Kulowiper Boot Camp Week #3 05-29/06-04 2006


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Wassup Everybody so who mad it to week #3? Nobody. It is my fault also because I haven't been typing in this forum. I have shi tto do I have graduation coming up and I have to do all these assignments. What the Heck I only live once, so how hard can it be to talk to a girl I am interested in me. I she going to sting me with her venom. Humans are the only animal species without any powerful things like brute strength like the bull or poising venom like a spider. Why the Heck I only one, what the heck What would I do if i wasn't afraid to do anything?
Here is my plan all you guys officially failed. Remember, this is two steps forward and one step back still you are one step forwards than all those other cowards who have never attempted to do the Boot Camp. I wish you guys good luck and try to accomplish the Boot camp in the near future.

I have broken down my week

Monday- didn't do ****
Tuesday- read all articles pertaining to week number 3
Wednesday- talk 2 girls I would be interested in dating
thursday-talk 2 girls I would be interested in dating
Friday-talk 2 girls I would be interested in dating
Saturday- talk 2 girls I would be interested in dating
Sunday- talk 2 more girls I would be interested in dating

total girls talked to 10

Anybody else I would appreciate the comments
I will post daily on this site


Another Kool post to put things into perspective
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Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Well to day I was doing week #3 and I went to the Sherman Oaks galleria were I thought I would find lots a store where I could sarge except I found it to be a collection of stores only offering food. Ah Doesn't Mater. SO it took me like 20 minutes until I could find a person I would be interested in dating. After I saw the person I just ran my game. I have done week #3 for a lot of time so I know hat to d. I go
Me: Excuse i need your opinion, do you think my mom would like these shoes for her B-Day
And bam,m a whole conversation opens up. LOL it funny how women like shoes. They wear high heel that are 2 or 3 inches of the ground just to impress us, Men. SO don't be timid

Then I saw aHB8 a Chinese girl . That girl was hawt. I kept following her but from a distance. I even tried to use a trick I do which is "accidentally" bump into my target if you catch my drift and I say OH I'm sorry, what do you think of this? However It did not work. She was around the store like she was on a mission. SO I finally go the balls and held my **** at the same time and asked for her opinion, then when I was talking to her I realized that she was just a person, a little girl that we give pedestals just because she is "beautiful"

This is the easyiest week LOL That is a good Idea to get a partner when you are sarging because it is more support and you have more options rather than going at it alone Thanks KEN88 and Rokko and OI will meet you guys in week 8 with all of our honeys. Good night and have a good sleep guys keep thinking WOMEN WOMEN



Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Wassup yesterday i went Sarging to the local Target. I walked around the store for 2 god dam hours!! It took me two hours just to talk to two girls I was interested in dating by their looks. I walked around the store checking out the ladies. I see this one good looking girl checking out the DVDs except I didn't say nothing to her. Then I kept looking at all the fine girls and I broke my silence by talking to this girl about toothbrush. I said.

Me- What toothbrush do u recommend:
Target- the one that cost more

Then I started busting her balls for saying that It was fun.

I kept walking more for about 30 minutes and I still didn't utter a word even though I saw fine girls passing me. The I broke My silence again by asking her opinion of asking her "What kind of card do you think I should get to my brother that is graduating High School? Baa mm a whole conversation opened up. What I found out by talking to her is that people like talking about people they know who have accomplished something great. Like the person who I talked to had a sister who was getting her Master's Degree in Education and she couldn't stop talking about her LOl
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Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Any tips guys?


New Member
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Your moms house
nice man! this is my new account, im no longer ken88. And u have a sn?


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
yesterday I did my usual 2 hour walkaround the store except this time it was the mall. I walked around the mall, thenm I satrted saeein ga ll these fine girls but I couldn't open my mouth to talk to them. I walked and follewed these two girls who caught my attention then they went inside the moive threter. Dam I didn't have any money lol. SO I kept walking around untill I walked to those little stores ad I actually hd an interested conversation with a girl who lookd good. We talked for a while. I opened her with " Dam that is a nice looking poster( It was a poster that had an NBA basketball sticking out like part of it) SO i started making up horse s h i t that I actually like the watching basketball and asker her what gher fav basketball team is and It was the Miami heats. SO we kept on talking about sports untill we talked about Hockey. Hockey as I found out is a dangerous GAME!! LOL She was taking care of her freinds store so I made more hose s h i t about that one time that I was working and the supervisor came and My friend was covering up and I got in trouble. She was nice to talk to. I asked her for a Tiger WOods poster and I moved on. I never tell the thruth because I expand the thruth . LOL if you tell the truth you are viewed as boring unless something extraordinary really happened to you. LOL

Also, I talked to more girls like in the sunglases shop . I was tring on sunglasees and when I asked her " Do these Sunglasses make me look like a Rockstar.?" Then she smile in a disinterested tone so I decided to move on. I got no time if you aren not interested so I moved on NEXT! Next I wanted to start a conversation with a worker that works their except she wouldn't respond to me just pure body language. Cat got your tounge. NEXT!! That is my personality, is that I will not tolerate women who are not interested in me, I just move on. Then I walked into a store and I said hi to this cute girl and she said hi back. I walked around the store and I asked her " Which shirt do you think will look good on me?" ( their was many selections of shirts) Then I asked her " Tommorows is my Brothers Weding (hore s h i t) and we are all coordinating with the color pink. Do u have any pink shirts?" I wa tring to get out of he store luckily they had some lol . SO I tried on a few shirts and Looked around the store.




Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles