Krynnster's Guide to Internet Romance - #2


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2000
Reaction score
Westchester County, NY, USA
Chapter 2 – Your First Email

Misconception #2: "girls don't really read your first email. They simply check out your ad and then decide whether to reply".

Why is this a misconception?

Because, as mentioned in chapter 1, the high quality girls will simply not have time to read all the replies they get.

I found the first email to be the most crucial element of "online seduction". The problem is that you must make her notice your email and the trick here is to set yourself apart from the crowd.

Consider the typical formulaic email most guys send:

Subject: Hello There!

Hi InternetChick! I read your ad and I thought you were really interesting and I'd like to get to know you better. So... why don't you read my profile and write back. I'd love to hear from you soon,


Now, compare it with this one:

Subject: And now for something completely different

InternetChick is sitting in front of her computer reading through many emails of guys that seem to have only one thing on their mind. It's boring, it's repetitive and she usually just hits the "Delete" button after reading the first paragraph...

Unless she really likes it... which she does...

"Here's an interesting one" she thinks to herself as she's reading Krynnster's message. "This guy is different". She smiles, "and he thinks he can read my mind and tell me what I think". She laughs and then a new thought creeps into her mind: "I must reply... must reply... must reply..." (fadeout effect) "... must reply and find out who he is...".

Questions starts running through her mind: "Is he for real?", "he can't be just another guy" and "why is he insisting on this strange yet oddly appealing writing style?". Questions... questions... so many questions...

And, still, the words echo in her mind... "must reply... must reply... must reply..."



Okay, so this seemed just a little bit over the top – didn't it? But I did use a very similar text and got some very enthusiastic replies! I sent this message to girls whose writing style (in their ads) indicated that they might be open to this kind of "humor". It worked like magic...

Remember: the purpose of the first email is to get the woman curious and have her reply with or without checking out your ad. If your ad is well written, it will only make the woman more curious about you and she will most likely reply.

Coming up next: "Chapter 3: Getting the Digits"...

Decent people don't use their signatures for promotional purposes. To learn more, visit my web site at .

[This message has been edited by Krynnster (edited 09-10-2000).]