :(

Its no secret (if you pay attention) that our institutions victimize the poor, offering them the worst deals on the grounds that they are "credit risks" . So they end up paying more than everyone else for basic necessities.

There are poor people who are basically very decent people who are just not very bright and will never earn enough money. And unless they marshal their resources very carefully, they will be exploited mercilessly.. and no one deserves that.

HOWEVER, if you try to "help the poor" they often will resist your best efforts. The owner of the "Payday Loan" spot isn't going to shout you down when you point out he is basically a crook. NOPE.. it'll be his customers who will defend him. They view the finance company as their friend. They are convinced that the path to riches lies in debt and credit cards and credit score. That if only you can play this debt game the banks have created, you can end up "winning" in the end. :crackup: :crackup:

WRONG. Debt is slavery and few people really know how to use it properly to "get rich" as 2008 shows us.

Rich people know this and they are the one's whose money you are borrowing. They make lots of dough off the poor, and today they make even more off the middle class.

We can't really help the poor and its sad. They are not very bright and are not going to wake up one morning and say, "Hmmm, maybe if I didn't commute to work in a giant 10 mpg pickup truck, spend every last penny on booze, drugs, and tattoos, and drive like a maniac and pay top dollar for car insurance, I might actually get ahead in the life!"

NOPE, they'll never do that. They are convinced they are right, so they will fly a giant American flag from the back of their truck and say it is Obama's fault (or whoever is President) that gas and cigarettes cost so much and then vote for a guy who supervised the dismantling of their place of work and laid them off and destroyed their parent's pension plan.

The poor are just that dumb. :trouble:


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
Bible_Belt said:
Americans would work more if there were jobs that actually paid a living wage.

And those stats are conservative think tank propaganda designed to make everyone hate poor people and therefore support cuts in social programs that benefit the poor.
Gonna disagree Bible.

There are people in this country who sign checks, and those who are happy to simply endorse them.

I have first hand knowledge with the outright fraud in medicaid and medicare. Makes my toes curl when I see it. Especially when I receive my paycheck.

Don't get me wrong. I believe in safety nets for those less fortunate but, people should wise up. If you don't want a minimum wage job, obtain your skills, education and step it the fvck up. Stop relying on Obama money and Obama benefits.

Where did 17 trillion in national debt debt come from? Wars (that I was not in favor of)? Yep. Out of control freebee social programs? Bingo.

Here is an example. I pay health insurance premiums. My insurance has deductibles and co-pays. Ain't cheap. Then you get some drug addicted medicaid loser who moans and cries about his ailments, goes to the ER on my tax dime to get his hydrocodone to fvck himself up. He pays no premiums, has no deductibles nor a co-pay. All the while I sit here and pay my taxes to fund a bunch of doctor shopping, welfare addicted losers.

Sorry for the rant but ain't fair. Socialism at it's best.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Bible_Belt said:
Americans would work more if there were jobs that actually paid a living wage.
You act like everyone is owed a living. You live off what you can earn. Give an employer a reason to create a job for you and he will. He's looking at money, not holding the poor man down.

Bible_Belt said:
And those stats are conservative think tank propaganda designed to make everyone hate poor people and therefore support cuts in social programs that benefit the poor.
Eh, what? You have lost your mind. Not sure what happened to you, but you're going full-on lib-tard lately. Those social programs don't benefit the poor, they make them worse.

Espi said:
The CEO's and politicians of this crooked American Empire have left the country in droves over the past 20 years...companies like Bank of America, Nike, etc., (and these are just 2 of many, many companies that have jumped ship and abandoned their so-called "American roots" for places like India, China, and Malaysia). These 3rd-world countries are fantastic places if you're part of the American aristocracy.

Guys like Phil Knight (Nike CEO) and Kenneth Davis (Bank of America CEO) are the TRUE terrorists of this world, in my opinion...they are frontiers of turning their back on America and opting for Chinese and Indian slave labor-- and they are responsible for paying off the 3rd-world governments in exchange for allowing deplorable working conditions (Google "400 workers die in Malaysian factory"; also Google "FoxCon suicide nets").

If they shouldn't be shot in the face for those atrocious crimes, then you have no conscience. You're too busy admiring these corporate fvucks while blaming "lazy American workers." I admit...there are some trashy people out there who don't wanna work...sometimes, I don't blame them. I'd rather put a bullet through my fvucking head than flip burgers or be a telemarketer.

