KuloWipers Boot Camp


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Sup guys I oved the thred from the original location from http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showth...5&perpage=20&highlight=bootcamp&pagenumber=10
I couldn't find week #2.

Here is what has gone so far

Wassup guys I know Ima little bit oo late on the Don Juan BootCamp (lol 4 weeks late) but, I really want to get this part of my life handled I already tried the Boot Camp once but, I gave up on the Rejections. This time, I am giong to develop a positive attitude towards approaching women. Lol, I am going to be the next Wladen on this forum. I know the full power of this bootCamp but if I can run 13.2 miles in 2:01:50 I know that I cannot be scared to talk to
a women and i can do anything. I also Throuhgout the bootCamp process I want to get rid of my One-itis problem. I am a 17 year old but I can go for a 19 year old person. let the pimpin go on.

So lets call this Day 1 for me, Friday 16th of December

Userame + Kuloper
AIM + Kulowiper

Don't hesitate to ask any questions if you need to. Your progress will be accessed by the senior DJs here and constructive feedback will be available to you.

On behalf of the bootcamp participants, welcome aboard soldier.

On Sat I got 10 Hellos while running and 5 eye contact while on my daily run. Its pretty easy to get hi's while your working out, now I wil Have to work on it on an socila enviroment by the stage of mere Mortals Ahhhh!!!!!!!

Hi 12
EC 6
Sunday i didnt do ****
Now Ima try to EC Women Only. Succes is never easy but fuvk it. Depend, How bad do you really want it LOL. I also, today went to go get Job applications I said hello to a few Owners to whom I had to get a job application from. Also, this one guy in the bus just statrted talking to me and his one other person. I wanted to be just liek him the fearleess person that doenst give **** about what somebody thinks about them inside the bus and start a convo with anyone, ohh wait that's me LOL I thought he was crazy for just walking in and starting talking to somene that he never met before.
Hi 17
EC 13
Today I took the initiavitive on using a flascard with the total # of hi's and EC i have achieved so far. I walking by and for some weird reason I started EC the poeple ou ton the street. I started to think " I better make those numbers in the flascard increase." I went to the DMV and I started takling to some guy ini the DMV. I noticed that everyone ignores each other. Its like everytone is living in their own world. It looked that like everyone was quiet, no wonder poeple get so bored its beacuse they dont take the initiative to take a risk. Also, I use the bus often, any good openers to get a convo starting? Im going to the mall righ now to increase my EC and maybe a few Hellos. What can I lose by just staring in the eyes of a few people a couple teeth? LOL I have nothing to lose, but everything Gain. Ima leave now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, say Hi to a complete stranger in the street, think about it, Are you going to see him, her again?
13 EC
Hi 21

Hahaha.. I talked with someone on the bus today. Maybe it was me! Heh, just a chat about music and shook hands when it was his stop.

I think I intiated with "So do you study? Isn't it summer break?"

Naw he started asking How do U say Pirahhan in Spanish
On Tuesday Whne I was going to go the mall LOl I didn actually go to the mall I went to the park then to the Univertsity. A university is situated where I live so Ima go pimp it ove there even though Im still im high shool. I manage to get a lot of EC. I learned alot on tueday, is that people mimic the expression of your face if you are EC them. If you avoid them. they avoid you, if you smile at them, htey smile at you and so on. I figured out I was just staring at them beacuse all I could seeis an expressionless face.LOl I have to smile AHHHHHH Now IM ago try to go say Hi !!!!! in a store enviroment so when I see that cutie ima say hi to herLOl and I never went to mall NEXT TIME the mall
EC 23
today i didndt do a lot of EC or his I managed to get a few. I clean houses for a living, sure I said hI to the owners of the houses but I didnt count those. It was too easy so I didnt include those. OMG today I went to go clean so me women house and she had 2 HB doughters and two fo her 2 friends. I think I saw my first 9. I was at a loss for words and actions when I was cleaning near them. It is true what pook said all they do is talk talk tlak mostly about guys on how they didnt take any chances with them. what a sad life just talking about other peole and not taking any action Good thing I have a **** or else I wouold have been like them I want to get rid of this part of me. Im trying to end my destructive habits. No more porno for me Ahh. I did manage to get 2 his and two EC out of somepoeple on the street. For some weird reason now, I tend know to stare or look at the eyes of a peson, not just glance at them and move on. Tommorow is goignt o be judgement day for me 25 his and 25 EC's. EC will ewasy for me beacuse you dont have to say nothing but the Hi's. I guess I am going to have to pull out my 10 in **** like in boileroom and not give a Fvuck when I say Hi, then leave in a Mall and store enviroment.
EC 25
Hi 25
My dad wants me to go to work with him. I don't knowIf I go to wotk with him I am have to pull In double duty at night. I t depends how bad you really want something and you have to sacrifice some things in order toi get what you want. I can do this Im am not going to fail this shot again. There are two types of people: poeple who complain but never o anything about it, or poeple that find their weakneess and do something about it. I am the second person, so am I goign to say "No I cant do to work dad I have school work", which in reality this is "school on seducing women." Its in the mornong right now so Il report at night time or tommorow. Also, I had a convo with this one guy in the morning which brings the tally at. Also, form my experience I concluded that EC is important because it denotes to teh person receiveng EC " I am interested in you, I want to talk to you." Lets see what happens.....
Hi 26
EC 26

right now its the afternoon and I counqured my fear Ahh. it feels so good to get this **** over with week 2 here I come. I wen to get my hair cut and along the way when i was walking up the street I said 5 to 5 tatal strangers then I wen to get y hair sut. Dam I look sexy with my hair sut Lol. Thank God I live near a major intersection. I the intersection there is 5 major stores the target and some others. I the beggining I was beating myself mentally like a life and death situation. I was thinking what if I say this and what if I say that but, then I thought everything as a game. Since I had 20 left i made this into a game. I was going to walk into 3 major stores with saying Hi to 7 lucky people. Everytime I said Hi to those poeple it was like me destroying a boss. I thought this as I said Hi to those 7 "lucky People" lol " I better destroy the boss". Every Hi was like a bullet. I DID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Food4Less Hi 7 poeple
Target Hi 7 People
BigLots 7 people
along the way I was getting ****y and i said Hi to random poeple outside the parking Lot
I made EC too along the way also.
Hi 50
EC 50
I better get started on printing and downloading the songs for week 2 Thanks so sosuave

"One Small Step For Man, One Giant Leap For Manking"
"Baby Steps"
:D :D :D
By now I have completed Week #1 and I now say Hi to people outside. Merry Christmas World.LOL

Week #2 Day 1 12-23-05

Wassup guys its Kulowiper. Today I went to the mall to buy some supplement for my BB and Running. So as I was walking down the hall, I noticed ther was alot of people, Since its christmas. I made EC with many poeple it resulted in nothing. So as I was walking I saw these two chicks from school. I chitchated with them for like less than a second, maybe 20 seconds LOL. I found out what was my problem when talking to a chick, I tend to look at them and put them on the pedestals just cuz they are "female" and I am "male". Sounds weird but yeah. SO I was speed talking, just making random Bull **** in my ind and talking with my **** and not with my brain. I didn't even bother asking for the number beacuse I forget, didnd't even think of it when I was like 10 miles away(sarcastically ) LOL. Picking up a girl and asking for her number doesn't process in my brain only imagineing me fuvking the living **** out of them does.LOL As you can see I'm a funny guy. I like to make jokes. Speaking of picking up girls I saw this one guy sarging these two chicks at the GNC store and he was succesfull at aquireing their number. Here you have this chuby white man with a green shirt that knows how to get the women and here you have me , an athetic malewho beats his meat once a week. LOL I keep remindong myself that "Rome wasn't built in one day." I fiannly found someone to aspire too. Only when I was in the bus did i think to myself to go talk to him on how he is not scared to pick up women. It's all about the mind as I remember.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I figured out taht you can look like Bradd Pitt and never get approached by a women. I could type alot of **** but as I learned it can't beat
EXPERIENCE. So go live, if you drive a car, take the buss. You will se more poele and you will get more opportunitites to talk to diff.. people. Liek my Track & Field teacher said is that " You can only motivate yourself to do your best. I can only give you soo much information on what and not to do but I can't give you the will power to succeed and try your best." That really struck me. As I was running I relly wanted to give up and walk but I said " NOOO I a not goign to stop.!!!!!!!!!!" I didn't stop and I kept going. You have to motivate yourself to keep pushing that is why people qouted many people before them, " Pain Is Gain", " PAin is Weakness Leaving the Body." It all goes back on how really bad you really want something and what you are willing to do something.

Remember go to the MAll & Sarge Its Christmas Time:D :D


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Ahh **** my mom told me we are going to Mexico for 2 weeks. It is going to be Michocan, a mexican state located in the southern part of Mexico. They should include a Speel check option in the sosuave threads for me and for everyone.LOL sorry for my spelling errors.

Right Now 0 Conversations


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Right Now I have 2 convos LOl these are so easy in a party enviroment
I talked to this one guy outside oof the Posada. I found some interesting stuff of what he has been through, even made a freind Lol.

oN Christmas eve I talked to these two guys and girl (dind't hit on the girl cuz she was pregnant). i poened them like" Hey you guys know this one guy name ______ from _____ high school. Through that I oppened up a conversation. I learned to not be afraid of asking questions cuz you can't really have a good conversation without getting to know the other person. I got 2 so far. Their this one guy I saw at a football game on October. I chated with him for awhile, but he wasn't a total stranger. I figured that when talking to a stranger 3 emotions appear in my mind over and over again 1. Overect, 2.Place too much Emphasis in the situatuin, and I 3. intellectuallize the situation on saying the perfect thing when it7s is NOT WHAT YOU SAY BUT HOW YOU SAY IT BODY LANGUAGE


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Today, I didn't have any conversations with total strangers. I walked my dog saying Merry Christmas to total strnagers on the street and it felt good. Now, tommorow I will have to put my conversation hat on and go pimp it. I found out I ain't leavng to Mexico 'till Wednesday.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Today I had a conversation in the gym with this one guy. LOL He was training his two sons/brothers? for football. I opened him "Is it P.E time?" and a whole conversation followed LOL
Convo 3

Today I went n an mission impossible. I talked to this one guy and I opened him like I do for most of my people in the bus stop. If I see the other person at the bus top I opened them " How long have you've been waiting at t he bust Stop?' After that you let the conversation zoom from there. If the other person is bored, then the other person will start talking about themselves, then you start asking questions pertaining to the information that you have received before hand. i found out that if you take the bus, the busroute which I took today, would take me all the way to the U.S embassey. I found out that today and I was really surprised. Also you can tell if the other person is bored if the other person is reading ads from the newsppaer. Always look at the newspaper at which the person is reading, it can tell you in which language to open the other person. Also, I open another person at the bus stop also , I Love my bus stops, now i have to learn how to speak to a stranger in a store. Ohh yeah I also made a friend a BUM LOL. KOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also. this song should be included in the DJ Bootcamp it is a must downlaod.

Joe Esposito'
"You're the Best"
Convo 4


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Also, I went into my first porno store today and I started chatting up this one guy looking at porno videosLOL "they got so many videos of the same thing don't they?" Lol Isaw lots and lots of porn videos LOL My first porno store, now to go into more. I saw some weird **** for the penis.
Convo 5

scorpio king

Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
ahhhh another sarger....

keep it up man!