But, in my opinion, guys like Phil Knight and Kenneth Davis should be tried and hanged for the murder of a nation...and I'm not my mind THEY are the ones who are mainly responsible for the high unemployment rate. They manufacture their products for peanuts while inundating the American public with bullshiat commercials about how supposedly pro-American they are. What a crock of shiat.

Did you know that in 1997, nearly 50% of clothing was still manufactured in America? These days, it's less than 10%...and I read that just a few months ago. The rate at which these companies are hopping ship and moving to China, it's probably less than 5% now.

When's the last time you've seen ANYTHING manufactured in America?

And people biatch and complain about "lazy" American workers??? Ha!

Basically, if you don't come from the middle American class, you're fvucked.

And even if you DO come from an educated, white American family, you're likely gonna amass hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt just to get a so-called "college education." You'll never get ahead--and this is EXACTLY how guys like Phil Knight and Ken Davis prefer it. They just want the masses to stay stupid, watch their bullshiat commercials, and pay $150.00 for a pair of freaking tennis shoes than cost peanuts to produce.

There's little hope for America these days...and most of the young people in America know it.

When you take all the fvucking jobs and sell out your country to China and India, why would you expect the unemployment numbers to go down? Why would you expect things to get better?
It's all about how you look at it. They are bringing in money for America, they are just paying it to the people who work on their planes/boats/etc. It's not their fault that other countries have the rules they do. They may be paying them off, I don't know. I don't see how they could have that much power.

And you can't blame people who take advantage of others' stupidity. That's the great thing about this country, we all are free to make our own choices. If you choose being stupid, maybe you deserve what you get.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Danger said:
There is not propaganda there. Just the facts.
You're missing the definition of "propaganda." It does not mean "untrue." Good propaganda is littered with facts and true statistics. What makes it propaganda is that it was crafted to lead you to a specific conclusion. And the more that you want to believe what the propaganda wants you to believe, the better it works.

The con in "con man" stands for confidence, and that is what anyone who is going to trick you is going to build up first. The great trick at work here is genuinely wealthy people convincing poor people that they too are wealthy, and therefore must advance the interests of the rich. Build up their confidence, give them an enemy to hate, and it's not hard to get people to do what you want.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Espi said:
And even if you DO come from an educated, white American family, you're likely gonna amass hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt just to get a so-called "college education." You'll never get ahead--and this is EXACTLY how guys like Phil Knight and Ken Davis prefer it. They just want the masses to stay stupid, watch their bullshiat commercials, and pay $150.00 for a pair of freaking tennis shoes than cost peanuts to produce.

There's little hope for America these days...and most of the young people in America know it.

When you take all the fvucking jobs and sell out your country to China and India, why would you expect the unemployment numbers to go down? Why would you expect things to get better?
Yep.. and this is why we will continue to see the American standard of living degrade, birth rates of middle and upper class decrease, and expansion of the wealth gap between rich and poor.

You make good points but 100% of the blame doesn't go in any one direction. Its a combination of corrupt politicians, corrupt business AND ignorant Americans.

Its one thing to get in debt for a college education, but how about the hordes of people who get into debt trying to "live up to the Joneses"? They buy new cars, designer clothes and other shiny consumer goods. They shop at Whole Foods. They always have the newest smart phone. Then they complain how they're broke and can't pay their bills. :crackup: :crackup:

Come on man...

If more people used basic common sense and stopped allowing emotional thinking to lure them into d!ck measuring contests with others... they'd be better off. Stop trying to show off and instead.. do what's in your best interest.

Did the rich take our money or did we willingly give it to them??


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
farmers and corporations are by far the biggest welfare recipients. if they had to do without gov't intervention, 90 % would go bankrupt. it's the fvcking ELECTED politicians, who don't TAX THE FVCK out of companies who left here who really let the country go to hell. use the funds to fix other problems. companies get the word that they won't be any more competitive by leaving, they'll stay. of course, we need to get rid of 90% of our military and spy expenses, seal the southern border, get rid of 30 million illegals, many other things.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
It's big farmers and food mega-corps that get almost all the farm welfare. Small farmers really don't get much. There are a few programs, like crop insurance. I could also get the government to give me a fat check for the last greenhouse I built, but it's not worth the red tape and inspection bs.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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Burroughs said:
I really enjoyed watching that, thanks for posting.

The sorry part is that they're actually pretty typical. Can't tell you how many self-important assh0les I've worked for, been a customer of, been a tenant of, or known personally, who played at busy-ness.

Does America really need an Old Town Scottsdale? Or an upscale bakery slash Italian restaurant designed to grab tourist dollars at midday and early evening? There's an upper track of welfare, and this couple is on it. Sad that so many otherwise informed men buy into the myth that the self-engrossing mediocracy is a sign of a robust "middle class."


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
we have not had a middle class since the 70's. The war in nam killed it off.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
I don't get why Americans don't just move elsewhere if the economy is so bad.

One of the reasons I chose to live in Alberta is because its peaceful, beautiful (in the summer!) and we have one of the most robust economies of the developed world. I live in an upper middle-class neighborhood and my neighbor has a Lamborghini, and a couple of porsches... Its nothing here to make 6 figures. Hell, I've never made less than 6 figures since I finished my program. Its not even like I have a crazy impressive job or anything.

Check out this article on the economy and income in Alberta:

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Espi said:
"Bringing money into America"??? Are you for freaking real, speed dawg?

Cause when I talk to people, they definitely ain't getting getting any richer. Except for the CEO's, of course. Their salaries keep going up...while the average workingman's salary goes down. More people than ever now are expected to do more and get paid less.

In fact, most people that I talk to...middle class know, the ones who used to epitomize the "American Dream?...they're WORSE off than, say, 10 years ago. In fact, I've NEVER seen so many people struggling go to the grocery store, and everything is so fvucking insurance? forget about it...through the insurance? what a fvucking expensive scam that is...yet, all this money coming in from the CEO's...LOL. Whatever.

I get the feeling that you come from money, speed dawg...and I'm not faulting you for that...hell...I wish my family had money...but I just hate the ignorance exhibited by so many folks who are upper-middle-class to wealthy. Many of them have no clue because they've never worried about money.
Its more complex than that. Consider the current iPhone 5. If they were manufactured in the U.S. they would cost around $14,000 each!!

In any situation of economic stress, many will try to externalize their own problems as being the fault of someone else.

Like I said earlier in this thread... a lot of the poor just make bad decisions out of ignorance. And of course.. no matter what happens.. some people will always fall to the bottom. There is no avoiding that unfortunately.

Still.. for many people its their own bad choices.. d!ck measuring, showing off and trying to live up to the Joneses. Someone foreclose on your home? Well it has nothing to do with the fact you signed loan docs that you could never, ever repay. It has nothing to do with the fact you lost your job. NOPE.. it had to be some "Wall-Street Azz-Clown" behind the whole deal. In debt up to your neck with student loans? Not your fault, of course. Someone put a gun to your head and said "sign here" and again, it was those "Wall Street azz clowns" and corrupt CEO's who were behind it all. :yes:

Also.. whose fault is it that people get laid off? IF you have obsolete job skills, are overpaid, and don't bother to save a penny for the inevitable day your company finally goes belly-up, whose fault is that? Obama and the rich 1%?

But no one is about to give up their $600 LCD TV (made in China) or their $10,000 Toyota anytime soon, are they?

Often the "greedy" ones are the people shopping at Wal-Mart wanting more products for less money. And they are getting just that.

Look back historically at prices of even simple consumer goods. Back in 1975 a 25" RCA Colortrak (the State of the art) was over $500. Today, that $500 would be about $1575, and it would buy THREE flat screen LCD sets with better resolution and a larger screen size, and leave some change left over.

Few people, if given the choice, would be willing to pay union wages for a "U.S.-made" television, particularly if it cost 2-3 times as much as a foreign make (and trust me, it would, and it would break in a week).

Just providing perspective here. Its a complex issue. You can't control what Obama and CEO's do.. but you can control what YOU do. People seem to forget that.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Espi said:
You're right: we've become mired in materialism. On any Sunday afternoon, you'll find more people d1cking around in shopping malls than all of your local area churches COMBINED. That says a lot to me about the direction and priorities of America. Remember when stores used to close on Sundays?

And I'm not religious at all, by the way. I'm agnostic...

But let me ask you this: why wouldn't people be materialistic? Doesn't it make sense? Turn on your TV and you're inundated with messages...every single one
of those messages has the same core objective: appeal to a person's physical or emotional need...and then suggest a solution to that need.

Got acne and want to fvuck the girl? You're ugly...unless you use Proactiv...
Got low testosterone? you're not a man...unless you buy Viagra or take Testosterone Replacement Therapy...

I see the commercials. They're all ABOUT suggesting how to keep up with the Joneses.

Look at the proliferation of prescription drug commercials the past 15 years...companies like Pfizer, Merck, manipulating people into thinking that there's an affliction for EVERYTHING..."restless leg syndrome" are you freaking kidding me???

Turn on CBS national nightly news at 630 this evening and you'll view tons of drug commercials during that right after the other...nothing but prescription drug and over-the-counter drug commercials.

Now, look at how many people die every year from prescription drug overdoses...don't you think that those commercials have something to with it?
Of course! TV is a tool for herding sheep.

One interesting think about TV and the movies is how they portray the lives of "normal Americans". In movies and TV, we all have brand new cars, and not cheap ones, and live in fabulous homes or fancy apartments with nice views of the city. Often in expensive neighborhoods, on the salary of a secretary or a cop.

The only exception to this rule, is when they want to make someone look "poor". Then they show the person driving a car similar to the crap most people drive.. cars over five years old. :crackup:

Of course, part of this is because automakers sponsor TV shows and want to showcase their cars. Right there, that should get you thinking.. you are being marketed to, and the automakers want to sell you on the idea that it is "normal" to buy a new car every few years or every year. :yes:

Another example is how most people are depicted as dining out in restaurants and bars a lot. They never seem to be concerned about the cost. In fact, on most shows, people don't seem to worry about money at all - unlike in real life.

TV is a tool for herding sheep. Think for yourself people.. ALWAYS.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Fuglydude said:
I don't get why Americans don't just move elsewhere if the economy is so bad.

One of the reasons I chose to live in Alberta is because its peaceful, beautiful (in the summer!) and we have one of the most robust economies of the developed world. I live in an upper middle-class neighborhood and my neighbor has a Lamborghini, and a couple of porsches... Its nothing here to make 6 figures. Hell, I've never made less than 6 figures since I finished my program. Its not even like I have a crazy impressive job or anything.

Check out this article on the economy and income in Alberta:
Most people don't want to leave what they know. Heck I will even admit it would be a big move to ship up to a place at age 30 and start all over. Further, starting a new entry level job or worse going into debt to pay school doesn't seem worth it. While these instances are specific to me, I am sure many others have sediments like it. Most people dislike moving in general unless they are from a military background where they are used to it.

right now I am closing in on a high 5 low 6 figure job myself in an affordable part of the states. Its okay, but not perfect. however if you don't have work, or a ****ty job , the USA is not a good place to be. Our economy is still a low wage economy and even good professions aren't doing as well as they once did.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
The secret is to live WELL below your means. Owning a home is a great way to do that. I own a few already and we earn a bit of money off of them...not a great deal mind you but enough to live without too much worry. We are notoriously cheap though.

The other thing is to follow the money trail. Its flowing out of America and into China... Chinese are flowing back into America and buying stuff up. If you are smart, you'll look for ways to cater to the uber-rich Chinese who are immigrating to the USA and attending all the colleges out there. The fact of the matter is that 20 years ago the USA made CHINA rich. There is now the opportunity for Americans to take some of that money back... not all of it but a bit. Chinese... rich Chinese are putting their kids into college in America like mad. Also Chinese are buying up property all over America. China has become the number 1 Investor in American properties. And what do you think Chinese are going to do once they own those houses? Colonize.

So there is money coming back to America, and if you know how its coming you stand to make a bit of profit. Manufacturing ain't returning, tourism is.
The second thing you can do is watch where the money is going (now out of China) and go and setup business there. How to do that? Use what SOSUAVE offers, use your pickup skills. Meet women, marry them, citizenship to wherever and setup shop there.

Why Americans are so obsessed with marrying other Americans, I will never understand. There is simply no advantage to marrying in your own country, let alone your own race. If you marry from abroad, you acquire, citizenship and likely use of another language to access markets and jobs that would have been previously off limits to a single person. China is just one of those places, but I believe now, cheap manufacturing is moving to Vietnam and Malaysia.... so you would be wise to pursue those avenues at this time.

YES most of America is fvcked but YOU don't have to be. Marriage is an international concept and widely understood among all races. Use it to your advantage.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Espi said:
Hey Fug Canada definitely has its shiat guys have more registered gun owners per capita than the US, yet gun violence is virtually unheard of in your country.

But I'm thinking the reason your area does so well is because you guys have oil in Alberta...

It's kind of like the American equivalent of Midland TX...EVERYONE in Midland has starts at the top with the oil guys...and then the guys who work for the oil guys...then the guys who service the oil guys (ie plumbers, electricians, restaurants, etc. etc.). the reason the oil guys are so rich these days is because they're charging on average $3.50 a gallon for gas...which is a crime, in my opinion. Extortion.

But most of the time you have to KNOW people to make 6 figures...or, like yourself, you have to bust your azz.

It's not easy. Very few people on this entire planet have EVER made six-figures. Just not gonna happen. At the end of the day, somebody's gotta flip burgers.

Personally, what's happening in the states right now, is that people are losing hope at having a shot at making good money...or just money enough to live...there's a sense that the income gap between rich and poor is widening by the day...a college education here is so inflated, what with everyone and their brother now able to get a bachelor's degree. Everyone has a degree now yet only a pile of debt to show for it.

Hell, it's so easy to get into college now...they have these "online campuses" where even a single woman with 3 children is told that she qualify for a degree. Poof! Easy! College SHOULD NOT be should be for a select few who have worked hard to EARN their spot.

But The hardest part of a college education actually comes AFTER you get the degree...most of these kids today graduating from these money-mill institutions have tons of debt and no prospects. They'll be lucky to get a job, let alone one that pays a decent wage.

So essentially, we are a nation of materialists who have been hoodwinked into debting ourselves. We're told that we NEED to own homes and NEED college degrees. All bullshiat of course...but people continue to believe it.

It's sad. But true.
Espi, I'd hardly say we have our shiit together man... Our government is incompetent, corrupt and has minimal accountability when it comes to fiscal mismanagement. I work in a publically funded healthcare system, and although the quality of care is good, there's so much money that's wasted...I'd imagine other areas of government is the same. Our saving grace in Canada is lots of natural resources, low population, political stability and tighter fiscal litigation/regulations on banks to prevent the catastrophic mortgage/debt crisis that the US had to deal with in 2008.

You're definitely right about the oil money in Alberta. And be happy you're paying 3.50 per gallon. Our current gas price up here (even though we have huge oil sands reserves) is 1.22/L for regular... that works out to something like $4.5 or more per gallon!!

I wouldn't say I bust my ass man... I know working in critical care can seem high stress/hard, etc, but its actually a pretty easy job. Hardest part of the job is showing up! The stuff with my business can be pretty tough, but its very mind less physical work, and again, not what I would consider hard. A lot of the docs I work with, especially the residents in general surg or the surgical subspecialties work hard. 80-90+ hours a week w/o any post-call days off... that's tough... All while having to know your Shiit inside out and getting treated like crap by your superiors. I don't understand how people whine and complain about having "hard jobs" when they work regular hours in an office and don't have to work on-call, and don't have to deal with life and death emergency situations on a regular basis...

I agree about the education thing... My company bills out at anywhere from $35-60+/hour for doing site maintenance work for condos/commercial sites. I'm talking lawn maintenance/snow removal, etc... Anyone who can operate light equipment can do this job. Basically, anyone with a grade 8 education, haha... We pay $16-25/hour for summer work, and our subcontractors typically make atleast $40/hour in the winter months, but usually closer to $60/hour or more!! Its shiiity work, don't get me wrong, but I think we pay pretty good wages. Post secondary education in weird stuff like philosophy, English, etc. has no value in Alberta!! I still have around 7-8k in student loans that I'm chipping away at... I wasted many years in university that I should have spent working.

I definitely agree with the materialism thing...Its weird and sick if you ask me. Using cars as an example: I've owned vehicles for the past 11 years (since I was 20), and collectively my vehicles have cost me around $10k combined... I currently drive the JDM equivalent of a lexus LS400 with under 70000 miles on it... ya its a bit older, but its still a decent vehicle for getting me around. I don't understand why people get car loans... why pay interest for something that's gonna start depreciating immediately? Its absurd how someone making 50k/year will go out and buy a $30-40k vehicle. My current vehicle cost me under 5k, and I'm making low 6-figures. Clothes are another thing... Why pay $200 for a pair of jeans, when you can get the same thing, albeit gently used at a thrift shop? I LOVE shopping at thrift shops.

One of the things I've always said is that unbridled materialism combined w/ mass media is fundamentally apocalyptic simply based on the scarcity of resources.

K, I'm done ranting haha!